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Topic: JScript Panel (Read 367059 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JScript Panel

Reply #400
Here it is in a rar file:
Appreciated, but I am without the ability to open it since I uninstalled an archiving application that kept crashing Windows Explorer. Can you create a zip file for me, or are you going to make me install 7-Zip?  ;D

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #402
@redorb  Got it, thanks. I feel much better now.


Re: JScript Panel

Reply #403
Sorry if this is not politically correct, but I find it hilarious.

I only speak from experience, but I don't recall my one major episode or any other minor episodes having an effect on my posting ability, other than merely silencing it, as I tended to stay offline when I was really in moods, because I didn't really have the competency to handle operating a computer properly while in those moods.

I know another developer who has exploded at people from mood swings, but they've mostly gotten that under control, and mostly stay away from places that make them angry.

I wonder if @marc2003  knows that his posts were not blocked, but merely invisible to all but the moderators for the <hours it would take them to approve something, and that the status was meant to be removed within a day or two? Such a problem.

I see he has attempted to lock himself out by setting his own email address to an invalid address. I can undo that.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #404
This sucks. @marc2003 hope you come back. This component is easily one of the most useful out there, and you've benefited a lot of people with your work.

On the off chance that he's gone for good, did anyone fork the original repo?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #405
This sucks. @marc2003 hope you come back. This component is easily one of the most useful out there, and you've benefited a lot of people with your work.

On the off chance that he's gone for good, did anyone fork the original repo?

You can find it @

Whatever you decide to do , I wish you the best.
Take a break , you deserve it.

It would benefit all to send such misbehavior to the  dedicated recycle-bin of the forum instead of deleting it.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #406
On the off chance that he's gone for good, did anyone fork the original repo?
I have a fork with commits up to v1.3.2.1 (w/o wiki and actual releases though):
But v1.3.2.2 commits are lost :\

You can find it @
Regretfully they don't have v1.3.2.2 sources...

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #407

I only speak from experience, but I don't recall my one major episode or any other minor episodes having an effect on my posting ability, other than merely silencing it, as I tended to stay offline when I was really in moods, because I didn't really have the competency to handle operating a computer properly while in those moods.

I know another developer who has exploded at people from mood swings, but they've mostly gotten that under control, and mostly stay away from places that make them angry.

Why is it so hard for developers to keep calm on the internet? The most aggressive people I've met on the web (I'm not talking about marc2003, who is a pretty cool guy at the end of the day) were in forums about programming languages.
I'm late

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #408
It would benefit all to send such misbehavior to the  dedicated recycle-bin of the forum instead of deleting it.
I wasn't the moderator who deleted it (to the trash forum, which is hidden.) And said moderator had one of his own posts deleted for the same thing many months ago, which drove him away from the forum for four or five months.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #409
For reference, marc2003's full posting ability was restored a while ago ( by myself ) as mod preview was in my opinion by far unnecessary. I only wish I had gotten to this sooner.
Anyway, let's not drag the thread further off-topic from here on and hope for the best.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #410
I have a fork with commits up to v1.3.2.1 (w/o wiki and actual releases though):
But v1.3.2.2 commits are lost :\
That's a lot better than nothing. Sounded like v1.3.2.2 was a real minor release.

Hopefully marc2003 will restore the repo himself though, and we won't need to worry about this stuff.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #411
If worse comes to worse and jscript-panel is abandoned, do any of you want to collaborate on a new project?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #412
seems like my local version is from the 2017-12-16, commit 20b1d71, i don't know if i will be able to keep git history, but i can make a zip of the source if someone is interested.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #414
seems like my local version is from the 2017-12-16, commit 20b1d71, i don't know if i will be able to keep git history, but i can make a zip of the source if someone is interested.
Can you create a format-patch from 'af50da9d8cb7176c2cd6877333316f5b90311740' to your latest commit, please?

Code: [Select]
git format-patch af50da9 --stdout > my.patch

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #417
Seems like it. Development is continuing on it seems.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #419
He apparently went off his meds and/or experienced a psychotic break, as he felt the need to use harsh language to demoralise someone for daring to ask him to do something he didn't want to do, and was placed on moderator approval for what was supposed to be a few days. Instead, he decided to ask the staff to ban him, so his users would know he was being "censored" by the moderation team. When he didn't get that, he decided to edit some swearing into his old posts, through the combination of moderator preview, but also the free editing of the Developer profile. Now I see he has thrown a temper tantrum and deleted his Github again. Maybe he'll cool down and come to his senses again, maybe not.

Thanks for chasing away a long standing contributor of useful scripts and mods for Foobar. Maybe use some diplomacy when communicating with a major contributor so as not to achieve this negative of a result?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #420
Thanks for chasing away a long standing contributor of useful scripts and mods for Foobar. Maybe use some diplomacy when communicating with a major contributor so as not to achieve this negative of a result?
While I agree that situation in that thread could have been handled better, I'm strongly against preferential treatment you are talking about. We have forum rules for a reason. Adding exceptions to these rules will only make moderating much more subjective, potentially resulting in conflicts, flaming, bashing and etc which could have been avoided otherwise :\

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #421
Hey Qwertiest, how would you feel about adding a CheckFont style function to see if a font is loaded on a system. Seems cleaner than try/catch's and allows for smarter fallback.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #422
Hey Qwertiest, how would you feel about adding a CheckFont style function to see if a font is loaded on a system. Seems cleaner than try/catch's and allows for smarter fallback.
But we already have utils.CheckFont()? =)

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #423
But we already have utils.CheckFont()? =)
Haha, guess I never noticed since it was under Utils, and not GDI. Thanks!

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #424
I'm using your new development marc2k3/foo_jscript_panel, tell me how to change the size of the cover in the playlist on jsplaylist-mod?