Support - (fb2k) / Re: BUG? External album art in subfolder not found/displayed if stored on huge hdd
Last post by Case -Process Monitor shows that that *\pattern* triggers foobar2000 to indeed scan all subdirectories and it always finds my arts from the artwork directory.
Your clipped Process Monitor screenshots are a bit misleading, I think. Old foobar2000 behavior was to always search the filesystem for the files using slow methods. New foobar2000 method is to read the filesystem contents once at the beginning and then it knows where to look for the art directly. The new methods avoids unnecessary slow file accesses, especially useful over slower links like cloud storage.
I wonder what your 'tech' directory contains, if the latter failure case where tech\* is accessed is an attempt to use it for art. Perhaps there is something special that fools foobar2000 into thinking it has the art you want.
Can you create and share a tiny sample directory structure with tiny example files that triggers the issue?