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Topic: adding a folder in playlist diferent results help (Read 223 times) previous topic - next topic
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adding a folder in playlist diferent results help

hello, i have this situation. i have 2 folders with mp3 files in them, no other files. adding them to a new playlist gives different results. i would like to have them like the one down in the picture( not repeating folder title on every song in the playlist
the folder added down in the picture,it is  exactly like the one added up, only mp3 files in it, why they show different

Re: adding a folder in playlist diferent results help

Reply #1
It's because part of the grouping code is by %album artist%. This is expected to be the same across every track belonging to the same album but when the Album Artist tag is not present, it falls back on Artist hence the splitting.

So you just need to highlight the offending tracks in the playlist, right click>Properties and then edit Album Artist to become Various Artists