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General - (fb2k) / Re: Tag editing mpg, mpeg
Last post by Defender -
OK.. After changing foobar2000 Preferences>Local Media>File Type Restrict to: * then changing it back to an empty field, and files ending with mpg and mpeg are now showing up in the scan of a folder. .. (Don't ask me).

So that error is seemingly resolved, now to elaborate on the other one. Yesterday the properties dialogue wouldn't save and gave an error, "Unsupported file format" or "Access Denied". Access denied is illogical as all of the files have the same permissions.

So, take an untouched mpg file. I edit the Artist field and add an x to the end of the Artist Name, save. Works!
For good measure, I edit it again and change it back (remove the extra x).
Change the extension from mpg to mp2, edit the Artist field, it works. ..
Open again, remove the x. Save, works!
Change the extension back to mpg, edit the artist field, Access Denied
Change it back to mp2, Access Denied..

Uh.....It seems the Access Denied is somewhat a blanket error?

So I think, let's repackage this deal. I run it through ffmpeg, to refresh it:
ffmpeg -i FileName.mpg -c copy FileName2.mpg
And I'm back to, Unsupported file format.
Just put the MPG in a MKV container. After that you can tag everything you want.

Use MKVtoolnix to do the container conversion. It's free.
Development - (fb2k) / Re: Icon Size Issue in Dark Mode
Last post by TT -
Hi @Peter,

I found another issue with the dark mode controls when using the list view control with custom column sorting functionality:
Code: [Select]

The same as with the custom icon:
Code: [Select]
m_dark.AddDialogWithControls(*this); // Problematic
m_dark.AddControls(*this); // Problematic
m_dark.AddDialog(*this); // OK

When clicking the SysHeader32 column header, it does not sort the list.

Btw, I am using fb2k::CCoreDarkModeHooks m_dark; to save space like mentioned in the SDK.

Some code snippets:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The column header sorting works fine when using m_dark.AddDialog(*this);
But when using m_dark.AddDialogWithControls(*this); or m_dark.AddControls(*this); the sorting does not work anymore.

WavPack / Re: Need advices for listening tests (Wavpack lossy)
Last post by guruboolez -
I conducted two beta tests of a configuration that initially included 11 and then 9 contenders. Since each sample needs to be evaluated against all the others, the complexity quickly becomes exponential. Additionally, the challenge is compounded by listening fatigue, which comes quickly. As a result, I ended up with inconsistent findings (e.g., hh<g), issues I had managed to avoid by reducing the number of Wavpack encodings to 4 in the previous 55 test samples. Therefore, I need to scale back my ambitions. I plan to retain the four previous settings (f/g/hx/hhx6) and add two more to better understand the differences between the various possible levels. I will include the -hx4 mode suggested by Shadowking, who is truly an authority on the subject. This leaves one final spot to be determined. Maybe something between hx4 and hhx6. -hhx sounds like a good choice. hhx4 as suggested by Porcus is maybe too close to hhx6 and also too far from the previous step (hx4).
Support - (fb2k) / Re: BUG foobar2000 v2.24.2 (32-bit)
Last post by Porcus -
Another thread on HA's front page linked an old but nicely related DSD article: It seems to suggest DSD is meant to be filtered at 50 kHz.

At least SACD. , annex D, here is the page from Archimago:

That of course suggests that these signals should not be converted without filtering. You can argue then, that DSD should be sent to a DSD-aware chip that does this. But of course, conversion to PCM works too if the sampling rate is not too high.

So not quite your final "Yup"?
General - (fb2k) / Re: Tag editing mpg, mpeg
Last post by Temerald -
OK.. After changing foobar2000 Preferences>Local Media>File Type Restrict to: * then changing it back to an empty field, and files ending with mpg and mpeg are now showing up in the scan of a folder. .. (Don't ask me).

So that error is seemingly resolved, now to elaborate on the other one. Yesterday the properties dialogue wouldn't save and gave an error, "Unsupported file format" or "Access Denied". Access denied is illogical as all of the files have the same permissions.

So, take an untouched mpg file. I edit the Artist field and add an x to the end of the Artist Name, save. Works!
For good measure, I edit it again and change it back (remove the extra x).
Change the extension from mpg to mp2, edit the Artist field, it works. ..
Open again, remove the x. Save, works!
Change the extension back to mpg, edit the artist field, Access Denied
Change it back to mp2, Access Denied..

Uh.....It seems the Access Denied is somewhat a blanket error?

So I think, let's repackage this deal. I run it through ffmpeg, to refresh it:
ffmpeg -i FileName.mpg -c copy FileName2.mpg
And I'm back to, Unsupported file format.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: BUG foobar2000 v2.24.2 (32-bit)
Last post by Case -
As for DSD. I have an AKM AK4493 DAC. Do you mean that NativeDSD signal that reaches the DAC is converted inside to PCM before going analog? I always thought that the chip has "two paths" one for PCM and one for DSD which bypasses some processes that are usually done to PCM signal. Is that not true?
As shown in the thread I linked earlier many DSD chips indeed seem to convert things to PCM internally. The AKM AK4493 chip you have has an optional "volume bypass" path for DSD input, but that path still goes through the "DSD Filter" processing. The manual says the DSD Filter is a "FIR filter that reduces high frequency noise of DSD input data". I don't see how HF noise can be removed without converting the DSD to PCM so it can be processed.

What would be advantages of convering DSD to PCM inside foobar?
Advantages of converting DSD to PCM are ability to do anything to the data, like see visualizations, use ReplayGain, use volume control, use any DSPs. And of course as measurements show, the DACs seem to have higher sound quality in PCM mode than they do in DSD mode. Some DACs perform a lot better in PCM mode, your DAC seems to perform surprisingly well in DSD and it's almost as good as PCM. You can see DSD vs PCM measurements here.

Would it be done by input_sacd (chosing PCM as output) or in some other way? What would be "proper" samplerate (artifacts, noise etc.)- the highest that DAC can handle (in my case 768) or some "normal/more common" like 44,1/48/88,2/96/176,4/192? How about filtering - there are some filters in the component and I found two additional from s-audio but wouldn't DAC do it better?
foo_input_sacd can do it, but unfortunately even having foo_input_sacd installed causes the author's hacks to interfere with normal foobar2000 behavior. It for example breaks completely unrelated UPnP playback abilities of the internal foobar2000 2.25 version when the player hasn't even seen any DSD material. Hopefully the foo_input_udsd that is supposed to be a replacement is written without such ugly features.
One option that doesn't cause any ill side effects is to use FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper. Configure it for extensions *.DFF;*.DSF;*.DSDIFF and use additional arguments: -i %s -af aresample=44100:resampler=soxr.

Another thread on HA's front page linked an old but nicely related DSD article: It seems to suggest DSD is meant to be filtered at 50 kHz. My FFmpeg line uses 44.1 kHz sample rate and thus filters at much lower, I don't really see the point in preserving inaudible data. But if you wish, you could target 96 kHz and get nice natural 48 kHz filtering.
I can't comment on custom filters but your computer can definitely do better filtering than the DAC. DACs have very limited processing power, computers do not.
My point of view always tended to be - the less we change/convert/filter etc. - meaning leave the signal as close to the original - the better. What benefits would changing DSD to PCM by foobar and sending it to DSD capable DAC have? From what you linked I understand that some DACs are more noisy in DSD but wouldn't the converted to PCM signal have much noise event if software filter were applied or wouldn't it have some artifacts etc. as side effect of conversion?
In theory the less adjustment the better. But in practice when the data stays in floating point throughout processing, like in foobar2000, it can be processed thousands of times without quality suffering. There is no intermediate truncation or rounding or dithering, the numbers stay precise. Computer conversion between DSD and PCM, no matter the direction, has higher signal to noise ratio than any DAC can produce. It will not degrade audible quality.

Many users/developers on this forum state (maybe not directly) that we really do not need DSD capable DACs and Dolby/DTS capable AVRs etc. FFMPEG will convert everythnig to PCM the best possible way. Is this really that simple?
General - (fb2k) / Tag editing mpg, mpeg
Last post by Temerald -
I hope I'm in the right spot to ask this.
I have used foobar2000 for a long time as a strong tag editor.

Version 2.24.1 x64  seemingly ignores files with extensions mpg and mpeg.

+Question: Was support for tagging of filenames with the extensions, mpg and mpeg get dropped from foobar2000? I have evidence it was supported in the past as a result of mistake I made years ago.

My mistake was, due to a column I created in foobar2000, I could see there was a mpeg2 stream inside the mpg file. I added .mp2 to the end of the filenames (making it filename.mpg.mp2). I never knew it was the wrong extension, as foobar2000 edited the tags fine, and media players could play them without complaint or issue.

I only discovered today that mp2 is an audio only container via ffmpeg. (ffmpeg copy process to a valid filename.ext of mkv, mp4 or avi and both video and audio streams would be present, but the same copy process to a mp2, the video stream was dropped). So I learned something today.

After what I learned, I search the web and learn more specifically about mpeg-1 file containers. In my search, I could find nothing to help me with the subject matter of this post, so here I am.

But wait, there's more. Now not only does my foobar2000 not show files with extensions mpg and mpeg. Now the editing of the incorrectly named mp2 files has become spotty. Now some mp2 files with a video stream can be edited, while others won't update and the properties dialog won't go away. I know for a fact, it's not a permission issue.

If I use ffmpeg to put them in a mkv container, they can be tagged, but I'd really like to avoid doing that.

Anyone who has a strong grasp of the changes in foobar2000 over the past decade, I would love to hear from you.

My foobar file type is set to:
Restrict to:
Exclude: *.cue;*7z;*.rar;*.cdg;*.txt;*.wim;*.png;*.jpg;*.zip

+Question: Am I correct in believing support was there, and now it's not, for foobar2000 to edit tags for mpg, mpeg and mp2 files? And if it still can, where else could it be "switched off" other than the file type section?

Note:  I did search this forum for mpeg, mpg, tagging mpg, and a bunch of other key words, and in combination. Found nothing even close to my question. So if someone does find my issue, please be kind.
General Music Discussion / Re: DSD vs DXD same file 2 formats
Last post by Porcus -
Right, the SACD spec puts the filter at 50 kHz, even if implementations vary.
Seriously, could that 50 kHz tone mean it has been in the analog domain after DSD (in turn, after being PCM at 96 kHz)?

Nothing anyone can ever hear so why worry?
Could make amps and speakers misbehave. Not saying it will fry your tweeters, but intermodulation distortion isn't at the same frequency, so it could appear in the audible range. There's a reason that SACD players shall filter the noise off. (You get it quite for free by converting to PCM at 88.2?)

Measuring ain't listening, but for what they are worth, from :