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Topic: foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta (Read 381401 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #25
delete the foobar2000.cfg file from your folder
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=376153"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

i did that and foobar v0.9 still remains at 10%+
but without the plugin its rarely above 0%
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=376393"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Do you have anything querying the window during the high CPU usage? I've had foobar2000 running all day with just 15 secs CPU time, there's nothing obvious I can see that would cause constant CPU usage. The only time the plugin does stuff is when something queries the fake winamp window.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #26
Do you have anything querying the window during the high CPU usage? I've had foobar2000 running all day with just 15 secs CPU time, there's nothing obvious I can see that would cause constant CPU usage. The only time the plugin does stuff is when something queries the fake winamp window.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=376535"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

i guess its the constant querying by winamp cd case or evillyrics.. i really dont know...
but apparently its only happening to me so its nothing wrong with the plugin...

edit** i closed winamp cd case, and foobar's cpu usage remained high, then i closed evillyrics, and the cpu usage almost immediately went back down to 0, so its something to do with evillyrics, i just dont know what

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #27
Samurize displays all tags correctly (lenght, title, artist, year, birtare) but doesnt display the album cover.
and im getting a shitload of this:
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.

i mean, a SHITLOAD.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #28
Samurize displays all tags correctly (lenght, title, artist, year, birtare) but doesnt display the album cover.
and im getting a shitload of this:

WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 124.

i mean, a SHITLOAD.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=376834"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It looks like it's trying to query your playlist, right now playlist functions aren't working too well as either I'm using the API incorrectly or it's broken.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #29
I'm getting the same console spam when evillyrics is open. It stops as soon as I close it.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #30
thanks for the update

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #31
If no other issues come up I'll consider it ready for release .

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #32
Thanks R1CH this plugin is great, but I have a high CPU usage problem too. When I take a look at console it says this:

Code: [Select]
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.

What does this mean?


foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #33
If no other issues come up I'll consider it ready for release .
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=377692"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Well, I've one

While the b2 works perfectly for me (I use it to spam the OSD of the Logitech DiNovo's Mediapad), the b3 just doesn't work anymore.

Did you change anything ?

While I'm at it, I don't know if it will be of any use for you, but with the logitech driver, I've to rename foobar.exe to winamp.exe to make it work. I don't know if you can do anything about it or if it is on the Logitech side ?

Thanks any way for this really useful plugins !

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #34
Just wanted to say thanks alot for updating this. If you remember, I once emailed you about the sourcecode of this plugin and a possible update for v0.9 when it comes out. Well, I'm happy to say i figured out some kind of foobar plugin to do this myself (via foosion's COM Server), But im very happy you kept updating this plugin. It does superbly for alot of people (I can notice that, like rogue`, as a fellow #GTSdll helper).

Two thumbs up, r1ch :]

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #35
It would be cool if the plugin returned no file playing when foobar's paused. My mIRC script reads current playing file from BSPlayer when foobar returns nothing so it's pretty annoying as I'm used to only pause and not stop, but if you don't want to change it I guess I'll get used to it someday...

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #36
It would be cool if the plugin returned no file playing when foobar's paused. My mIRC script reads current playing file from BSPlayer when foobar returns nothing so it's pretty annoying as I'm used to only pause and not stop, but if you don't want to change it I guess I'll get used to it someday...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=378407"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

The Winamp API code that returns paused/playing/stopped state should work for this purpose. I don't believe winamp stops returning the info when the song is paused so this component shouldn't either.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #37
Ok no problem but could you give me the command to request playing state? I found some stuff like IPC_ISPLAYING in the SDK but it doesn't work so I guess you renamed it. Anyway if you would have a full list of commands supported by r1dll it would be great.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #38
Works great for me, though I also have the console spam.

Using it for Samurize, which queries: song time, passed time, title, artist.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #39
ive got a logitech mx5000 keyboard with a lcd is there anyway to make this work with foobar (display tack info) like it does with winamp

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #40
Ok no problem but could you give me the command to request playing state? I found some stuff like IPC_ISPLAYING in the SDK but it doesn't work so I guess you renamed it. Anyway if you would have a full list of commands supported by r1dll it would be great.

That's supported and (should) work fine.

ive got a logitech mx5000 keyboard with a lcd is there anyway to make this work with foobar (display tack info) like it does with winamp

If it doesn't work "out of the box" with foo_winamp_spam, open up the console and paste which messages types are shown as unsupported.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #41
any hope of seeing the playlist size/current number working or is it a functional limitation of the new .9?

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #42

Ok no problem but could you give me the command to request playing state? I found some stuff like IPC_ISPLAYING in the SDK but it doesn't work so I guess you renamed it. Anyway if you would have a full list of commands supported by r1dll it would be great.

That's supported and (should) work fine.

I would like to believe you but as I said I couldn't get it to work so could you please tell me what's the exact command? $dll(r1dll.dll,IPC_ISPLAYING,) doesn't work, but it should be something close.. and may I rerequest the full list of available commands ?

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #43

Ok no problem but could you give me the command to request playing state? I found some stuff like IPC_ISPLAYING in the SDK but it doesn't work so I guess you renamed it. Anyway if you would have a full list of commands supported by r1dll it would be great.

That's supported and (should) work fine.

I would like to believe you but as I said I couldn't get it to work so could you please tell me what's the exact command? $dll(r1dll.dll,IPC_ISPLAYING,) doesn't work, but it should be something close.. and may I rerequest the full list of available commands ?

Oh sorry I didn't read you were using R1DLL. At present R1DLL doesn't have an export for checking whether a song is playing or not. I may add it to a future version.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #44
Well.. is there any other way to achieve that ? Through mIRC so I need a dll to query that will query winamp_spam.. I tried using another dll made for winamp, and when I check the state of "winamp" it says either playing or stopped, and when in pause it's still playing..

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #45

Ok no problem but could you give me the command to request playing state? I found some stuff like IPC_ISPLAYING in the SDK but it doesn't work so I guess you renamed it. Anyway if you would have a full list of commands supported by r1dll it would be great.

That's supported and (should) work fine.

ive got a logitech mx5000 keyboard with a lcd is there anyway to make this work with foobar (display tack info) like it does with winamp

If it doesn't work "out of the box" with foo_winamp_spam, open up the console and paste which messages types are shown as unsupported.

can you help me out here.  it doesnt work out of the box, but i dont know what you want me to paste into the console.  there is no unsupported messages

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #46
I just wanted to add something regarding the Logitech keyboard. I own a Logitech G15 with LCD and there is a small program (LCDMedia.exe) to display some information from players like Winamp. It works "out-of-the-box" by using this plugin, but I get a lot of
Code: [Select]
WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 610.

Fortunatly I use my own program (and the ComServer) and not Logitech's ugly one.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #47
Feature Request: Is it possible to add a variable that returns only the directory path of the file?  This way we could setup an external program like Samurize to display %Path%\folder.jpg for album art that's not embedded in the tag?

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #48
i keep getting the error "WARNING : foo_winamp_spam: Unsupported WM_USER, lParam 640." in the console everytime i change the song.

the only way that this can happen is if i click "Next", "Random" or if the song changes by itself(the previous song finished). so it has to do with changing the info. however, when i click "Previous", the error doesn't seem to appear which i found to be weird.

edit: also, i keep getting a messagebox saying "metadb_handle leaks: # objects". the # is always random and foobar nearly crashes when i try to exit it. although that could be the cause of audioscribbler although i really doubt it.

edit2: just checked, it also does the error with Previous. so the error happens everytime the song changes.

edit3: also, on any file other than mp3, the info isn't correctly shown. it doesn't show the tracknumber(always 0 or a random number) and it also doesn't show the album info.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #49
Been using this just recently to feed now-playing info to Miranda IM, and noticed that when scanning replaygain, the song being scanned is the one sent by foo_winamp_spam instead of the one being played.