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Topic: Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5 (Read 202452 times) previous topic - next topic
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Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #25
this is not working 4 me... i followed the guide step by step and did everything, but i still won't work 4 me. im using i don't know if that makes a difference or not.


Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #26
This guide doesn't work for me, too.

When I try to edit properties of a track by setting rating field to any value it woun't be saved.

I guess it's because the track is only part of a file and shown as single one by using a cue-sheet.
Does someone know how to handle rating with cuesheets?



Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #27
The guide should be updated to reflect the fact that the official play count plugin can now :

1. Store ratings in tags/database
2. Provides its own context menu for this purpose (rendering quicktag unnecessary in this particular context)
3. The rating, play count etc information can be displayed in the "techincal" tab of the properties menu, or can be viewed using the properties UI element.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #28
The guide should be updated to reflect the fact that the official play count plugin can now :

1. Store ratings in tags/database
2. Provides its own context menu for this purpose (rendering quicktag unnecessary in this particular context)
3. The rating, play count etc information can be displayed in the "techincal" tab of the properties menu, or can be viewed using the properties UI element.

Thank you!

With "Playback Statistics" it works perfectly.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #29
Thanks for the guide dude! But I have a question: Is there a way to enlarge only the size of the stars? How ? If so I will be very greatful if you could post it.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #30
I'm using $pad($repeat(★,%rating%), 5,✩) to display my ratings from the plaback stats plugin, but I want it so that the full stars are displayed in a gold colour - $rgb(233,155,12) - but the empty stars are still the default colour.
Is there any way to do this? I've tried putting that rgb code in, along with $rgb(), in various places but i can't get it to selectively colourise it. (Getting the whole thing gold worked fine)

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #31
$rgb() doesn't work in the default ui.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #32
Sorry, I should have stated that I'm using CUI (didn't know that there was a difference between the two with rgb). So could I get this to work with CUI?

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #33

0. Install the latest playback statistics component (get it from the foobar2000 website).
The component stores the statistics in a database (without touching your precious tags). If you want to have it write to tags, change the behavior from Preferences -> Advanced -> Tools -> Playback Statistics -> Automatically synchronize...

1. To rate a song: Right Click -> Playback Statistics -> Rating, choose the appropriate rating. It's much faster to bind these to a keyboard shortcut (Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts). I use Ctrl + 1 for rating 1, Ctrl + 2 for 2 stars etc.
(NOTE: You can only rate songs that are in your media library).

Displaying a rating Column
Preferences -> Display -> Default User Interface -> Playlist View -> "Add new Column"
Use the same code as in the first post:
Code: [Select]
$pad($repeat(★,%rating%), 5,✩)

If you're using CUI, you can use $rgb to get colors:
Code: [Select]

How to import existing statistics to the database:
Right Click -> Playback Statistics -> Import Statistics from file tags.
The stats are now stored in the playcount db, and can be deleted from the tags.

How to write stats to tags from the db:
Right Click -> Playback Statistics -> Write Statistics to File Tags

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #34
Thanks! It's good that you made an updated summary of the whole process.

Just a quick note about the rgb code:
Using $rgb(233,155,12,233,155,12) will make it stay gold even when selected.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #35
Thanks for the guide!

I've been trying to find a way to display ratings as well, but I have ratings from AMG with .5 stars that I'd like to show.

Using this string, I was able to show the 1/2 circlea s well as the empty and full circles:
Code: [Select]

NOTE: I am using the function $strchr to look for a . in the tag since I couldnt get $stricmp(%AMG_CLASSICAL_ALBUM_PERFORMANCE_RATING%,.5) to return true, but whatever.

The problem I have is that I want to use this rating within a face column but the sorting order is all screwed up. The sorting is INCREASING order of all the tags with a .5 in them and THEN the proper order is followed.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #36
I have been messing around with the Ratings for couple of weeks now and I wanted to rate my music from 1 - 5 but also to give a rating to tracks which i do not really like but still want to keep on my laptop. 
The following script is what i eventually came up with for use with Foobar 2000 with Columns UI:

// star-rating (single-color version)
//$set_font(%Arial Unicode MS%)
// Star rating for 1-5
//Star-rating for zero

You could of course use any Unicode Chars of your own choice.

Many thanks for all the input regarding ratings on this posting. 



Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #37
This is great .. but is there any way we can get Foo to use the integrated Windows tags? 

I really like the way tags I make in Mediamonkey will show up in Explorer and elsewhere, but that didn't seem to happen when I set up Foobar with the quicktag method.


Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #38
Please note that the technique described here has been mostly superceded by the official foo_playcount, which allows for ratings without having to tag files.

Windows' MP3 tagging support is useless and buggy, don't bother with it.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #39
Thanks... I just enjoy the tagging being accessible from elsewhere - like say my mp3 player, WMP, MM etc... I have no idea what I'll be playing music on in the future so it makes sense to me to use a generic method I can access from anywhere.

Windows' MP3 tagging support is useless and buggy, don't bother with it.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #40
I have been messing around with the Ratings for couple of weeks now and I wanted to rate my music from 1 - 5 but also to give a rating to tracks which i do not really like but still want to keep on my laptop. 
The following script is what i eventually came up with for use with Foobar 2000 with Columns UI:

// star-rating (single-color version)
//$set_font(%Arial Unicode MS%)
// Star rating for 1-5
//Star-rating for zero

You could of course use any Unicode Chars of your own choice.

Many thanks for all the input regarding ratings on this posting. 


Hi! I just switched to foobar and I am still testing it out. One of my most loved features which I used a lot in Winamp is the ratings so I'm trying to get it back. I have the playcount add-on added but how do I add this script? The custom column will only let me put in one line.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #41
Thank you very much for make the rating posible. It´s a function very important for me.
I tried with the PLAYBACK STATISTICS COMPONENT but for some reason I couldn´t to edit the rating (five sqares appears in the window but at Right Click -> Playback Statistics -> Rating, choose the appropriate rating - the numbers were disabled!!) ???
So, I decide to use the Quick Tagger Component mentioned at the begining of this topic, now I can use the ratings, but the problem is that the stars are very smalls. How can I fix it?
Thanks for your cooperation!

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #42
is there any way to get the ratings to outline on the right in the same playlist view column as, say, %title%, while %title% is outlined on the left?

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #43
For me the empty stars turn out smaller than the filled stars.  I use:
$replace($pad($repeat(★,%rating%), 5,.),.,  · )
Which aligns nicely.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #44
Hi guys,

First, thanks for this topic, it's very helpful. Both solutions are working for me.

Just one question: Is it possible with the playback statistics to require confirmation before processing more than one tracks like with quicktaging?

I just tag all an artist's songs instead of the song i wanted to tag... this is rather anoying

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #45
Yes is possible to rate one track at a time (if it is the now playing one). make sure you set the keyboard command or button to context menu / now playing Rating : etc instead of context Rating etc.

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #46
Yes is possible to rate one track at a time (if it is the now playing one). make sure you set the keyboard command or button to context menu / now playing Rating : etc instead of context Rating etc.

Thanks you, that's safer for someone like me!

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #47

To add buttons :

1. Right-click on the button's bar. Choose Customize Buttons/ [context]/ playback statistics/ Rating and add what you want.

2. To see the button, you have to add an icon. 
I found(*)  a + and a – buttons here :
I put it in a folder  .\Foobar2000\Components\playcount. Put them where you want but remember that you can't  move them after the next step.
Be carefull, only the .ico icons can't be used.

3. Return to the Customize Buttons' window (step 1.) and click on Change Icons. Double-click on the icon you want.

(*) Click on the icon and you see it alone. Right-click on it and select Save Picture As...
To search an icon, go in your web search and try  : icon + -
If you prefer numbers, try : icons number

Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #48

I have changed now to windows7 and have a problem with this rating option: i do not have the right to update the files. I can fix this problem when I elevate my rights to admin in the foobar2000.exe but then i get another problem to drag&drop music-files directly out of the explorer. Anybody has a solution?


Step by step guide to use ratings with foobar2000 0.9.5

Reply #49
Can anyone tell me how to get it so I can use 10 stars? I've got everything set up to where in the "set rating to" part of the right-click menu it has an option for everything from 0 to 10, but if I click on anything higher than 5 it still only shows 5 stars.