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Topic: Report of possible bugs (Read 403 times) previous topic - next topic
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Report of possible bugs


I really like this player. Sincere thanks to the developers for their quality work.
I am writing this post because I am trying to understand and verify some bugs...
I am using the latest version available for Android. My audio library is indexed with the files served by my desktop computer, via the SMB protocol. The files are all correctly tagged by Foobar2K Windows version, with in particular, a replay gain values (track gain and peak gain).

Two observations:

- out of 5500 files, 17 are not indexed correctly ("unknown artist"), mainly those in an AIFF container. However, when I open some of these 17 files (those in MP3 format), the name of the artist, of the track, album are displayed correctly...

- I did a ReplayGain scanner - Reload from tags. Because I wanted to make sure that the files are read "correctly" by my smartphone. Only 672 tracks were correctly analyzed.

Thank you in advance for your reactions.


Re: Report of possible bugs

Reply #1

I really like this player. Sincere thanks to the developers for their quality work.
I am writing this post because I am trying to understand and verify some bugs...
I am using the latest version available for Android. My audio library is indexed with the files served by my desktop computer, via the SMB protocol. The files are all correctly tagged by Foobar2K Windows version, with in particular, a replay gain values (track gain and peak gain).

Two observations:

- out of 5500 files, 17 are not indexed correctly ("unknown artist"), mainly those in an AIFF container. However, when I open some of these 17 files (those in MP3 format), the name of the artist, of the track, album are displayed correctly...

- I did a ReplayGain scanner - Reload from tags. Because I wanted to make sure that the files are read "correctly" by my smartphone. Only 672 tracks were correctly analyzed.

Thank you in advance for your reactions.
With only 17 files out of 5500 with issues it should be easy enough to replace/fix those manually as it would obviously not be a Foobar "bug" at that level--like just strip the tags altogether and re-tag manually.    AIFF is not exactly a household format.

One thing I got a kick out of while looking at the web briefly in relation to this was the statement on the "Cloudinary" website that,

 "In terms of sound quality, both FLAC and AIFF offer high-quality audio... AIFF, being an uncompressed format, offers superior audio quality. This makes it a popular choice for professionals in the music and audio industries who require the highest level of audio fidelity. However, the difference in audio quality between FLAC and AIFF is often negligible for casual listeners."

I would avoid any developer still struggling with the idea that "lossless" means "lossless."

Re: Report of possible bugs

Reply #2
I found the solution for MP3 files:
"Tagging" -> "MP3 tag types..." -> check only the three boxes "ID3v2", "Override ID3v2 revision:" and "v2.4".

However, this does not work with AIFF files, which nevertheless, integrate an ID3v2.4 value according to the MP3tag software. Moreover, these files are correctly indexed in Itunes and Foobar2K (Windows version).

Any idea to share so that these AIFF files are correctly indexed by Foobar2K mobile (Android)?