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Topic: foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119] (Read 219571 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #50
so you just included the windows version of gdiplus.dll instead in the new version?
fb2k on OSX: flac q8 > rockboxed Sansa e280v1: Vorbis q5.0

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #51
I tried installing the new 1.0 package, I still get the same error message during installation (could not write to the components directory), but now I can't launch fb2k at all, even with X11 running.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #52

Can you try deleting your old installation first?

Just remove ~/Library/Applications Support/Wine.

Make sure you've backed up your foobar2000 settings first of course.

If that doesn't work, can you give me more details on what happens when you try to load the bundle?  If it crashes, do you see any log files related to foobar2000 in ~/Library/Logs or ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter?  You might also try repairing your disk permissions with Disk Utility if you still see the same error message during install.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #53
That did the trick, thanks Dibrom. Just for reference, here's that error message I get during installation - does it have something to do with the fact that a foobar2000 application is installed in both my user folder as well as ~/Applications?

"Install Failed. The Installer could not install some files in "/Users/steagle/Applications/". Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #54
~ is just an alias for /Users/steagle so it's not really installed in more than one location.

I'm not sure why you are seeing that error.  I've never encountered it on any of the systems I've installed on.  What OS are you running?  I think the installer requires at least 10.5.

You could try loading Disk Utility, selecting "Macintosh HD", and clicking Repair Disk Permissions to see if that helps.  It's kind of unlikely, but you never know.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #55
I had repaired disk permissions before I got v1.0 up and running, so we're good to go there... and I'm on 10.5.8. Weird. Well, it does install properly and that's all that matters.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #56
btw it also bears mentioning I did not see the installation screen where you can check and uncheck options, the second screenshot you posted.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #57
Is there any documentation about how Wine taps into OS X's audio system? For example, does 32-bit float output stay 32-bit float?

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #58
From what I can see, I don't think Wine supports anything other than 8-bit and 16-bit output.  Even if it does possibly support it with some audio frameworks, it doesn't seem to with the CoreAudio driver.

See CoreAudio_WaveInit:

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #59
Is anyone else noticing a problem with the library's folder monitoring? Namely that it doesn't work. I also find bogus tracks that won't play which the locator tells me are coming from a .cue file even though I have *.CUE in the excluded list in the library config.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #60
I already pointed out, that monitoring does not work! It only updates the library on startup.
Did you restart, after excluding the .cue files from you library?
fb2k on OSX: flac q8 > rockboxed Sansa e280v1: Vorbis q5.0

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #61
Thanks for the work on this.  It's certainly the best solution for OSX.

I would like to install it myself.  Can you post the steps you took to install and configure Wine with Foobar2000?

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #62
Thanks for the work on this.  It's certainly the best solution for OSX.

agreed! so nice not having to load up a virtual machine for music playback  three cheers for dibrom!

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #63

What is the name of this scheme?

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #64
just wanted to say thanks SO much for making this Dibrom! after recently changing to mac, I didn't realise how much I'd miss foobar!

I have a couple of queries about it though:

when I double-click an mp3 (or other foobar compatible format) in Finder, and Foobar hasn't already been launched it opens as supposed to.
but when it's already running and I double click, no file gets added.
foobar2000 returns to being the app in 'focus' after though so the double click appears to be doing something.
darg and drop doesn't work either.

I suspect these things could be related too:
the 3rd installation screenshot you pasted didn't appear for me (someone mentioned this earlier too) so I couldn't choose file associations
I've noticed in the preferences it says that it's running in portable mode, is this normal?

also I changed the install location from 'just for me' to the HDD for all, is this wrong? please tell me if I've been a numbskull somewhere so I can get this running as it used to on windows!

off to get the plugin setup in the meantime, awiiight! thanks again!

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #65
the 3rd installation screenshot you pasted didn't appear for me (someone mentioned this earlier too) so I couldn't choose file associations
I've noticed in the preferences it says that it's running in portable mode, is this normal?

Setting file associations is not a part of the installer for the app bundle.

I usually don't try to open files from finder in this way so I've never spent much time looking into the issue.  Wine integration with OS X is not that great though, unfortunately.  I'm not surprised drag and drop doesn't really work either.  If I have time, I might look into these issues a little but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.

Crossover might work better for these things but I don't know.  It's not free though.

also I changed the install location from 'just for me' to the HDD for all, is this wrong? please tell me if I've been a numbskull somewhere so I can get this running as it used to on windows!

No, it's perfectly fine to install it either way.  Since I usually like to keep my multiple accounts pretty separate, I usually only install things to ~/Applications which is why I defaulted the installer to do the same.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #67
cheers for the replies Dibrom, I should have twigged that it would likely be a Wine issue after changing things like 'enqueue as default action', which all works fine.  not really a dragon-dropper myself and will give adding files through foobar a bash for a while. 
suppose I could do some tests to see which way is quicker but think that can wait for a rainy day.  a very, very rainy day..

delighted to have my foobar back anyway so thanks again!

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #68
First I'd like to preface my post by saying that despite my whining about any minor issues I may be having I really am so very grateful to you Dibrom for taking the time to bring us this wonderful OSX bundle.
Now on with the whining. There are a few things I noticed and I'd like to see if others were having similar problems.
1) tracks from .cue files apearing in my library even after restarting  with *.CUE in the exluded list
2) No iPod discoverable when connected and using iPod Manager (foo_dop)  (My mac sees it but foobar doesn't)
3) Crash on 'open containing folder' from selection (maybe I should make my library folder somewhere on the imaginary C drive. as the file path now says it's Z:\user\home\blah\blah)
4) I guess everyone knows folder monitoring doesn't work but it still makes me sad

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #69
This should be a sticky!

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #70
Dibrom, I just gave your package a try and it is great! Thank you very much! I have integrated NeroAACenc and ALAC decoding, to use Foobar as an encoder front-end, and it just flies! Much higher speed than through VMware, which still has problems with multi-core utilization.

Your .app is much better than my own trials with Wine in the past. I always had terrible speed for file selection dialogs and the general graphical experience was also sluggish. Of course, the new installer is also much more convenient. It shouldn't require administrator privileges, since it only writes to user directories, though. But that's negligible.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #71
1) tracks from .cue files apearing in my library even after restarting  with *.CUE in the exluded list

Not sure why this happens.  I haven't seen this behavior myself.

2) No iPod discoverable when connected and using iPod Manager (foo_dop)  (My mac sees it but foobar doesn't)

Yes.  Unfortunately wine does not support USB.  There are several patches floating around which attempt to add USB support with varying degrees of success.  At one point, someone was able to get earlier generation iPods to work with these patches and iTunes 7 I think.  Awhile ago (before I released the latest version of the installer), I spent a day updating these patches to the latest version of Wine and trying to get it to recognize my iphone.  I couldn't get it to work so I gave up  Maybe someday the wine devs will make USB support more of a priority.

3) Crash on 'open containing folder' from selection (maybe I should make my library folder somewhere on the imaginary C drive. as the file path now says it's Z:\user\home\blah\blah)

Hmm.. I'll try this and see if I have problems.  If there is an issue, it's likely a bug in Wine that I won't be able to fix (well, I could try to track it down and submit a patch, but I'm a bit too busy to hack on Wine these days...).

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #72
It shouldn't require administrator privileges, since it only writes to user directories, though. But that's negligible.

I agree.  I'm not sure how to fix this though.  I spent some time digging around in PackageMaker but couldn't find a way around it.  Maybe I'll take another look next time I make a release.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #73
3) Crash on 'open containing folder' from selection
Long known, wine doesn't emulate [font= "Courier New"]SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems()[/font] in any way and simply throws a stub exception.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foobar2000 for Mac OS X [moderation—404, outdated, etc.; see post 119]

Reply #74
So... whatever happened to this project? I thought it was  a great idea of course.. Recently I was trying to play some files with my copy and i received a message telling me my version of Foobar2000 had expired.