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Topic: foo_playcount_mod (Read 193500 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75
this plugin works like a charm! I've never seen a popup and all my songs get tagged. Only question is if it can write tags in ID3v2.3? The format it uses is ID3v2.4 and windows explorer and some other programs can't read it properly.



Reply #76
this plugin works like a charm! I've never seen a popup and all my songs get tagged. Only question is if it can write tags in ID3v2.3? The format it uses is ID3v2.4 and windows explorer and some other programs can't read it properly.


It writes to ID3V2.4 because that's what foobar is using for mp3s. To change this, go to preferences -> advanced. Under tagging enable "use compatibility mode".


Reply #77
thanks for the reply, but there's a problem: when I select "use compatibility mode" play counts aren't written to the tag at all.


Reply #78
Because foobar doesn't support custom tag fields in compatibility mode (including but not limited to play_counter, first_played and last_played fields).


Reply #79
ok, thanks then.


Reply #80
I find bug in this plugin.

Official playcount store in tags last_played(first_played)_timestamp time for GMT and calculate last_played and first_played  by adding time zone shift to GMT time.

My time zone is Moscow.

On PC with play_count_mod I play new song and have any time playstamps in tags (for official plugin).

On another PS with official playcount I load this song and I see first(last)_played  greater real time on 4 hours - Moscow time zone shift.

That is - plugin store time stamp of current time (zone), but no GMT  time.


Reply #81
cant confirm this.

for me (berlin, gmt+1, or now gmt+2 cause of the summertime) both write gmt+1 resp. gmt+2  time and not gmt.


Reply #82
Never mind~


Reply #83
This is a great plugin except that it seems to open & close the files 4 times, this makes my foobar freeze for about a second and it's extremely annoying, + foo_playcount 1.9.2 doesn't seem to work when I try to switch back 
This is the log from my console:

Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:00.016778
"5 Stars" : 0:00.010447
"All Music" : 0:00.006292
Startup time : 0:03.891912
Elapsed time: 1
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 2 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.
I just like listening to music


Reply #84
You could try the other unofficial play count plugin in the meantime (foo_playback_custom).


Reply #85
This is a great plugin except that it seems to open & close the files 4 times, this makes my foobar freeze for about a second and it's extremely annoying, + foo_playcount 1.9.2 doesn't seem to work when I try to switch back 
This is the log from my console:

Autoplaylists initialized in: 0:00.016778
"5 Stars" : 0:00.010447
"All Music" : 0:00.006292
Startup time : 0:03.891912
Elapsed time: 1
Audioscrobbler: Handshake successful.
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Reopening played file after update: "F:\Musik\All Musik\Stephen Lynch\A Little Bit Special\05. Stephen Lynch - Special.mp3"
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 2 cached tracks...
Audioscrobbler: Submission succeeded.

same problem :/ and sometimes i get such popups: "Could not write info (Sharing violation) to:"
i think these two problems are somehow connected.. or am i wrong? 


Reply #86
Sorry for bumping this, but this is the thread the designer of the skins Foobear linked to for this plugin which I have yet to figure out why it doesn't work as it should (new to Foobar2000).

As you can see, this is how the Last Played and Tracked Played should be correctly presented:

For me, I get nothing but a question mark under the specified labels:

I followed the instructions thoroughly and through many re-installations and nothing's changed. Figured I must be doing something wrong lol. I am using Foobar2000  v.
As for installing this component, I extracted both the .dll and .cpp file in the component folder. Is that not correct? Otherwise, could I get some assistance? Thanks.


Reply #87
What part of not supporting panels skins do you not understand?

Yes your issue is of a different sort...but sometimes these these can get complex and no telling just where the issue is?
There is no support for your configuration here.


Based on my experience here....if you insist on posting images of unsupported configurations and asking questions....your thread will be locked or your individual messages will end up in the recycle bin.

EDIT: helloterence,

You are new to foobar.
It is a great program, but can be a little trying at first. Why not start with something a little less demanding to configure. In addition to the problems you will /are having as this is an unsupported configuration, you are not using the current version of Foobar. Why spend effort running full speed on a dead end
There are plenty of alternatives. This is a new one that is quite similar in look. And there are others.


Reply #88
Is it possible for this to write to the files contained within a cue sheet?


Reply #89
I've been hit a couple times recently with the following issue: if foobar doesn't close properly, I loose all playback statistics. This happened most recently when the power to my PC was cut. I've tried to reproduce this by killing the foobar task, but in that case the statistics seem to be saved correctly.

Help/suggestions would be much appreciated.



Reply #90
Are you sure the statistics are lost? Perhaps because of the crash the ui didn't reload the changes. Try to reload the tag info (Tagging -> Reload info from files). Another possibility is foobar crashing the moment the files are written, but that's rare.