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Topic: Different channel layouts on AAC (Read 625 times) previous topic - next topic
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Different channel layouts on AAC

Hello. Does AAC support mono and stereo sounds in the same file?

Re: Different channel layouts on AAC

Reply #1
Hello. Does AAC support mono and stereo sounds in the same file?
You mean two separate audio streams (mono/ stereo/etc) in a single file?
AFAIK... that's a thing of containers, muxing and demuxing processes. The codec has [almost] nothing to do with it.

Re: Different channel layouts on AAC

Reply #3
AFAIK, but I am not in-depth on the technicalities:
* Each MPEG frame specifies channels, so a stereo frame might follow a mono frame or vice versa. That is not to say that a player will accept it.
* You cannot have a "mono version" and a "stereo version" selectable, then you need a container with multiple audio stream.

Re: Different channel layouts on AAC

Reply #4
AFAIK, but I am not in-depth on the technicalities:
* Each MPEG frame specifies channels, so a stereo frame might follow a mono frame or vice versa. That is not to say that a player will accept it.
* You cannot have a "mono version" and a "stereo version" selectable, then you need a container with multiple audio stream.
