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Topic: Playlist-Tools-SMP (Read 99856 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #450
From here:,120979.msg1055396.html#msg1055396

I ran into errors with the script files not being found and had to use _switchPaths as per the flow chart on github. Can't say if that would have anything to do with the font not being found as the error does thow the absolute path, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
I think all errors point to a general installation problem. Problems with paths were not present on last SMP releases, or it was supposed to be solved. But if you really followed the instructions and SMP gives errors, then you have to use the switchPaths hack.

I have looked at it and it's a bit outdated. Replace the old bat file with the new one. It's updated will all the current file structure. If that was the problem, then that should fix everything. Don't forget to install everything again, since the bat hack is not reversible. You have to install files again (overwrite old ones) and then reapply the [new] bat file (there is no need to touch anything within foobar, neither reinstall panels).

(Note this only applies to these collection of scripts related to a toolbar, all others have packages which may be installed directly.)

Lets see if that makes the font work too.

The other issue is that "search top tracks from date" won't return any results. It creates a playlist but the playlist is empty. Changing the year and/or the filter query in the button's settings doesn't make a difference. I tried "search top tracks" to compare and that one is working fine and its results are correct. Not sure how to start figuring this one out.
Note the installation is probably wrong. But in case it was right, I expect you read the popup the first time you installed the button. There are requisites for it to work (2 components). Let me know if you have not them installed, since the script should show a warn when they are missing (to be sure that part works).

EDIT: Also please report the current installation path, SMP version (or JSplitter), OS, etc. so I can find why in your particular system relative paths don't work, since they work fine for most people.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #451
I ran into errors with the script files not being found and had to use _switchPaths as per the flow chart on github. Can't say if that would have anything to do with the font not being found as the error does thow the absolute path, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
@fr0y0  This reminds me of an old mistake I made: when setting up the script in this window, the script source must be "File". It should NOT be "In-memory" by copying and pasting the whole script into the SMP (or JSplitter) panel script editor.


Maybe you'll find some help in the wiki? (if you haven't seen it yet)

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #452
I got everything working. Thank you again for the assitance!

In the end it was a mix of everything. For some reason the font took a whole system restart to work after I opened the .ttf and installed it a second time. Then foo_enhanced_playcount, which I had already installed during my first attempt to get the scripts to work, needed some further convincing to pull my scrobbles from I noticed this after realizing that the component simply being present might not be enough as the "top 25 date" script probably needs more specific data, which then also explains why the date-less "top 25" worked fine as it (probably) only needs regular old foo_playcount data.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #453
I never thought someone would use in memory, will add that on the wiki just to be sure.

I don't use so I could not help with that, glad you find the problem. And yep, fonts sometimes require a system restart.

I think I can add an additional check for cases like that, where the component retrieves zero listens, which usually indicates something is wrong.

Did you finally install the script with the switch paths bat or it worked fine without that?

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #454
Hello again regor, I am not sure exactly if Smart Shuffle works like this but when quering results based on two different queries does it first group both the queries and runs a smart shuffle on them (ex. query 1 + query 2 -> smart shuffle) then group and insert it into the playlist or query 1 -> smart shuffle + query 2 -> smart shuffle and at last groups them and insert?

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #455
Sorry, didn't see the post.

I suppose you are talking about pools (?), so you are asking me if the sorting is applied after all groups are inserted or per group, don't you?

It should work this way:
query 1 -> picking method
query 2  -> picking method
-> insert method-> sorting method

Note none of the default presets use Smart Shuffle as sorting, except those at "Genre mixes". Maybe that's your "error", you were expecting something which was not used. You can edit the presets to use it though. The default presets may be found at:
\xxx-scripts\presets\Playlist Tools\pools\default.json (editing it will NOT edit the presets within foobar, use the menus for that)

In any case you may use 'Selection Manipulation\Shuffle by tags\Shuffle by artist' to do it afterwards. As far as I have seen it has been working fine on my side al this time (both the standalone feature and its usage within pools if it was enabled). Only thing "missing" right now is handling multi-value artist, to not repeat any of the single artists if possible (instead of joining them as a single value).


Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #456
Yeah I was talking about pools, was referring to the script which you provided for my need.
Code: [Select]
"readme": "Adds Least Recently Played (LRP) and Lowest Play Count (LPC) tracks.",
"pools": [{
"name": "sep"
"name": "LRP + LPC",
"pool": {
"fromPls": {
"_LIBRARY_0": 15,
"_LIBRARY_1": 15
"query": {
"_LIBRARY_0": "%jsp3_loved% IS 1 AND NOT %jsp3_last_played% DURING LAST 3 DAYS SORT ASCENDING BY %jsp3_last_played%",
"_LIBRARY_1": "%jsp3_loved% IS 1 AND NOT %jsp3_last_played% DURING LAST 3 DAYS SORT ASCENDING BY %jsp3_playcount%"
"toPls": "LRP + LPC",
"pickMethod": {
"_LIBRARY_0": "start",
"_LIBRARY_1": "start"
"smartShuffle": "ALBUM ARTIST"

I wanted to know if the shuffling happened after it queries for both _LIBRARY_0 and _LIBRARY_1 or shuffle _LIBRARY_0 then shuffle _LIBRARY_1.

I guess a small diagram explaining my question,
Code: [Select]
shuffle(_LIBRARY_0 + _LIBRARY_1) = LRP + LPC
Code: [Select]
shuffle(_LIBRARY_0) + shuffle( _LIBRARY_1) = LRP + LPC

Because if it's the latter I think there might be some duplicates and I would have to resort to manually shuffling afterwards like you had mentioned.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #457
Yes, it first applies the queries, and sorting is the last step, for ALL joined tracks, as explained above.

Duplicates are already removed when joining the "pools", by TF and exact same file. That's tweaked at 'configuration\duplicates handling'.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #458
Uploaded to nightly a new button, following this thread:

I did not bother to implement it as a standalone panel (because it would require more work and be useless for me), but created a button script compatible with all my buttons bar scripts, which does the same.
  • Speaker button mutes/unmutes volume.
  • -/+ buttons apply volume down/up, either by single click or pressing for some time.
  • Right button displays the current volume in integer numbers from 0 to 100. Clicking on it allows to input any [integer] value between 0 and 100.

Note the volume bar at top is logarithmic.


I'm also thinking about creating some kind of "display" button which could be added to toolbars to display arbitrary text or TF, similar to the volume display.