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Topic: foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta (Read 381401 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #226
It's alright! I've found a way. Using foo_winamp_ipc and modifying the rainmeter plugin, it works now almost the way I want.
Thank you!

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #228
however, this version is not working with windows live messenger. not for me..
i'm quite positive that the last version did work with live messenger.
edit: or was that some other component? 

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #229
I really like this component, this was my only solution for FoxyTunes to display correctly Asian characters, but after I updated FoxyTunes on this week, I got the message: "your Winamp is idle" instead of the song information. And when I switch to foobar no matter which character encoding I choose, I have only question marks instead of the Japanese or Korean text.

So I updated both foobar and winamp_spam component but it didn't solve the problem.

On my other PC I have older version of FoxyTunes, I didn't dare updating it:

Why doesn't work any more?

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #230
i had a problem with spamming google talk when I updated foobar to version 1.0. Had to completely uninstall foobar, then do a fresh install. now it works fine.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #231
Is there source available for this plugin? If not, I would like to request UTF-8 support for the fake WinAmp window. Taking for example a Japanese-titled song, the correct title will show up in the foobar2000 window class title, but is displayed as ?'s in the fake WinAmp window class. (Viewed via Spy++)

If I got the source I would be more than happy to submit a patch to add foreign character support. Unfortunately until then it looks like the foobar<-->winamp bridge is still not fully crossed.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #232
Is there source available for this plugin? If not, I would like to request UTF-8 support for the fake WinAmp window. Taking for example a Japanese-titled song, the correct title will show up in the foobar2000 window class title, but is displayed as ?'s in the fake WinAmp window class. (Viewed via Spy++)

If I got the source I would be more than happy to submit a patch to add foreign character support. Unfortunately until then it looks like the foobar<-->winamp bridge is still not fully crossed.

have you tried vis_spcheck? it kind of assimilates function of this plugin... maybe it does solve your problem and it can play winamp visualisation if you want it to ... but i use it just as winamp ipc gateway to foobar

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #233
Also tried version 1.0 and it's not working, but then I found this version which works.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #234
Hi again folks

I re-installed Windows 7 Ultimate with 64bit version.
Now I have installed Foobar2000 again, but the foo_spam isn`t working. I need foo_spam to get the player in Rainmeter to work.

System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (Bought and registred legally. All updates installed)
Foobar2000 version: v1.1.8 beta 6
Foo_spam version:  foo winamp spam 0.90fix

Hope someone can help me out

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #235
@ Haf
foo_winamp_spam is no longer needed. Since April 2011 the Rainmeter 2.1 betas have included poiru's awesome NowPlaying plugin. You can read more about it here, and be sure to look at the Supported Players:foobar2000 section for the link to the foo_rainmeter plugin.

foo_winamp_spam 0.9 beta

Reply #236
Thanks! I got the skin working. Good that they have a skin for this great musicplayer  Here is what my desktop with the NowPlaying skin looks like: