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Topic: foo_dsp_soundtouch (Read 157035 times) previous topic - next topic
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* READ the dependency requirements in the component post in my blog before downloading *

Version 0.1



Reply #1
"Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."


Reply #2
Works well here (foobar 0.9.2)
thank you for your hard work.


Reply #3
confirmed to work fine. thanks!


Reply #4
pardon my ignorance, but what does this dsp plugin do?


Reply #5
Awesome!  Acropolis, you're the man


Reply #6
foobar 0.9.2!?!?!?

Well it doesn't work with 0.9. 

Where's the update notifier plug-in?  Or is it a setting in the Prefs somewheres?

I've had to go back to using, yuck, Winamp to slow down and speed up - it's interesting what you can do with video, too...if a movie's paced too slow you can make it seem like the Three Stooges!


Reply #7
"Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."

Same here with foo .9.2


Reply #8
0.9.2 ain't workin' for me either.  Do we need to reboot?  I've Win XP, AMD 1.8Mhz.


Reply #9
all of my plugins need the VC8 Runtimes libraries, and probably the .NET framework too (I'm not sure though, as it is installed with VS2005).


Reply #10
all of my plugins need the VC8 Runtimes libraries, and probably the .NET framework too (I'm not sure though, as it is installed with VS2005).

Ah, that might be it. Windows was giving me one hell of a time so I uninstalled visual studio and .net. I'll try again later.


Reply #11
all of my plugins need the VC8 Runtimes libraries, and probably the .NET framework too (I'm not sure though, as it is installed with VS2005).

OK, what in God's name are VC8 Runtimes libraries, and how in God's name do I install them?  I Googled it like a good user and the results indicate something way beyond me.
VS2005 I see has the .NET framework at Here.  This stuff free?  I've an old version of XP, nothing much updated.


Reply #12
After installing the 2.0 .NET framework, the plugin has worked like a charm

much thanks


Reply #13
I don't have .NET framework installed, and it's working great here. Using XP and 0.9.2.

Maybe I have those "VC8 Runtimes libraries", I don't know.



Reply #14
ok, so it just needs the vc8 runtime.
here's the link


Reply #15
Ah, now it's running good.
Is there a way to get it out on the toolbars, or in a floating window?


Reply #16
Works fine on my 0.9.2. Thanks alot!


Reply #17
Hmmm good o' pitch & tempo. I don't yet know where I will use it, but definitely good to have it around! thx.


Reply #18
.NET Framework 2.0 include the msvc8 (2005) runtime so if you need .NET 2.0 (e.g. foo_prettypop or other apps) then install .NET Framework 2.0 otherwise install the msvc8 runtime is enough.


Reply #19
Code: [Select]
 Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll
Reason: Not a valid Win32 application.


Reply #20
Is there a way to make the Soundtouch settings more easily accessible? That is, can I add them to the toolbar or to the right click menu or something, so I don't have to go through "File | Preferences | DSP manager | SoundTouch | Configure Selected" every time I want to adjust the speed and/or pitch?



Reply #21
Is there a way to make the Soundtouch settings more easily accessible? That is, can I add them to the toolbar or to the right click menu or something, so I don't have to go through "File | Preferences | DSP manager | SoundTouch | Configure Selected" every time I want to adjust the speed and/or pitch?


probably yes. but I have to check the sdk to see.
if it is possible, I will write a new component to let user right click and have the popup menu added all the in use dsp, and to configure them. It is indeed useful.


Reply #22
Thanks for looking into it!


Reply #23
Is there a way to get some (easy understandable) information about the options ...??
(I experimented a little, but in Fact didnt know what I was doing with "Pitch", "Rate", etc.)



Reply #24
Is there a way to get some (easy understandable) information about the options ...??
(I experimented a little, but in Fact didnt know what I was doing with "Pitch", "Rate", etc.)


changing the pitch is changing the key of the music
changing the tempo is changing the speed of the music
changing the rate is quite hard to explain, it is basically changing the sample rate.
I don't know how to explain the anti-alias filter....