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AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by Klymins -
In MPEG-4, the sampling rate field has a code for arbitrary sampling rates to be specified (recall, MPEG-4 does allow for lossless formats too) - but that is not to say that all values are valid in all profiles. Whether there is an AAC profile where you can use that ... I don't know, really; from a source posted, it is apparent that there is some profile that does not indicates there is some possibility somewhere, but that isn't to say that anyone has bothered to write an implementation.

37.8 can be Musepacked. Why not try?

Because it does not support anything below 32kHz.

So you make a post specifically on the topic 37800, and refuse to even try a codec that supports it - because it doesn't also support anything below 32?

Looks like I made a wrong sentence. I've tried Musepack, but I'm not planning to use it. Also, I didn't like the soft cutoff of it; I want a hard cutoff like MP3 does. This is also one of the reasons I hate Opus (it has a soft cutoff on fullband).
AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by Porcus -
In MPEG-4, the sampling rate field has a code for arbitrary sampling rates to be specified (recall, MPEG-4 does allow for lossless formats too) - but that is not to say that all values are valid in all profiles. Whether there is an AAC profile where you can use that ... I don't know, really; from a source posted, it is apparent that there is some profile that does not indicates there is some possibility somewhere, but that isn't to say that anyone has bothered to write an implementation.

37.8 can be Musepacked. Why not try?

Because it does not support anything below 32kHz.

So you make a post specifically on the topic 37800, and refuse to even try a codec that supports it - because it doesn't also support anything below 32?
General - (fb2k) / Re: Simultaneously play two files?
Last post by fooball -
I don't think playing two tracks is bending the use case
You think?  FB2K is "only" a player, albeit with loads of optional features.  Perhaps you can name another player able to play two tracks simultaneously.

What you're asking for is a DAW (digital audio workbench) feature, albeit that DAWs can handle dozens of tracks.  It's like asking a calculator to do spreadsheet things (I was going to say ask a word processor to do desktop publishing, but there has been some mission-creep in that arena!).

If you must, just run two instances of FB2K.  Might be a bit tricky getting them to start the tracks at the same time...
AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by Klymins -
Thanks. I wonder why they did not include 75600Hz, 37800Hz, 18900Hz, and 9450Hz.

Non-harmonically related sampling rates are annoying to support in the encoder since the transform resolution will only be optimal for one sampling rate so it makes sense to limit the values as much as possible and instead resample the input/output if its too different.  We see this taken to the logical extreme with Opus where even 44.1KHz is not supported. 

This is one of the reasons I hate Opus.

37.8 can be Musepacked. Why not try?

Because it does not support anything below 32kHz.

MPEG-4 is quite a monster, and given how many "AAC"s there are ... who knows whether there is one configuration where the last item on the list at can be used, and which technically can be called "AAC".
That list has a thirteenth rate of 7350 too.

This is good, but did I see a "frequency is written explictly" in there? Doesn't this mean it can support all of the frequencies between a range @Porcus ?

I think using or supporting a sampling rate that is bigger than 48kHz is completely useless unless the goal is not listening it as a human, which does not have a high probability.
This is right for publishing music or for a transfer from analog tape or vinyl. While working on it in the studio higher resolutions are absolutely reasonable.

I think using a sample rate that is higher than 48kHz is definitely waste of bits, even in the studio, with the exceptions I've written before. Also, I think the same thing for bit depths higher than 16bps.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_discogs
Last post by da yuyu -
Possibly bypass:  Tag mapping... - Action - Write+Update instead of Write (by default) ;)

Nice workaround, thanks. So maybe that´s why, could be because actions were fixed in Discogger.

bassstorm suggested on Github that the feature shouldn't deal with the mapping table at all, and should remove all pre-existing tags as preliminary step. I am considering this guideline for implementation.

Discogger v1.0.21

Acknowledgments to @mjm716 @frogworth for raising the release_ID disabled issue. Also to @bloniaq about the $filter function.

Change log:
- [fb2k v2] Custom list fonts.

- $filter function arrays as the second parameter.
- DISCOGS_RELEASE_ID tag map default mode.
- UTF file paths.

Please backup your config file and tag mappings before installing.