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Topic: Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3 (Read 8252 times) previous topic - next topic
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Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3


I am Ross Carlson - the Project Leader of Jinzora - a web based media streaming and management tool written in PHP (and GPLed).

We just completed a real-time transcoding engine for our next release of Jinzora (available in CVS or nightly builds).  The current version allows you to transcode and stream on-the-fly and in real-time the following formats:


(the last two are really to allow for resampling for streaming at lower bitrates)

What this does is convert the file from the above formats to MP3 on the fly in memory to allow for realtime streaming without having to convert your entire collection to MP3.  While we have tested this with our group quite a bit we would love to get input from Lossless users everywhere.

Please stop by and grab a copy of Jinzora.  Remember to grab our CVS tree or nighly build to give this a go.  Then see the following forum post:

That should give the all the details to get this going.

Thanks, and let us know in our forums over at


Lead Developer - Jinzora
Jinzora :: Free Your Media

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #1
Oh, and I just added support for WMA if you're using Windows as the server (sorry Linux guys, no wmadec for Linux - thank MS not me...)



Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #3
Nice, I'm working with that right now, so far it didn't work with my lossless WMA file, trying a lossy one now...


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #4
Well, looks like that can't output to stdout - which is what I need for this to work...

Nice try though, any other ideas?



Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #5
Ive just tried it, great program thanks!

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #6
Well if you'd like to be a little more specific I'd be happy to help you out.

If what we're doing doesn't impress you I guess your just not impressable.  Most of our users rave about Jinzora and don't have any issues...

Maybe you don't need what we're doing, if it's not worth it to you...

I also must have missed your forum post asking for help, I monitor our forums religously so I'm sorry I missed it.  I do all I can to make sure that Jinzora works smoothly for everyone, and when there are issues I work as fast as I can to fix them.

I'm suprised you had so many issues, we've got over 40,000 installs of Jinzora 2.0 with thousands of fully working sites...

Let me know if I can help, I'd love to get you going...


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #7

So did you get it going?  Didn't I just read that you had problems?

I just want to get you going...


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #8
Yeah sorry for that. SHouldnt have just snapped back like that, Its beena long day...

My PHP settings were set to display all errors and warnings, hence lots of warning. Disabling them worked

Thanks anyway

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #9
Ah, glad that's all it was.  It is on our list to clean all that junk up, we've just been a bit sloppy...

So did you get the transcoding working???


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #10
We just completed a real-time transcoding engine
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=305649"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
an engine?

On-the-fly transcoding is available in NetJukeBox for months, lossless to lossy and vice versa, just needs stdout decoder and stdin/out encoder. You could just have taken their code cause it's GPLed PHP too.

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #11
Well good for them.  Not sure what your post was unless you're just trying to bash us. 

If you want to use their sub-standard interface over ours be our guest.  We just wanted to let everyone here know that our powerful interface and feature set has added this too.

And yes, we just use stdin/stdout.  Referring to it as an "engine" is simply a metaphor.  However since ours is very flexible it's very easy to add new formats (we've added a few since I posted this).

So not sure if I missed some point or not...


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #12
There was I thinking the HA forum search engine was something which little robots travelled around on to fetch old posts
no conscience > no custom

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #13
We just wanted to let everyone here know that our powerful interface and feature set has added this too.
2nd man on the Moon, hm OK

ours is very flexible it's very easy to add new formats
same for NetJukeBox (I added a WMAL decoder (had to modify it first though cause it lacked WAV headers) and an ogg vorbis encoder (not a big deal) and also wrote an overlib menu that allows selecting the encoding format on-the-fly).

If you want to use their sub-standard interface over ours be our guest.
I've just taken a look at your interface and it is completely bloated IMO.

Have a nice music listening

Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #14

I'm sorry you feel our interface is bloated and that you feel it necessary to flame us when all we are doing is letting the public know about features we are adding.

Oh, and if you think that our "Slick" inteface is too bloated feel free to choose from the other 6 interfaces we support - from simple to complex.  I guess choice is too much for you?

Enjoy Netjukebox, we really don't care for users like you that would flame someone for doing work for free and trying to let everyone know about it...

If anyone has anything constructive to say we would VERY much welcome it.  We encourage feedback in our project and always welcome it...

Oh, and we may be the second man on the moon, but we've built the lunar base!!!


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #15

I'm sorry you feel our interface is bloated and that you feel it necessary to flame us when all we are doing is letting the public know about features we are adding.

Oh, and if you think that our "Slick" inteface is too bloated feel free to choose from the other 6 interfaces we support - from simple to complex.  I guess choice is too much for you?

Enjoy Netjukebox, we really don't care for users like you that would flame someone for doing work for free and trying to let everyone know about it...

If anyone has anything constructive to say we would VERY much welcome it.  We encourage feedback in our project and always welcome it...

Oh, and we may be the second man on the moon, but we've built the lunar base!!!

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=307853"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Well, I have something constructive to say. Saying the above after saying:
If you want to use their sub-standard interface over ours be our guest.
is pot, kettle, black. Don't go putting something else down and then wonder when folks do the same to you. "What goes round comes round", "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" and <insert metaphor here>.

Had you just left it at
We just wanted to let everyone here know that our powerful interface and feature set has added this too.
That woulda been nice. Maybe even a few nice words about the competition. Flies, honey, vinegar, and whatever other metaphor you can think of.

I'm sure your product is very fine, though I'm personally happy with slimserver.


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #16

You're totally right, and for that I applogize.  I should never have said that, shame on me.

Ok, back to topic.  We still would love to have feedback from the group here.  Snookerdoodle, do you use SlimServer with a hardware device or just for streaming?  Just curious, always good to get feedback...

And thanks again for pointing out the error of our ways, I really didn't mean to bash anyone, guess I was just getting defensive...

Thanks for putting me straight...


Real-time on-the-fly transcoding of lossless->MP3

Reply #17
I think jinzora is a great product. I've been looking for something like it for some time and even attempted to code my own once... (like most projects I eventually lost interest). I've been using it for a month or so now to manage my 140GB+ of music and I have set up accounts for friends to stream from my server and it's very convenient since my collection is a clutter of various digital formats (m4a, mpc, mp3, ogg, wma, flac, etc). I am now in the process of including accompanying music videos.

I do have some complaints and feature requests but I will save that for the jinzora forum.