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Topic: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount (Read 235449 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #475
Hello Peter Pawlowski, I have long wanted to thank You for such a grand/amazing program as/how Foobar2000. Thank(s) You. By this plugin to me questions. How can lift the rating in this plugin to 9? And read please reply #472.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #476
I don't know if Peter understands reply #472. It certainly doesn't make sense to me. But if it's related to your attempts to abuse shell links (*.lnk file) the issue will be solved by using proper method to duplicate tracks.

I don't see the rating scale changing. It would break compability and 0-5 scale is pretty universal. Though modern online world seems to have moved to just "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" rating.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #477
But me need 0-9 or 0-10 scale. And me more convenient to watch rating by stars. I also want files to be duplicated according by rating (or scale).

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #478
%added% show nothing(N/A). I have this components from Feb 2024 and added many tracks. Tried with new portable v2.1.5, tried v1.6.18... same result. Maybe I miss something but cant find what. Tried with MP4, MP3, FLAC files.

Here is picture from new foobar2000(v2.1.5) portable installation and Column UI. Maybe Why "Show recently played" and "Show recently added" are in gray?  ::) (example to show you only %added% show nothing, while %play_count% works fine)

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #479
For %added% to work, you must configure the Media Library (Preferences>Media Library) to watch your music folder(s). I can tell you've not set it up because of those grayed out items on your Library menu.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #480
The clickable star Rating column returns the %rating_stars_fixed% format once a rating has been assigned. Is it possible to return the %rating_stars% format rather than %rating_stars_fixed%?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #481
Are there any plans to add options for update timing (eg. update after x seconds/percentage has been played)?
Am I right in understanding that the Playback Statistics 3.1.5 component (foo_playcount) still does not support the ability to specify a percentage, above which the track's play count will be increased by one? At the moment, it seems to be not a fixed percentage of the track's duration, but the playback duration. Because in my case the counter increased at values ​​of ~60% and ~80% (in the case when I swept to the middle of the track to forcefully increase the counter).

I would really like to have this function, because the Playback Statistics Custom (foo playback custom) method, which modifies the original file, does not suit me.


Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #482
Could you add the ability to change when a song's play count is updated?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #483
the Playback Statistics 3.1.5 component (foo_playcount) still does not support the ability to specify a percentage, above which the track's play count will be increased by one? At the moment, it seems to be not a fixed percentage of the track's duration, but the playback duration. Because in my case the counter increased at values ​​of ~60% and ~80% (in the case when I swept to the middle of the track to forcefully increase the counter).
For me too it would be very useful to set the percentage.
I need to check audio tracks that have no defects, and it is important for me to know if I have listened to them until the end.
For this I used the old foo_navigator: I had it set to 98% copy the track to another playlist.
Now I have to keep an old edition of foobar2000 for this purpose only.