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Topic: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates (Read 210117 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #800
Feature request for FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper component (and probably for Command-Line Decoder Wrapper too):
- addition of "channel_mask", "stream_count", "decoded_bitspersample", "bitspersample_extra" (and all other exisiting technical info/functions) in order to be able to display technical info for .m2ts (or other) files.
- distinguishing different kinds of DTS (ex. "normal" DTS, DTS96/24 or DTSHDMA) just as it is with AC3 and TrueHD with "codec" or "codec profile" or "codec long" (to eliminate the need to write a string like: "if 96 then DTSHDMA" which is just guessing).

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #801
Thank you Peter for technical info/data in new version of FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper.
Any chance for distnguishing DTSHDMA from DTS in .m2ts files (also using FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper)?

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #802
Current album list panel doesn't jump properly to items containing accents. It's the same in CUI, see this:

f you press any letter on the album list it works, but as soon as an element has accents it's skipped. I would say this behavior doesn't follow the expect search foobar behavior. 'ARTIST HAS Baro' does include both and there are other cases where asymmetric search works fine just to simplify usage.

I know I can remove those chars on the album list though. I also see DUI does the same, at least on v1.6.

Pressing 'Baro' skips 'Barón Rojo' and goes to 'Baroness' directly

It should behave similar to queries, where pressing 'bar' matches both 'barón rojo' and 'baron rojo'.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #803
Feature request for FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper component:
1. Making "codec" (or "codec long" or "codec profile") see and distinguish DTSHDMA from DTS (including Stream Selector and Columns)- I think it should be possible because MPCHC does this.
2. Displaying "bitrate" (kbps) independent for all streams in multistream .m2ts files - eg. for 96/24/2.0 stream it would be 4608, for 96/24/4.0 it would be 9216, for 96/24/5.1 it would be 13824 - again MPCHC does this while FB probably shows a sum of all three streams plus video (it is not 27648 but something more than 31k and stays the same for every stream).
3. DTSHDMA and TrueHD from .m2ts show 32 bits for "decoded bitspersample" - shouldn't those show 24 - those are 24 bits streams.
4. One of my bluray with 3 streams (all three PCM 96/24; 2.0, 4.0 and 5.1 respectively) only show proper data for 5.1 stream. Stereo and Quadro show no channels, no channel mask, no bitdepth, no  samplerate - in columns, in status bar and in stream selector. I thought that there was something wrong with this file but @Case "foo output" component shows that data from those streams. Also MPCHC shows proper data from all three streams. 

PS. Changing stream with "stream selector" does change what is being played but does not change the information in columns and even Peak Meter stays the same and shows wrong channels. Only changing the stream with right click/utiities... changes everything simulataneously.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #804
-> view by "random album" in the Album List UI element.

I am rather addicted to sorting my albums randomly to then pick the first one I'd like to play at that moment.
Currently I use Plex for this, but I prefer foobar for playback (especially when it concerns albums where tracks should follow each other without pause, which fails in a web based player, like Plex).

So I sort my albums randomly in Plex, then I search the randomly chosen album in Foobar2000...

(sorry, I just opened a separate topic for this request, before I noticed this generic topic for requests ->

Moderator: removed duplicate post

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #805
So i can do feature requests here?
Mine: don't stop when encountering an error when generating replay gain. On big sets op mp3 it's a lot of work to remove the bad ones. You can export the errors to a file but it's not much use.
Please please.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #806
The option to create different tags for each stream in multistream files would be great.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #807
Always publish following values: $info(decoded_samplerate), $info(decoded_bitspersample), $info(decoded_channels), "decoded_bitspersample_extra" and"decoded_channel_mask" even if those values would be equal to "samplerate", "bitspersample" and "channels" etc. They are now only exposed if differ in value or are not implemented at all.
Please provide this feature in foobar itself and also in FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper component.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #808
Feature request to integrate functionality of de-emphasis plugin:,99394.0.html

If integrated it would allow at the same time proper verifying of CD rips in AccurateRip DB as it should be done without de-emphasis applied and DR meter plugins with de-emphasis applied to regain consistency all over the web about what is 100% correct rip and what is not.

Second feature would be possibility of selective disabling any component in Installed components without need of removing and reinstalling in case of testing random features and affections.

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #809
ability to automatically remove a track after it has been played this worked in earlier versions

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #814
Hello. Recently created the TrackTotal column to show numbers without zeros. And it seemed to show. Today I noticed that the column shows nothing. And the Total Tracks column shows the TrackTotal tag with zeros, which is not convenient. But what is strange is that it should not show TrackTotal, but TotalTracks, but shows TrackTotal. And the TrackTotal column shows nothing, although the TrackTotal tag is. In foobar2000 itself, you can create a TrackTotal tag, but the tag is not saved. As I understand it, the Total Tracks column (%totaltracks%) reads and writes the %tracktotal% tag, in theory, a multitag should be created, but a second such tag is not created. TotalTracks and Tracktotal are different tags, it is especially strange that tracktotal does not show the %tracktotal% tag, even if you delete the total tracks column (%totaltracks%). Although he seemed to show when he created the column. but now does not show (I don't remember exactly already).

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #815
Not sure why you posted in a wishlist thread, but you don't seem to be familiar with tag mapping. Different tagging standards have different way to refer to fields and foobar2000 too will do its best to map everything into a single common user-usable field name.
I'm not certain I understood correctly, but it sounded like you are trying to store same information in two different tag fields: one with leading zero and one without. That kind of stuff makes no sense. Store using however you like but don't expect them to stay that way when rewritten by any number-aware program. Reliably working solution is to handle any zero stripping or padding on display. Use function $num(%field%,number-of-digits).

Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #817
Three suggestions:

- Make the integrated HLS decoder play from the end, not the beginning of a stream. Currently, it starts at the beginning which means for rewindable streams, it will always play maximally rewinded. For example, radios with a 2 hour rewind period will always play what was on the radio 2 hours ago.

- Make the integrated HLS decoder able to seek for seekable streams. Very related to the first suggestion, but really not as important.

- Maybe foo_input_ffmpeg could report the bitrate of streams. While ffprobe doesn't reliably decode online stream bitrates, ffmpeg itself will happily report the bitrate while decoding as far as my tests show. It might make @wojak happy, as well :)


Re: [Suggestions / Wishlists] for future updates

Reply #818
(No request) Honestly? At this point I am incredibly happy with foobar2000. I put a lot of work into it last year and the year before, and I made many requests and reports which were graciously answered by first- and third-perty developers in the community. While I have a very small list of things I would like changed or 'improved', I can say that as it stands my setup of foobar2000 meets 99%+ of my needs perfectly as-is. I'm probably going to stick around the community a bit because I always tend to learn new things and I can help people sometimes with knowledge I've somehow retained, but I'm not likely to install new versions of FB2K or components for the foreseeable future. I just don't see any need for it in my case since the latest stable version was released.

Maybe I'll be back at it in a few years time, or sooner if I find a new interest that requires more functionality from my music player. But as it stands, I'm just happy and content. Thank you all for helping me get to this point!
Think millionaire, but with cannons.