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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4852116 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #8300
Sometimes when deleting a playlist the confirmation window is very large.
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #8301
@tamer Hopefully alpha 5 renders non-antialiased text okay for you. (For me, it renders Tahoma at 8pt, 100% DPI the same as 2.1.0 when font smoothing is off.)

In the playlist viewer, if the text does not fit, the color of the dots at the end now does not match that specified in the script.
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Thanks for the report. Will investigate how to fix this.

Sometimes when deleting a playlist the confirmation window is very large.
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Thanks for this report as well. Will investigate. I know what might be going wrong, but if you find any particular factors that cause it to happen, that would also be helpful.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8302
How not minimize window "foobar2000 picture viewer" at minimize the most foobar2000 and how to narrow width "foobar2000 picture viewer" yet more (on the maximum (on 400 and more pixels)), considering elements of viewer?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8303
Yet, cans make synchronous editing of tags symbolic links with the (targeted, source) files in playlist?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8304
Message to music music:

I have the latest version of foobar 64-bit installed.
Since Columns UI 3.0.0 Alpha.1 version I have noticed a problem that persists in Alpha.5 and it consists of the following:
- I activate in the right panel the Smooth Browser.
- From the album list panel I select an artist
- I change in the right panel from Smooth to Re-Facets.
- Before I paint the Re-Facets data, I can perceive traces of the covers for a moment.
- As long as I don't change the artist I can switch from Smooth to Re-Facets without the remains of the covers being perceived.
- When the artist is changed, the effect is reproduced again.

I attach the video where you can see the effect and an image.  
When you switch to the ReFacets tab, ReFacets is focused and some other part of the UI is taking a while to process the selection change and blocking the rest of the UI while it does that. As for why the previous tab temporarily shows through some parts of ReFacets in that scenario, I can only assume it's some quirk of how ReFacets works.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8305
With the possibility to detach all or only panel "Artwork view", no need in a "foobar2000 picture viewer", that's why i'm asking: possibly make disconnect (detach) all or only panel "Artwork view" form foobar2000? Also yet interesting:
  • Possibly as an exception to include (turn on) syntax (pattern) in "Use custom panel title" option (by sides or center), only for titles of panel "Artwork view"?
  • And possibly to create a status bar with technical datas of picture (cover) only for the panel "Artwork view"?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8306
In foobar2000 v1.5.12 neither the size nor the console font itself changes.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #8307
@tamer Hopefully alpha 5 renders non-antialiased text okay for you. (For me, it renders Tahoma at 8pt, 100% DPI the same as 2.1.0 when font smoothing is off.)

Thanks, I've already tried it. The only complain is that the star icons are now jagged, but decided not to mention it. I've seen on github the amount of work it took, maybe i'm just asking too much.  ::)

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Re: Columns UI

Reply #8308
In foobar2000 v1.5.12 neither the size nor the console font itself changes.
If you mean View/Console, that's correct. More general support for using the colours and fonts of the active UI was added in foobar2000 2.x. In foobar2000 1.x, the the View/Console window will take its settings from Default UI.

Thanks, I've already tried it. The only complain is that the star icons are now jagged, but decided not to mention it. I've seen on github the amount of work it took, maybe i'm just asking too much.  ::)

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Yes, I'm afraid controlling anti-aliasing at that level is quite difficult. I'm also not seeing 2.1.0 do much different in this respect (except probably rendering the symbols a bit differently in this scenario).

There is, though, a fairly easy path to adding support for SVG glyphs on recent versions of Windows using Direct2D. SVG glyphs are unaffected by the text anti-aliasing setting (though you'd still need to get it to use suitable glyphs in some other font...)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8309
Musicmusic, so possibly disconnect (detach) all or panel "Artwork view" form foobar2000 and how copy and edit text directly from panels "Item details", "OpenLyrics"?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8310

Two requests for layout mode:

1) Possibility to pick up a panel in layout mode by clicking and holding left mouse and drag it to the position you want instead of clicking move up and down a lot.

2) Show the captions of the elements/panels with a mouseover (or when left clicked).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8311
To me with ui_columns-3.0.0-alpha.5 at the vault?, folding?, bringing? sides of border together, exit crash window and foobar2000 1.6.18 close!

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8312
@Eva1 I'm afraid I don't quite follow what you mean. I can see a crash report relating to auto-hide functionality from this morning, but I'm guessing that was not from you as it was submitted some hours after your post.

If you are experiencing a crash, submit the crash report and confirm the time it was submitted (or post the crash log and dump here). If you have some steps to reproduce the problem, make a screen recording (for example, using ShareX) and post it.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8313
@musicmusic i'm trying vault(?), fold(?), bringing(?) sides of borders together and move the general (total) border, exit crash window.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #8314
In tooltip in system tray not always show (job) metadatas by scripts. Very often during playback, "foobar2000" appears.