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Topic: Single click playlist issue (Read 750 times) previous topic - next topic
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Single click playlist issue

This, I find really frustrating. I use Columns browser with New Facets (old Facets doesn't work with Columns Browser). When I'm listening to an album, I often want to move around my collection, look at album art or look for music to play in future etc. But when I click on any other album or track, it immediately replaces the Now Playing list. I really don't want to listen to a whole album before I can even touch another album or track. I believe there isn't an option to change single left click action. Why? Just why? This should be something that can be set to double click only, if desired. old Facets allows this, I believe?
Anyone else overcome this problem or find a work around? Or am I wrong and there is a way that I am unaware of?

Re: Single click playlist issue

Reply #1
ReFacets single-click action updates the playlist when 'Library viewer selection playlist' = Enabled, in Preferences > Media Library. Switch that off and single-click should only update other ReFacets columns.

(Unfortunately, ReFacets double-click 'Send to new playlist + start playback' option was broken last time I checked. Also with no playlist sorting option it only ever sorts the playlist by %path% which is not ideal. Library Tree does Facets better than ReFacets)


Re: Single click playlist issue

Reply #2
That worked great. Thanks for the reply. Think I tried every other setting but that. Double click to go straight to playlist and start playback is also working fine. That's exactly what I wanted.