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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466242 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
I'd just like to note this album, on which the catalog number appears to be "GSL 39 CD" but in the HTML there are actually two spaces - making it get read by the tagger as "GSL  39 CD."  Anyone notice any more discogs errors like that?

EDIT:  Yep, a lot of catalog numbers suffer from the extra-spaces disease.  Can we possibly get a workaround for this?

There are also some releases with multiple labels; if those worked, it would be amazing.  (e.g.)


Reply #27
The plugin errors out when looking up tags for

Yes, it barf because there is two artists and it's not supported yet.
Hopefully I'll rewrite the parser this week end to make it much more robust and handle the 5% of problematic cases.

I'll try to release a new version early next week

I'd just like to note this album, on which the catalog number appears to be "GSL 39 CD" but in the HTML there are actually two spaces - making it get read by the tagger as "GSL  39 CD."  Anyone notice any more discogs errors like that?

EDIT:  Yep, a lot of catalog numbers suffer from the extra-spaces disease.  Can we possibly get a workaround for this?

There are also some releases with multiple labels; if those worked, it would be amazing.  (e.g.)

cat # with multiple spaces: this can be checked and fixed, however it's really discogs data that is faulty here.

multiple label: will be supported with the new parser


Reply #28
Version 0.2 is OUT. See first post for changelog & details. Feedback welcome as usual !
It's been some effort but well worth it!

In particular, stress the parser, trying all kind of releases, and if it crashes or don't produce correct data let me know!


Reply #29
Thank you so much for this

I'd still like to see genre and style separately mapped. Maybe there could be an option to combine or separate them?


Reply #30
Isn't it for v.
I got this message:

Failed to load DLL: foo_discogs.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

Version 0.2 is OUT. See first post for changelog & details. Feedback welcome as usual !
It's been some effort but well worth it!

In particular, stress the parser, trying all kind of releases, and if it crashes or don't produce correct data let me know!



Reply #31
Check again the first post of this thread. You'll need some additional dlls.


Reply #32
Oh, yeah. My bad...
I just didn't notice it is ZIP archive and copied it to foobar's folder as is.
It works now! Thanks!!!

Check again the first post of this thread. You'll need some additional dlls.


Reply #33
0.21 released !  this version add basic album art support. Art file is put in the release directory, always named album_art.jpg and you can store either the low res or hi res version of the art.


Reply #34
wicked!!! ! !! !!!!


Reply #35
nice work mate really you just saved me a lot of work 


Reply #36
Bubbleguuum: you're my hero. This is AMAZING.


Reply #37
One small suggestion: it'd be really nice to have an option to just get album art, without any of the tags. I've got a bunch of vinyl entries already tagged according to a certain system that I'd love to be able to go back and get artwork for...


Reply #38
You probably knew something like this would be requested, but here goes regardless *g* :

Let the user specify the name and location of the saved album art file, I would love to be able to do something like: d:\cover art\%artist% - %album%.png .
I always keep my album art in its own folder, because foobar won't let me move those files with it's file rename/move tool.


Reply #39
One small suggestion: it'd be really nice to have an option to just get album art, without any of the tags. I've got a bunch of vinyl entries already tagged according to a certain system that I'd love to be able to go back and get artwork for...

Glad you like the plugin . In a future version it'll be possible to batch process releases tagged with foo_discogs and retrieve missing art automaticcally
For your already tagged collection, if you didn't use foo_discogs you can still retrieve only album art by disabling write on all tags in mappings. Well almost becase ALBUM ARTIST and COMPILATION are always written for now

You probably knew something like this would be requested, but here goes regardless *g* :

Let the user specify the name and location of the saved album art file, I would love to be able to do something like: d:\cover art\%artist% - %album%.png .
I always keep my album art in its own folder, because foobar won't let me move those files with it's file rename/move tool.

yes saw that coming . Album art will be of course more parametrable


Reply #40
In a future version it'll be possible to batch process releases tagged with foo_discogs and retrieve missing art automaticcally


For your already tagged collection, if you didn't use foo_discogs you can still retrieve only album art by disabling write on all tags in mappings. Well almost becase ALBUM ARTIST and COMPILATION are always written for now

Thanks for the quick reply, BG. I anticipated that you'd suggest turning the tag mappings off; the problem with that is that I use foo_discogs simultaneously with albums that just need art and albums that need tags. It'd be nice to have a quick toggle option that says 'Just get artwork' to save the time of having to constantly go into the menu and deselect all the field mappings. But in the grand scheme of things, this is a pretty minor quibble -- foo_discogs is fantastic otherwise.


Reply #41
Hi and thanks for great plugin

I'd still like to see genre and style separately mapped. Maybe there could be an option to combine or separate them?

I second this. Genres and styles are listed separately for a reason and having two tags makes sorting more efficient. Also it would be great to be able to combine a variety of tags into one (eg, 'Country' and 'Catalog #' into %comment% separated by comma)


Reply #42
Thanks for this awesome plugin! I really love it. As a matter of fact, I've started thinking about using it on a major part of my collection in order to add label info and catalog numbers to the files (which I find really helpful in certain genres). But in order to do something like that, I guess it would be sweet if foo_discogs was able to automatically find the Discogs release number (shouldn't be a difficult if %artist% and %album% are present). I mean, it's not a problem to look up a release number or two on the web once in a while*, but imagine doing this for like dozens of albums...

*) pretty comfy actually with a discogs search field in Firefox's toolbar


Reply #43
that's a fact and also make the fields editable like the tracknumber cause some info on discogs isn't 100 procent correct. if you see this one there's still a mistake in the numbering. it keeps going like one cd while it are 2cd's and sometimes there type faults in the title or artist tags. (or I'm I doing something wrong?)
It would be nice to edit them directly in stead of have to open a seperate program to do this. + have the option to save the album art somewhere else cause it always saves in cd1 but i like to have it in the parent folder so when I open cd2 I can also see the album art. But this is just a idea nothing that important.


Reply #44
that's a fact and also make the fields editable like the tracknumber cause some info on discogs isn't 100 procent correct. if you see this one there's still a mistake in the numbering. it keeps going like one cd while it are 2cd's

That's exactly what's the "Multi-disc release" panel is for. If you didn't, have a look at the first post, end of the 0.20 change log, I explain how to use it on such releases. The renumber button will renumber the tracks.

and sometimes there type faults in the title or artist tags. (or I'm I doing something wrong?)

tell me which URL produce faults so I can check it the typos are in discog data or if it's the parser.

It would be nice to edit them directly in stead of have to open a seperate program to do this. + have the option to save the album art somewhere else cause it always saves in cd1 but i like to have it in the parent folder so when I open cd2 I can also see the album art. But this is just a idea nothing that important.

Album art will be more configurable in future version, you'll be able to specify the directory and filename format. And my development version already fetch all art available (possibly several files) if you tell so


Reply #45
It's not the parser for the typos I'm sure, if I notice it again I will post but this is not often that it happens but it was just a suggestion I don't know much about coding so I don't know if it's a lot of work but it was just a idea I was playing with.

And thanks for explaining the multi disc thing


Reply #46
Hi and thanks for great plugin

I'd still like to see genre and style separately mapped. Maybe there could be an option to combine or separate them?

I second this. Genres and styles are listed separately for a reason and having two tags makes sorting more efficient. Also it would be great to be able to combine a variety of tags into one (eg, 'Country' and 'Catalog #' into %comment% separated by comma)

In next version genre and style will be separated, and "Format" will be available (forgot about it in fact in 0.20).

Now I need your input on how I should fill the genre combo box. For my own need, I would only fill it with "Style" as Genre is too general for me (I don't need to know 90% of my collection is Electronic).

Maybe a settings to map the combo box to "Style", "Genre" or "Style and Genre" ?

It would have benn more simple for me if Discogs never did the distinction between style and genre...


Reply #47
Personally, I would just fill the "style" tag with styles and the "genre" tag with genre.


Reply #48
I was thinking, if you make the album covers download automatically in the future versions like you said can you also make it possible to update all the tags of all the albums tagged with your plugin with one touch of a button. Cause I don't really know if the updating now goes automatically if you play a song but it's quite timetaking to go and look every time when a thing has changed on a album or when a cover has come available on discogs so a button to update all in once should be nice. and maybe make it possible to just type the whole url in the field that also goes a bit quicker. I mean when I'm tagging 1500 albums selecting the code everytime gets a bit annoying. I was also thinking of tagging all my music with your plugin but I don't have that much time for checking for new covers etc.that's why...


Reply #49
I was thinking, if you make the album covers download automatically in the future versions like you said can you also make it possible to update all the tags of all the albums tagged with your plugin with one touch of a button. Cause I don't really know if the updating now goes automatically if you play a song but it's quite timetaking to go and look every time when a thing has changed on a album or when a cover has come available on discogs so a button to update all in once should be nice. and maybe make it possible to just type the whole url in the field that also goes a bit quicker. I mean when I'm tagging 1500 albums selecting the code everytime gets a bit annoying. I was also thinking of tagging all my music with your plugin but I don't have that much time for checking for new covers etc.that's why...

You're going to be happy because I just added batch album art update (work on tagged releases with foo_discogs). You can update art on:

- releases that have no art yet because you didn't fetch art at tagging time or there was no art on discogs at that time
- all releases, whether they already have art or not.

Also you can select if you want to retrieve all available art (sometimes there's something like 3 or 4 scans availables) or only the first picture.

As for tag update you can already do it via discogs->update tags. It will update all tags that have update (and write) checked in "edit tag mappings".

Also when you select discogs->write tags, the release id will be fill for you if you previously tagged the release with foo_discogs provided you didn't disable write on "release id link" in tag mappings (not recommended)