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Topic: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives (Read 2545 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Hey there,

Trying to dump a few disks today I noticed that even though both of my drives have Accurate Rip-verfied Offset correction and I used "Detect Read Features" the resulting tracks have different CRCs. I am not talking about faulty disks that give different results from one read to another (same drive, same settings, different CRC) but about reproducible CRCs that are different for drive b then for drive a. How is that possible? Is there an error in the auto-configuration? Do I miss something? Or is the only possible explanation that one of the drives is faulty?


Re: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Reply #1
"tracks". Which ones? If it is only the last, then it is probably a lead-out thing.

Re: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Reply #2
Interesting. I did not notice a pattern and definitely the last tracks are not the only ones which are effected

Re: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Reply #3
Are the different CRCs consistent across multiple read attempts? And do either (or both) of those different CRCs give an accuraterip match?

Being able to see the logs for both rips might help.

Re: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Reply #4
I'm having the same problem now: Both drives report a range quality of 100 % and the rip/test runs through without additional read attempts or reporting errors.

Drive  HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH24NSD1 returns in Secure-mode:

Track  1  cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1)  [6F701314], AccurateRip returned [33401B55]  (AR v2)

and later, with just Track 1 tested:

Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1)  [6F701314], AccurateRip returned [33401B55]  (AR v2)

While drive PLEXTOR CD-R   PREMIUM returns in Secure-mode

Track  1  cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1)  [9615A23F], AccurateRip returned [33401B55]  (AR v2)

respectively (2nd attempt with that drive, Burst-mode):

Track  1  cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 1)  [9615A23F], AccurateRip returned [33401B55]  (AR v2)

Both drive have a fitting setup, with other CDs I usually get correct results.

If you want me to, I can check it with some other drives later on!?

Re: EAC: CRC-Value reproducable different for different drives

Reply #5
Two other drives deliver the same CRC as the GH24NSD1:

PLEXTOR BD-R  PX-B950SA: [6F701314] (reproducible, 2x)

PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-891SA: [6F701314] (reproducible, 2x)

I can check with some more drives - but it looks as if the PLEXTOR CD-R   PREMIUM might have an issue here.