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Topic: Different sort order: File operations: Preset lists (Read 882 times) previous topic - next topic
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Different sort order: File operations: Preset lists

Context menu -> File operations -> Copy To, Move To -> List sort order  = Date added (?!?)
Window: File operation setup -> Presets list sort order = Alphanumeric (good, I can change the sort order logically by changing the name, 01,02,03 etc at the beginning of the name)

The last one can be changed, the first one not.

It is very disturbing when you try to select 1 preset: to find it from a list with date sort order - anti-logical


Re: Different sort order: File operations: Preset lists

Reply #1
The first one can be changed. Hold [shift] key > File > Browse Configuration Folder. (Then close foobar). Edit the TXT file 'FileOps-Presets.txt' and rearrange the order of each [preset] block. You can also add sub-menu groups like it says up top. (Then restart foobar)