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Topic: Grabbing Internet Radios' list (Read 846 times) previous topic - next topic
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Grabbing Internet Radios' list

Hello everyone,
is there a way to crete a txt list of the Radio stations installed onto F2000?

I am using an Auralic streamer that has no way to import stations in batch, so I thought a list to c&p from would be the most practical option. But I found no way of creating one: the .fpl file is crammed with extra characters that would have to be redacted by hand, and selecting the playlist from within F2000 (View -> Internet Radio) won't allow copying.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

Re: Grabbing Internet Radios' list

Reply #1


Re: Grabbing Internet Radios' list

Reply #2
Hello everyone,
is there a way to crete a txt list of the Radio stations installed onto F2000?

Try DB Browser for SQLite.
In c:\Users\Your-USERNAME\appdata\Roaming\foobar2000-v2 you will find the radio.sqlite database.
Make a copy and open the copy with the DBBrowser, select under "Tables" -> "Radio" and under "View" -> "Database Structure".
Select "File" and then "Export" -> "Table(s) as CSV".

Re: Grabbing Internet Radios' list

Reply #3
Hello everyone,
is there a way to crete a txt list of the Radio stations installed onto F2000?

Try DB Browser for SQLite.
In c:\Users\Your-USERNAME\appdata\Roaming\foobar2000-v2 you will find the radio.sqlite database.
Make a copy and open the copy with the DBBrowser, select under "Tables" -> "Radio" and under "View" -> "Database Structure".
Select "File" and then "Export" -> "Table(s) as CSV".
Hats off to rowi for this clear, concise, and simply illustrated guide to accessing this information.  I didn't even know this was do-able;  cool!!