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Topic: Music Catalogues (Read 1837 times) previous topic - next topic
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Music Catalogues

I've been using Tag and Rename to list all my music, and use it to install and edit tags, titles artists etc.
Unfortunately my music collection has now grown to the extent that the program can't cope, I think I'm exceeding buffer limits.
Can anyone recommend a likely alternative that can deal with large collections (>10,000)

Thunder Bolt

Strikes where least expected!

Re: Music Catalogues

Reply #2
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Thunder Bolt

Strikes where least expected!

Re: Music Catalogues

Reply #3
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Music Catalogues

Reply #4
I use Picard which also works well and supports a variety of formats
There are lots of plugins available.

Regardless of your choice trying to do a large library in one session is not advised. Do it iteratively, maybe one artist or album at a time and see if you and your music players like the results. You should backup your library before you start of course…

Re: Music Catalogues

Reply #5
I got my progs mixed up. My current cataloguer is Music Express, not Tag & Rename, which I also use.
I don't want to play the library, just be able to search for different artists, titles etc. and to access various statistics about the collection
Music Express does a great job, but just can't cope with a large library.
Thunder Bolt

Strikes where least expected!