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Topic: FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples. (Read 6694 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Since now, is recommending that all people providing test samples will use open source FLAC-format for lossless compression.
LPAC, which has been used quite a lot, is totally closed, and there are no decompressors for every platform which people use here.

I will be converting the samples I host to FLAC and edit the links in corresponding messages. I've also contacted ff123 and he has agreed to change to FLAC-format.

FLAC-download page:
All releases:

Win32 compressor, frontend, winamp plugin -bundle:
Win32 FlacDrop-frontend:

Command line usage:
To compress: flac -8 test.wav
To decompress: flac -d test.flac

Latest versions:
Darwin PPC:
Debian packages:

Sure, FLAC may not have the best compression ratio, but it shouldn't matter in case of relatively small test samples. More important is that because of open source, it's equal for all people using different systems.
Of course if a test clip is purely for win32 encoder (Psytel AAC), there's no compatibility reason to compress with FLAC, but chance is a test clip can be problematic with several encoders.
That's why is trying to push FLAC as the lossless compressor of choise for test clips.

Juha Laaksonheimo

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #2
Originally posted by ashok
Hello all
please tell me links from where i can get free MPEG2 AAC  & MPEG4 AAC source code(float / fixed point).

thanks in advance:)
Hmm, not sure if you meant your question to be in this thread. Hopefully you'll find this answer.
Juha Laaksonheimo

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #3
Well, I may be having second thoughts.  It would be so much nicer if there were a flacdrop which could encode/decode without the command line.

There's a Monkey's Audio gui hack which works ok for encoding, but is not good at all for decoding.  Plus, it took me half an hour to figure out how to get it to encode from within MA.  Not a good solution at all.

How about this:  I'll switch when a flacdrop exists which can both encode and decode.


FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #4
That works great.  Ok, I'm convinced.


FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #5
I'm on it!

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #6
Thanks Agent69! I use RAD Pascal (Delphi, specifically). It's perfect for little apps like this, no runtime files & no dll version hassles. Just a standalone executable.

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #7
Maybe layer3 can provide us a FLACdrop.

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #8
Why open source?

Can't you link to it in closed source state?

FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #9

You did a great job on the aacenc frontend and the FLAC one will be appreciated as well.

Question: What are you using to program these frontend tools?


FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #10
Originally posted by layer3maniac
I'm on it!

If you open source it, let me know and I'll link to it on the FLAC page.

Also, someone has sent me code for Explorer shell extensions and a bunch of other stuff that I haven't had time to incorporate yet.  I will try and get to it in the next release.


FLAC - Lossless compression of choice for test samples.

Reply #11
Hello all
please tell me links from where i can get free MPEG2 AAC  & MPEG4 AAC source code(float / fixed point).

thanks in advance:)
thanks alot