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Topic: assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist (Read 4803 times) previous topic - next topic
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assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Ive got my layout pretty much how I want.
Just cant seem to get it to behave how I want

Im trying for a split layout where:
The left side is all "library" views and selections
The right side is all playlist and playing track views and selections.

an example would be album art
2 album art panes but when I select playing file both change.
if I select library file, both change.

Messed around with the "prefer playing or selection" toggle, not what I need tho

same goes for the text displays on each side

Im sure this is doable Im just dont know the scripting needed.
Any help is appreciated

attaching screenie for reference


assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #1
Try rightclicking on them and look for options as 'prefer currently playing/prefer currently selected'.

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #2
^presumably you're using columns? you don't get those options on the default UI panels.

i have some scripts for the WSH panel mod component which you can try. for them to work as you want, you must set file>preferences>display>selection viewers to prefer current selection.

then when you add a "library" panel, you can right click>selection mode>use display preferences
for your now playing panel, the selection mode must be set to prefer now playing (which is the default).

the 2 scripts you want are named artreader and properties inside this package:

make sure you check the readme carefully.

note the properties panel only displays details for a single track at a time. it won't aggregate totals for any kind of multiple selection like the default panel does. it looks like this...


assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #3
Oh well. I was suggesting your script in the first version of my comment as a backup plan but then went ahead and double-checked the CUI panel and settled on that.

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #4
Thanks much
I will dl and check it out

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #5
Thanks very much!
Exactly what I was looking for.

Ive got it set up and working how I want.

My only Q: using the "simple text reader" script

How do I center justify?
How do I remove the underlining?

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #6
line 24 begins gr.DrawLine... - you can delete that.

and to centre the text, line 10 begins var t = new text(....

insert this on the next line.

Code: [Select]
t.centre = true;

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #7
var p = new panel("Simple Text Reader", ["metadb", "simple_text"]);
var t = new text(6, 30, p.w - 12, p.h - 30);
t.centre = true;

like that?
doesnt seem to work

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #8
well it works for me. i did test before i posted: screenshot

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #9
ok hmmmm I dunno then
for the properties window I just have

text_filename_tf  | %genre%
text_title            | %genre%

is that messing w it?

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #10
it looks like you're using the wrong script. simple text reader reads and displays the contents of text files.

i think you want my simple tag reader script. that has the option to centre align text on the right click menu so you don't need to modify that one.

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #11
tried that script too
Always left justified
even with center text = true

I dunno something seems to be overriding it?

Ill mess w it more

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #12
got it
line 23

changed to p.centre_text

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #13
you can try resetting the panel. hold shift>right click>properties>click clear.

ah, i see you wanted to centre the title.

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #14
almost there, almost perfect

How can I remove the white "scroll arrows" from windows that wont have multiple lines?

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #15
eh? the arrows only show when there are too many lines to fit in the panel.

if you mean you want to hide them even when there is too much content, add this inside the on_size function after t.size();

Code: [Select]
t.up_btn.x = - 20;
t.down_btn.x = -20;

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #16
this works fine to remove the arrows
thank you

the windows im talking about only have 1 line value in a small window
ie, %genre%

b4 this tweak when I resized the window to make it symmetrical the white arrows would pop in
even though there really wasnt anything else below
its probably a border padding for text or something../guess

pretty much set with all your excellent assistance

the only thing I would want now is for the "library side" viewers not to jump to "playlist side" data when I click on something outside of Foobar
ie, when focus is not on Foobar both sides show now playing data

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #17
it seems you really are abusing those scripts by not using them for their real purpose? you're just using the title to display a single line when really they're meant for displaying whole blocks of text. oh well, whatever works...

nothing can be done about your last point. it's how other panels behave as well.

assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #18
Thanks for your assistance
I will continue to poke at it and see


Re: assistance with Foobar layout - dividing layout library/playlist

Reply #19
Resurrecting this old peach.
Switched to Foobar2.0 and trying to fix up my layout.

Im back to trying to figure out how to get the artwork separated again (as in original post)

Marc you still around?