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Topic: Columns UI appearance (Read 3376958 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI appearance

Reply #800

Columns UI appearance

Reply #801

  Here’s a preview of something I had for a while. As far as the skin goes, I borrowed the expand and collapse images from Fanco86 and his playlist layout from MonoLight as I did a few tweaks to make it cleaner. From there I compiled it into a 3 different layouts, one being a totally clean playlist, the other two have an additional component where you can see the lyrics and the artist bio.

Right now, its only a preview of what I currently have, once I get permission from Fanco, its going up for release.

Edit: Also like to give credit to Akka’s “Post” visual style in conjunction with the foobar skin.


Columns UI appearance

Reply #802
Just moved to vista... so I started from scratch and here's the stuff I came with:

Everything in the bottom toolbar was made with WSH panels so anything is clickable and functional.
Also the "Now playing panel" can be reorganized with a couple of clicks.
Uh! and the whole thing uses the system scheme to colorize itself.
<insert signature here>

Columns UI appearance

Reply #803
Just moved to vista... so I started from scratch and here's the stuff I came with:

Everything in the bottom toolbar was made with WSH panels so anything is clickable and functional.
Also the "Now playing panel" can be reorganized with a couple of clicks.
Uh! and the whole thing uses the system scheme to colorize itself.

Looks awesome. Mind sharing config?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #804
EIKO original by dReamxis & Jensen. My changes: added biography, explorer tree, graphical browser, covers & pictures genres in EL playlist.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #807
 i figured i'd put up this one too...  and this one does have an .fcl install, so no hassles.

here's the download.  put the 'tech' folder in your images folder.

rock on.
i'er heights

Columns UI appearance

Reply #808
My first work with PSS being finally functionnal

Helped myself with some Xchange buttons as Ia m pretty bad at Photoshop,
ty br33t, hope you don t mind

the bottom layout is inspired from monolite as I liked it a lot.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #809
i figured i'd put up this one too...  and this one does have an .fcl install, so no hassles.

here's the download.  put the 'tech' folder in your images folder.

rock on.

nice config, but i can't find the dockable panels component anywhere, which i need to use it. can you send it to me please?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #810
yeah, dockable panels is kind of an older component, but i love it - lets you show/hide elements easily, and is great for experimenting with panels...

here's the link: dockable panels
i'er heights

Columns UI appearance

Reply #812
@electricprophet -
  no problem...  if you care to, you could use this as a "maximized" window, and the other config i posted as a "sidebar" window via dockable panels (the way i have it set up.)  unfortunately dockable panel configs don't transfer with the .fcl files, so you'll have to follow the somewhat complicated instructions on setting up the sidebar panel - though after playing around with dockable panels for a while it shouldn't be too bad.  i could upload the script and image for the button i use to call the sidebar version, though it's easy enough to make buttons with any old image editor (i use gimp) - just copy out whatever you want to be the button from the "tech.png" or "techplay.png" images, and then assign them as buttons for whatever in the script.  you can copy and paste any of the button command lines, and change the number in "$add($get(tth),NUMBER)" and "$add($get(ttv),NUMBER)" lines.  this (maybe obviously) aligns the image horizontally and vertically relative to the turntable image.

i'er heights

Columns UI appearance

Reply #813
a screenshot of my config Xchange before sharing v3.5

- -

Columns UI appearance

Reply #814
Falstaff: When will you release it?  Tomorrow maybe?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #815
in one or two hours maybe ... or tomorrow if not enough time

Columns UI appearance

Reply #817
as I wasnt much happy with my previous colors I made more researsh into it and this is what I came with

Columns UI appearance

Reply #818
hi, here my foobar config:

what i'm still missing is a good search bar which works like the one from "facets" for the default UI: it's like an additional filter to the selection i already have, further reducing my current selection. Any tips?
Thanks for your help already, and thanks for all your posted ui pictures that made me try making my own.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #819
It's called 'smooth', look for it on deviantart.

right-click on a filter and select 'search'
<insert signature here>

Columns UI appearance

Reply #820
although i haven't really changed anything since my last post in this thread, i didn't actually show my playlist. here it is....


Can you please share this ?
I really like this skin.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #822
^^ thanks marc

It installed perfectly.
I have one issue though- I use foo_covers for my album art. Can you tell me how I can I get my cover art in ELPlaylist.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #823
try this...

Code: [Select]
$imageabs(1,4,67,67,%el_group_first_path%,artreader_front nodelay,,)

edit: also i just noticed that i'd been messing about with my graphical browser before i exported the .fcl - you might want to go into the settings and turn the scrollbar on. if you don't, you'll have a nasty gap.

edit2: rather fatal flaw fixed in that code. thanks tedgo.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #824
not working

edit : that i was able to manage.

edit2 : thanks to you both. It works now