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Topic: foo_httpcontrol (Read 965782 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1200
I have trouble getting this to work w11.
64 bit foobar v2.0

In the end a got a broken foobar with a startup Error unable to load a 32bit dll. Foobarcon

How do I connect to foobar without a foobar control pro dll? What dll do you use?

I had foobarcontrol running for years on the 1.6 version, I even got the licence.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1201

\profile\user-components-x64\"foo_foobarCon" folder delete.

foobar2000controller and foobarCon are different.
foobar2000controller can also be used in 64bit.

foobar2000 controller PRO


foo_httpcontrol_data Set:
foo_httpcontrol (foo_httpcontrol_0_97_25.fb2k-component):
 Preferences > Tools > HTTP Control
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1202

\profile\user-components-x64\"foo_foobarCon" folder delete.

foobar2000controller and foobarCon are different.
foobar2000controller can also be used in 64bit.

foobar2000 controller PRO
Thanks for the reply
I came this far. App installed and got to the application installer.
After installing:

Failed to load foo_httpcontrol.dll,
not a valid 32 bit application

do i need to create this directory?
in %appdata%\foobar2000-v2\ ?
why not in %appdata%\foobar2000-v2\cuser-components-x64

Where can i find the 64bit dll?

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1203
Not saying this is likely, but it's also certainly possible the SDK bump has changed how foobar itself parses those paths. I was doing some debugging on this myself last night to handle a corner case that probably only would effect me where I'm trying to build my template in Windows Ubuntu using WSL and then symlink it into the foo_httpcontrol_data folder. Seems updating to the latest SDK prevents it from crashing foobar, but the component still can't read the config file in the folder for some reason. Feels like a foo_httpcontrol bug, but it's actually just all in foobar SDK code.

BTW, in case anybody is interested in what I've been working on, here's a preview of georgia-http written in Svelte.

And a quick video showing some of the features.

 Still a lot of bugs and missing features, but it's 90% functional at the moment. About the only thing I really can't do yet is rate songs. I'm thinking about writing my own biography view inspired by WilB's stuff as well. Since we're all in the browser you can do some really amazing stuff with minimal effort and Svelte drastically speeds up development (although it makes after the fact modifications almost impossible since everything is precompiled and minified).

Great work Mordred, can't wait for the first public release, it looks exactly like your Georgia.
I'm interested what cool features it will have =)


Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1204
Also regor's ajquery-xxx project is coming nicely too, it's good to have these web players!
More people should design and develop them =)


Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1205
I got it working! both the webversion as the foobar200 controller.

I got one question:
How do i get folder view?  Similar as foobar has.
Found the 3 textedits on the media library page. But what do i need to fill in?


Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1206

foobar2000 controller PRO does not have that function (Folders).

"MonkeyMote" (x86/x64) has that function (Folders).

MonkeyMote Home
Download MonkeyMote Plug-Ins

foobar2000 package ← Clic here
foo_monkeymote.fb2k-component v3.4.0.3 32bit/64bit foobar2000 v2.0 Support

Setting: Preferencws > Tools > MonkeyMote > Password

MonkeyMote Music Remote

Add New Entory... > Name, IP addres, Password
Connections > Name and IP addres ← Tap
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1207
foobar2000 controller PRO does not have that function (Folders).
too bad, Foobarcon did.

I'll try media monkey. Thanks for the tip!

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1208

foobar2000 controller PRO does not have that function (Folders).

"MonkeyMote" (x86/x64) has that function (Folders).

MonkeyMote Home
Download MonkeyMote Plug-Ins

foobar2000 package ← Clic here
foo_monkeymote.fb2k-component v3.4.0.3 32bit/64bit foobar2000 v2.0 Support

Setting: Preferencws > Tools > MonkeyMote > Password

MonkeyMote Music Remote

Add New Entory... > Name, IP addres, Password
Connections > Name and IP addres ← Tap

I installed the component (MonkeyMote)  but it only sees my current playing track and current playlist. I can't browse my disks. Does this app only sees Media Library without the ability to browse disks and folders? I do not use any libraries just plain audio files.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1209
@regor I have both foo_runcmd and foo_run_main installed, the latest versions available, and I have Playlist Tools installed in a SpiderMonkey panel in foobar, but the dropdown in ajquery-xxx Playlist Tools says -- foo_runcmd or foo_run_main missing --
Anything I can test to understand why?

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1210
Only Media Library. foobar2000 Controller.

SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1212
> I do not have that FOLDER thing. Maybe because I tried the Lite version of the app?
may be.
This conversation is not appropriate for this thread.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1214
Also regor's ajquery-xxx project is coming nicely too, it's good to have these web players!
More people should design and develop them =)

Probably after I finish the current template functionality, I will try totally changing the appearance (in a new template). Really liked the georgia-like template, specially the usage of tabs instead of "panels".

Right now I'm just happy being able to use other SMP scripts withing the web browser, which opens too many possibilities. And I prefer to focus on playlist functionality over now playing showcase.

@regor I have both foo_runcmd and foo_run_main installed, the latest versions available, and I have Playlist Tools installed in a SpiderMonkey panel in foobar, but the dropdown in ajquery-xxx Playlist Tools says -- foo_runcmd or foo_run_main missing --
Anything I can test to understand why?
Could you tell me which one of those dropdowns show the message? Or just post an screenshot. Probably there is another requirement missing, and I have not edited the message for such case  ::) (like the second pic) And looking at the help within the template, I have to add a few things!

EDIT: see 3rd pic. It should be clearer now.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1215
EDIT: see 3rd pic. It should be clearer now.

Ah yes, that is clearer! It was the CMD dropdown. I do have the Outputs and DSP list available.
I'll take a look at SMP Dynamic Menu setting.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1216
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Gifs showing the tooltips, contextual menus and modal popups:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

@frogworth make sure the file at '.\foo_httpcontrol_data\ajquery-xxx\smp\components.json' has variable "bDynamicMenusPT" set to true (you can do it manually). It's possible the previous playlist tools version did not properly switch it to true, it's fixed on the last version :)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1217
@regor OK it's a bit strange now.
When it first loads it shows this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
but then as soon as I try to interact with the menus it goes back to this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It seems to switch between - maybe because I have a large number of playlists, so the menus like "lock playlist" are overloading the list? Just a guess.

(sorry for the huge screenshots)

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1218
@regor OK it's a bit strange now.
When it first loads it shows this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
but then as soon as I try to interact with the menus it goes back to this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It seems to switch between - maybe because I have a large number of playlists, so the menus like "lock playlist" are overloading the list? Just a guess.

(sorry for the huge screenshots)
Press shift while reloading. It is probably caching old js code or data... with new version, the "warning" given changes if Playlist tools is not configured properly. Also check my previous reply.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1219
Press shift while reloading. It is probably caching old js code or data... with new version, the "warning" given changes if Playlist tools is not configured properly. Also check my previous reply.

OK, I cleared recent cache and maybe that did help.
I do have:
Code: [Select]
"bDynamicMenusPT": true
in that json object now.

The CMD menu now works, but "listener" still says:
-- 'Execute menu entry by name' missing --

I'm honestly not sure I have the SpiderMonkey panel setup correctly. Can take this to a different thread later maybe?

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1220
Press shift while reloading. It is probably caching old js code or data... with new version, the "warning" given changes if Playlist tools is not configured properly. Also check my previous reply.

OK, I cleared recent cache and maybe that did help.
I do have:
Code: [Select]
"bDynamicMenusPT": true
in that json object now.

The CMD menu now works, but "listener" still says:
-- 'Execute menu entry by name' missing --

I'm honestly not sure I have the SpiderMonkey panel setup correctly. Can take this to a different thread later maybe?
At this point you should read the help panel ;) You are either supposed to use one feature or the other, you don't need both enabled. And how to enable them is now clearly stated at the help panel.

That's said, if you have doubts after that, let me know and I will add any clarification to the help panel. You can open an issue at github btw; I'm just posting here the new releases since templates is the actual thing people use with the component; but I would prefer to have any discussion at github anyway.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1221
were my logs of any help?

Yesterday I have compared foobar2000controller json request results for "working" and "not working" component versions. The only difference is extra slashes in disk path name components, which is a bug and is fixed in the next component version. Another minor-ish difference is currently proper urlencoding of response values, for example spaces now are encoded with "+" instead of previous "%20". It doesn't cause any problems in templates I've tested, and browsers javascript console is silent.
What's left to check is a possibility of different content-type response headers when requesting json state files, and as I said initially, is to compare the fb2k console log output while operating disk browser, with "Log access to console" ticked in component preferences. Also, don't post logs on forums, use online paste site like dpaste.

I installed version 26 and it properly finds my HDDs. Thank you.
But I noticed one little thing - ver. 26 randomly disconnects with my foobar and I have to manually click "connect" and then it works...then it suddenly disconnets and so happened a couple of times as of now (not too many though).

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1222
@oblikoamorale Before I actually spend the dev effort to code up a pull request, would you have any objections to being able to return discart for the current playing track in addition to albumart? Seems relatively straightforward, but also a decent amount of work.
Discart PR is finally done and up. This was a slightly bigger pain than I thought it would be.
I'm guessing @regor will appreciate this one.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1223
@oblikoamorale Before I actually spend the dev effort to code up a pull request, would you have any objections to being able to return discart for the current playing track in addition to albumart? Seems relatively straightforward, but also a decent amount of work.
Discart PR is finally done and up. This was a slightly bigger pain than I thought it would be.
I'm guessing @regor will appreciate this one.
Will take a look at it :)

No luck contacting the developer... so I have installed the alternate component, enabled full logging and manually sent commands to the server and logged the response.

Code: [Select]
{"versionName":"0.97.14-fb2kc", "versionCode":"1"}
Code: [Select]
{"pi":"0","pl":"1","qi":"0","t":"Strange","a":"4 Non Blondes","al":"Spaceman","l":"4:08","r":"?"},
{"pi":"1","pl":"1","qi":"1","t":"What's up? (remix)","a":"4 Non Blondes","al":"Spaceman","l":"4:52","r":"?"}

Queue: track 1|Track 2

Track 01
Artist Name : 4 Non Blondes
Track Title : values» Strange
Album Title : Spaceman
Duration : 4:07.707 (10 923 864 samples)

Track 2
Artist Name : 4 Non Blondes
Track Title : What's up? (remix)
Album Title : Spaceman
Duration : 4:51.893 (12 872 496 samples)

When a track is enqueued from library (and no playlist is involved):
Code: [Select]
Equal to 2^32 − 1; i.e.  the highest unsigned 32-bit integer.

Code: [Select]
pi -> track index at playlist (zero based) i.e. position
qi -> queue index (zero based)
pl -> playlist index (zero based)
t -> title
a  -> artist
al -> album
l -> length (h:mm:ss)
r -> rating

That suffice to create the commands with the same output I think.

Re: foo_httpcontrol

Reply #1224
Downloaded foo_ Httpcontrol_ 0_ 97_ 28. The fb2k component shows damaged components. Please package (zip) and upload, and I will try downloading again. Thank you very much!