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Topic: foo_quicksearch (Read 252133 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
If it could only be optional - I would't mind if every search created a new playlist.


Reply #26
If it could only be optional - I would't mind if every search created a new playlist.

for sure.

in previous version, each new search always gone in the same playlist #Search, its content was replaced and it was just renamed (no new playlist for each new search), and this playlist was removable

==> it was perfect for me


Reply #27
If it could only be optional - I would't mind if every search created a new playlist.
It is already the case ... if you select the option.

I've uploaded V1.3 which authorizes playlist removal.


Reply #29
Thank you!


Reply #30
Version 1.3 works perfect so far, no problem deleting the search (auto)playlist, searching in all playlists
also works great.

Thank you so much! 



Reply #31
By far one of the most useful components ! Thx for the update NEMO7538


Reply #32
One bug I found: when autosearch is enabled (try with very fast autosearch), and I type "be" and wait a while, then the ui element loses focus which is quite annoying since I cannot continue typing.

Try to deactivate the "Set Focus to search results" in the preferences.

Thanks! Works perfectly. Stupid me


Reply #33
Well in fact you don't need to  .... It is done automatically when you select "Autosearch" and the "Set Focus to search results" option remains valid in other cases. There was just a small bug in the early release that is now fixed.


Reply #35
Thank you for the new version!
The improved speed is awesome.

However I don't like not being allowed to rename the results playlist.
In the old version it was possible to rename and keep the results playlist. On the next search a new results playlist would be created - very easy and convenient.
Now in order to rename a playlist you have to take two additional actions! You have to check "new playlist" and search for something just for the purpose that a new results playlist is created so that the old one can be renamed even if you don't intend to make a new search yet. It's gotten much more complicated.


Reply #36
The minute I was lacking foo_quisearch, I found your plugin !
Thank you very much !!!

SORT BY does not seem to work
%ARTIST% HAS A SORT BY %TITLE% renders nothing.
The same query renders the whole media library in the "filter search" toolbar
The same query works in the standard Media Library Search.


Reply #37
... However I don't like not being allowed to rename the results playlist ...
I'm afraid it will stay like this, as a secure way of finding the "old" search results is definitely needed.
I have added a shortcut in the new version to easily recall the last search (for making a new playlist).

SORT BY does not seem to work ...
Sort is not supported at the moment.

BTW, I just uploaded a new version.Changes are :
  • New keyboard shortcuts to recall last search and generate a new playlist or autoplaylist
  • Separate field for target "new" playlist name (Preferences)
  • Various labels changed in toolbar menu
  • Permanent alignment of results playlist name with preferences


Reply #38
Thank you, NEMO7538, for this very useful component.

With foo_quicksearch v1.5 I seem no longer be able to add search patterns to the favorites. Am I doing something wrong?

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #39
NEMO7538, please allow me to make three suggestions and I hope you can understand my English:
  • In some foobar dialogs (e.g. Edit / Sort / Sort by) I can scroll through the history by simply pressing the arrow up/down buttons on my keyboard. I wished the Quick Search Toolbar could have this simplified access to its history also.
  • In some foobar dialogs (e.g. Edit / Sort / Sort by) I can either wipe the complete history or remove only the current history item with a right click on the drop down arrow. Could foo_quicksearch also offer to delete only certain elements from both its search history and its favorites history?
  • If I cleared the search history in foo_quicksearch 1.4 also my favorites were deleted and vice versa. In v1.5 I can not add favorites anymore (see my previous post), but could that deletion affect either the search history or the favorites but not both?
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #41
Thank you for the update and your support.

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #42
I am using foo_quicksearch since a few days now. Never before I enjoyed it that much to rummage in the media library for my files.

Thank you for this component.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #43
There is a problem with the quick search preferences panel. If I select Quick Search in the foobar prefereces tree, the quick search prefereces appear but they first take the whole window space then the panel is resized. The tree becomes visible again. You might notice this on slow computers only or if you select the quick search tree entry for the first time. It doesn't look good. It is the only component with this kind of behaviour.

Another unusual thing is the statusbar. If I select the search results playlist the time and volume in the right cornor disappear for a short time. You might notice this on slow computers only, too. It doesn't happen if I select normal playlists.



Reply #44
anyone having problem with the new syntax to use old "Quicksearch for same..." with a PSS button?
CONTEXT:Quicksearch for same.../Artist
doesnt wotk neither
CONTEXT:Quicksearch for same/Artist
thx for helping me


Reply #45
anyone having problem with the new syntax to use old "Quicksearch for same..." with a PSS button?

$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,c:\Foobar\blank.png,c:\Foobar\blank2.png,CONTEXT: Quicksearch for same/Artist,)

is working for me after I messed around for a while finding it!


Reply #46
$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,c:\Foobar\blank.png,c:\Foobar\blank2.png,CONTEXT: Quicksearch for same/Artist,)

is working for me after I messed around for a while finding it!

this is not working for me. neither in textbutton nor imagebutton.
thanks anyway.


Reply #47
...the quick search prefereces appear but they first take the whole window space then the panel is resized.
It is hardly noticeable here but I think I found a fix. Will be included in the next version.
If I select the search results playlist the time and volume in the right cornor disappear for a short time.
I cannot reproduce this one. I doubt it comes from my component.



Reply #48
The Add button for Tagz strings in the preferences window is now always disabled. So, it is not possible to add such strings anymore.


Reply #49
The Add button for Tagz strings in the preferences window is now always disabled. So, it is not possible to add such strings anymore.
I cannot reproduce here ...
The add button should be enabled only if the name and the value are not already in the list.