Nero AAC Recommended Settings
2006-05-04 19:28:39
The latest encoder can be downloaded from: Approx. average bitrate <-> Quality table Bitrate Quality ~16 0.05 ~33 0.15 ~66 0.25 ~100 0.35 ~146 0.45 ~192 0.55 ~238 0.65 ~285 0.75 ~332 0.85 ~382 0.95 Using VBR mode (-q) will give the best quality. The default setting is -q 0.5, which will give about 160-170kbps on average. For ABR, use the -br options. For CBR, use -cbr. Note that the bitrate is in bits per second, not kilobits.Note that using 2-pass encoding makes no sense in VBR mode! When encoding from the commandline, sending the input over stdin is supported, but then you should also use -ignorelength. This is not needed when using temporary files. The package includes a commandline MP4 tagger. Settings:foobar2000 0.9.x or later (recommended over 0.8.3): Choose MP4 (Nero) as Output format.EAC: Either (simple, no tagging): -q 0.5 -if %s -of %d Or (more complicated): User-defined Encoder, file ending .mp4 Program used: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe additional commands: /c ""C:\path\to\neroaacenc.exe" -q 0.425 -if %s -of %d && "C:\path\to\Neroaactag.exe" %d -meta:artist="%a" -meta:album="%g" -meta:track="%n" -meta:title="%t" -meta:genre="%m" -meta:year="%y"" Make sure that “Add ID3 Tag" is disabled.dbPoweramp -q 0.5 -if [InFile] -of [OutFile]don't forget to include at least one blank space character before your first argument, The "[InFile]" and "[OutFile]", as written above, are not variables looking for a substitution. With dBPowerAmp, you literally write them in just like that, as they appear above, with the square brackets.