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Topic: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg) (Read 254326 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #475
No way! What at a surprise!
Maybe you didn't see the warnings about the component being totally broken on the wiki, the components page, etc.
Oh wait... you can't see those warnings since they are non existent xd

Just being ironic, this whole situation with known broken and incompatible components makes zero sense.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #476
Does acting like this give you pleasure?

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #477
Fyi I have been using this component without any major issues until 2.0

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #478
There's a lot of discussion on the previous page about how broken it is, and @regor can be seen there repeatedly complaining that it hasn't been marked as broken despite numerous reports to that effect.

@etip's JScript Panel 3 version takes a bit of learning but is a great alternative - see his post above.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #479
foobar2000 v2.0 32bit 64bit Support.

Playlist Organizer (Jscript Panel 3): by etip

make the page english on google.
Thank you for editing the Japanese wiki the other day.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #480
Fyi I have been using this component without any major issues until 2.0
As someone has explained, I was just being ironic about this non-sense situation where a component being reported to be broken during a full year has been not been flagged as such yet. My comment was not towards you, but the situation (and the whole component ecosystem philosophy),

It's the developers responsibility to handle this, but here we have a few reports per week about a broken component which is not maintained since years. There is crash reporter flagging some components as broken and this one has been omitted for some unknown reason. I simply don't understand if this is just laziness or what; but there have been a dozen of reports by other people and me about this.

I mean, it would be less ironic if the first post at the 3rd party plugins sub-forum was not this one:  ::)
Please do not recommend broken components

Having a broken component on the official components list without a warning seems to me a recommendation to use it.

Thank you for editing the Japanese wiki the other day.
Took me some time to figure how it worked!

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #481
Fyi I have been using this component without any major issues until 2.0
As someone has explained, I was just being ironic about this non-sense situation where a component being reported to be broken during a full year has been not been flagged as such yet. My comment was not towards you, but the situation (and the whole component ecosystem philosophy)

Oh, apologies, I often have trouble understanding tone.

Since I came across your Spider Monkey script (Playlist Manager) during my search for alternatives, I was wondering if it would make sense to also have it monitor subfolders of the playlist folder and display them in foo_plorg tree-view fashion. I know categories are meant to allow for a similar functionality, but perhaps having it tied to actual folders on the filesystem would be more intuitive.

JScript Panel 3 scripts are not an alternative for people using Wine, unfortunately. I briefly tried making the Playlist Organizer script work on Spider Monkey Panel, but I couldn't find the equivalents for all functions.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #482
Since I came across your Spider Monkey script (Playlist Manager) during my search for alternatives, I was wondering if it would make sense to also have it monitor subfolders of the playlist folder and display them in foo_plorg tree-view fashion. I know categories are meant to allow for a similar functionality, but perhaps having it tied to actual folders on the filesystem would be more intuitive.
The problem with using physical subfolders (although I will think about it!) would be what happens with the backup subfolder.

I have already tried adding folders, but virtual ones added by tags within the playlist file. It' was a bit too complex to debug, once I allowed unlimited levels... but it's a possibility on the future.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Note contrary to the JS script, mine supports both UI and physical files and has complex filters and search functionality... so the list is not hardcoded by a tree; it changes dynamically according to all those filters and files. It's less trivial to create folders (since those filters also affect subitems shown), and considering I have actions which can be applied on batch to multiple selected playlists the complexity scales so fast.

Both managers are not comparable at all, and have clearly different aims. I plan to create a new mode to simplify it's usage, removing features not needed for users who only want a playlist tree to switch UI playlists.

I could consider automatically creating categories by subfolders though (without adding a folders feature in the manager). That could be easier. But please, lets continue these topics on the script threads if needed.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #483
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a way to import these playlists from this component to Playlist-Manager-SMP?

I've asked the dev over on the GitHub link but says they're not supported and to ask on this thread.

The playlists all got brought in but they're locked and autoplaylists are not so much auto anymore.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #484
@stevehero I think you have a misunderstanding about how playlists work and mixing multiple concepts.

As I told u the playlists are NOT from the component. They are in your standard foobar installation. foo_plorg is just a simple organizer.

All autoplaylists are locked by Foobar by default. You are asking to unlock native Autoplaylists  which is simply not possible on foobar.

Also what I suppose you want to do is copying the query from Autoplaylists into my manager (to then create a copy of the autoplaylist on demand); and that can only be done manually one by one. Is a limitation of foobar. I support the sample manager by Marc, since that one also allowed to save the queries in JSON. Native foobar can't do that. And foo_plorg DOES NOT create playlists nor can export any data, is just an organizer.


Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #485
The status bar will clearly show the playlist is locked by foobar itself on any Autoplaylist.

My manager will also report the same for such playlist, and since the file was created by native foobar, for all purposes, that's just an UI playlist (and all options are grayed out).

If you want to edit it. Copy the query into a new Auto-playlist using the manager. Then delete the UI playlist. One by one.

You may use the entry "new Autoplaylist from active..." to speedup the process, since it will open the window with the query.

And no, there is no way to automate it. No, this has nothing to do with foo_plorg. This is how foobar works, and that's why I created my manager, since it makes zero sense how foobar manages (auto)playlists as persistent items on UI.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #486
The existing playlist queries need to be stored somewhere?

It would be handy if they were in a json file to help recreate them that way.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #487
The existing playlist queries need to be stored somewhere?

It would be handy if they were in a json file to help recreate them that way.
xd that's what my manager does (but obviously you have to do the transition by yourself first).

Have told you the same 10 times here and on github, the queries are not stored by foo_plorg. And they are not available on json nor plain text files by foobar. They are fpl playlists, like any UI playlist.

Really, I don't understand your doubts at this point. You are just trying to find a alternate way to do it automatically where there is none. If you don't wanna copy/paste manually, ok. But don't keep asking everywhere how to do it since there is only one way to do it right now.

I mean.. if someone wants to decode FPL playlists to extract the queries on batch, then you have another way. Neither SMP nor JSP can access the query of an Autoplaylist, and as far as I have been told the SDK does not expose it. It may change on the future. But then direct your request to Peter or marc or theQwertiest, this has nothing to do with foo_plorg.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #488
But don't keep asking everywhere how to do it since there is only one way to do it right now.

Excuse me! You asked me to ask on this thread. Don't make me out to be one of those. Forget I ever mentioned it.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #489
But don't keep asking everywhere how to do it since there is only one way to do it right now.

Excuse me! You asked me to ask on this thread. Don't make me out to be one of those. Forget I ever mentioned it.
That was in case you had problems with playlists locked by some component (which was your first complain)... don't get me wrong. I mean, you have been trying to find another way to do this, since days, when there is none xd I have told you the same multiple times, but I get there may have been some confusion.

Copy every query or just live with it (do you really need 300 autoplaylists?) and create new ones directly on the manager. Or just wait for an improbable update of foobar.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #490
I have tried to see if I could write a script to convert the old one but the playlist-D35BDBDD-1CA9-4931-86E8-C52FDD92C64A-props.sqlite files cannot be read for any meaningful info as far as I could see.

So, for anyone wanting to convert their playlists from this to SMP PM. Then there's a less painful way than adding each one.

To do it, edit the profile\js_data\playlistManager_playlist_manager.json file in something like sublime text or VSCode where you can highlight similar blocks of text and then edit multiple selections at a time.

Change the following strings or booleans for
Code: [Select]
"extension": ".ui",      = >  "extension": "",                      NOTE: ALWAYS SHOULD BE ""
"isLocked": true,        = >  "isLocked": false,                    NOTE: ALWAYS CHANGE TO false
"isAutoPlaylist": false, = >  "isAutoPlaylist": true,              NOTE: CHANGE THIS TO WHATEVER THE OLD ONE WAS
"query": "",            = >  "query": "",                          NOTE: DEPENDING ON ABOVE ADD A QUERY OR LEAVE FOR NORMAL PLAYLISTS
"author": "Foobar2000",  = >  "author": "Playlist-Manager-SMP",    NOTE: ALWAYS CHANGE TO Playlist-Manager-SMP

At least this way you can edit the query manually if necessary.

Check your JSON file here first before restarting FB. then open foobar2000. The playlists should now be part of SMP PM and not locked. You will have to do some editing in that but at least they'll be populated in there.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #491
I'm thinking about a port to 2.0 / 64 bits ... when I have time and courage.
Thanks for your patience.
You may share plugin's sources so smbdy could help you with futher development/supporting.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #492
I'm thinking about a port to 2.0 / 64 bits ... when I have time and courage.
Thanks for your patience.

How´s is going...
Count on me (implied non disclosure agreement)    :P

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #493
I'm thinking about a port to 2.0 / 64 bits ... when I have time and courage.
Thanks for your patience.

Any chance we get this port? It is the only thing that is keeping me to upgrade to fb2k v2. Please!


Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #494
I'm thinking about a port to 2.0 / 64 bits ... when I have time and courage.
Thanks for your patience.

Any chance we get this port? It is the only thing that is keeping me to upgrade to fb2k v2. Please!

You have a Jscript version for v2 64 bits and a SMP version for 32 bits.

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #495
Im gonna come across really stupid here but could someone explain in simple terms how to install this?
Been trying to do so and trying to find it in this post but nothing I try is working!
Thanks heaps.


Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #496
Im gonna come across really stupid here but could someone explain in simple terms how to install this?
Been trying to do so and trying to find it in this post but nothing I try is working!
Thanks heaps.
Are you asking for help to install a broken plugin since years? Or are you talking about the alternatives?

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #497
Are you asking for help to install a broken plugin since years? Or are you talking about the alternatives?
Oh excuse me I did not realize it was broken, I saw someone mention this plugin a week ago in another thread and said it was great haha.

MOD edit: fix quote

Re: foo_playlist_organizer (aka foo_plorg)

Reply #498
It probably was a mention about the JS version which is supposed to be a clone for foobar v2.,123820.0.html

If you take a look at this thread, it's pretty clear the component is broken since years.