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Topic: Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion (Read 261076 times) previous topic - next topic
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Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

foo_lyricsgrabber is a component which allow users to download lyrics from specified lyrics provider.
Current supported
[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Instructions[/size]
In context menu, Find "Lyrics Grabber", Choose a provider to download lyrics for tracks just selected. Or config properites by choosing "Configuration".

[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Requirements[/size]
foobar2000 0.9.5 or later

[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Changlog[/size][/b]
Code: [Select]
[font=Courier] Beta[/font]
[font=Courier]FIX: Crash while decoding html entities that are at the end of the html content[/font]

[font=Courier] Beta
FIX: Addtion spaces at the begining of a line
FIX: Results from LyricsPlugin always shows "<found>" even they are empty
FIX: "Configruation" grayed out after used once

[/font][font=Courier]0.2.6 Beta
ADD: New provider for
CHG: Minor cleanups

[/font][font=Courier]0.2.5 Beta
FIX: Lyric could not get from due to case mismatch

0.2.4 Beta
ADD: New option for skipping updating file whose tag already exists
FIX: Cannot parse lyrics in multi chapter
FIX: Some lyrics cannot be parsed due to incorrect regular expression

[font=Courier]0.2.3 Beta
FIX: Quick fix for lyric parsing

0.2.2 Beta[/font]
[font=Courier]FIX: Quick fix for new site

0.2.1 Beta
FIX: Crashes when there is special character

0.2.0 Beta
ADD: In preview window, press "DELETE" key to remove selected items
ADD: Configruation window.
ADD: Lyric tag field name setting
ADD: Proxy setting (http, socks4, socks5)
FIX: Improved handling for lyric with sub-titles
FIX: Improved html tags & entities decoder
CHG: Various internal changes

[/font][font=Courier]0.1.6 Preview
FIX: LYRICS tag didn't have correct newline characters
FIX: LYRICS tag wirtten even if no lyrics found(null tag)
CHG: Some UI improvements

0.1.5 Preview
ADD: GUI for preview lyrics
FIX: Some glitches while updating tags

0.1.0 Preview
initial release[/font]

[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]License[/size]
Released under MIT License

[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Credits[/size]
Thanks kanak for introducing lyricwiki

libcurl - Copyright © 1998 - 2008, Daniel Stenberg
DEELX Regular Expression Engine - Copyright 2006 ©, 史寿伟 (sswater shi)

[!--sizeo:3--][span style=\"font-size:12pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Download here[/size][/font]

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #1
As far as I can see it works via Context menu. It adds a button named "Functions" but by clicking it nothing happens. Is this intended? I am asking because this is a preview.

For me the important thing would be to have a preview of which lyrics are added. There was a component which had this feature.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #2
GUI interface is working in progress.
It shouldn't be "Functions" in context menu, the default path for current version is Lyrics Grabber -> Lyricwiki, since there's only on provider now.

Once you've click that provider, a window will show progress, and then ask you to confirm the tag writting.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #3
Sorry. In the menu toolbar a button named "Functions" is appearing. This appeared with the instalation of your plugin.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #4
Do you have foo_func then? It did that to me when I used it.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #5
Oh you are right.  Sorry my mistake.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #6
Very nice!!  I am eager to follow the development - hope you will keep it clean and simple.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #7
What the best way to display LYRICS tag ? "Lyrics Show Panel" I guess, and it already has a grabber.
So this new plugin is nice, it works flawlessly but it lacks a simple plugin to display (long) tag.

By the way, is it a good thing to add all these data in a tag ? Is it not better to have lyrics in a file instead ?

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #8
0.1.5 Preview is released.

Very nice!! I am eager to follow the development - hope you will keep it clean and simple.

Thank you, certinly I'll continue developing this component and try my best to make it clean and simple

By the way, is it a good thing to add all these data in a tag ? Is it not better to have lyrics in a file instead ?

I think if we want to keep it simple and clean, store lyrics in tag is a good choice, but may not be the best choice for everyone.

This component is aimed to provide a "universal" lyrics grabber, easy to use for downloading without any more clicks.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #9
0.1.6 Preview is out, with some quick fixes. Note that this component is still under unstable stage. Use it with caution.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #10
I first tried this plugin on a track from the second CD of Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence and was confused when I got the lyrics for the first song all the time.
Then I looked at LyricWiki and was rembered that this CD is named on the tracklist as 1 song =P

(I am not saying this is a great problem, as this probably only applies to some DT tracks..., just thought I'd notify you of it).

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #11
(I am not saying this is a great problem, as this probably only applies to some DT tracks..., just thought I'd notify you of it).

I'll consider that in the next version, thanks for reporting.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #12

(I am not saying this is a great problem, as this probably only applies to some DT tracks..., just thought I'd notify you of it).

I'll consider that in the next version, thanks for reporting.

Nice =)
A greater problem I just found though is tracks like DT's (again) The Glass Prison with "sub-titles",
as seen here:

Your plugin again only finds the lyrics to the first part.
And this case is probably more frequent than the previous case so if you need to choose a behaviour, saving all the lyrics on the page is probably the best choice.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #13
By the way, is it a good thing to add all these data in a tag ? Is it not better to have lyrics in a file instead ?

I think if we want to keep it simple and clean, store lyrics in tag is a good choice, but may not be the best choice for everyone.

For me the right place for storing lyrics is the file but i also can understand the need for storing them as text-files. If people are content with the same folder as track file  the configuration would not bloat the preferences as a simple pattern like "%artist%-%title%" written in a textfield would be enough.

T.P Wang, can you give us the choice to write the lyrics in the "Unsynced Lyrics" frame?

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #14
Will it support custom_info db?

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #15
What is the advantage of using custom_info db?

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #16
And this case is probably more frequent than the previous case so if you need to choose a behaviour, saving all the lyrics on the page is probably the best choice.

Yes, I'll add some more code check for the toc title and then extract lyrics according to the toc title. It won't be easy for all these done 

Will it support custom_info db?

No, since development of custom_info stopped for a long time, and the metadb_display_hook API is deprecated, custom_info will sooner or later be a "broken" component, thus I won't support custom_info in the future.

For me the right place for storing lyrics is the file but i also can understand the need for storing them as text-files

Hmm, I consider these needs. I'll add that feature later.

can you give us the choice to write the lyrics in the "Unsynced Lyrics" frame?

Yes, I'm working on the configruation of Lyrics Grabber and such.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #17
0.2.0 Beta released 

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #18
0.2.0 Beta released 

when i go in configurations and click provider/options/website internet explorer seems to be hardcoded as browser. not a big deal for me but would be nice if you could grab default browser from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #19
when i go in configurations and click provider/options/website internet explorer seems to be hardcoded as browser. not a big deal for me but would be nice if you could grab default browser from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\

Hmm, yes, so I've re-uploaded with that "quick fix" .

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #20
many lyrics can't find,but in the web if I search ,I can find many lyrics.
It can't find if the tags are not complete?

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #21
It's highly depend on your TITLE and ARTIST tag.
It's not easy to support fuzzy matching for ARTIST and TITLE.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #22
It's not easy to support fuzzy matching for ARTIST and TITLE.

Would it be easier to look for ARTIST, ALBUM and TRACKNUMBER if lyrics are not found - so many times the lookup fails because the titles from file and from are a little bit different. (f.e. missing accents and so on)

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #23
Hi ,very good pugins,but I have a problem,when it auto download from internet and output the *.lyr to my hard drive, the *.lyr 's name is different from the *.mp3.for example the song's name is (01. Candy Shop.mp3) but the lyr's name is (Madonna - Candy Shop.lrc) ,it's different .If I put these together to my MP3 player, it can't play the lyr. thanks.

Lyrics Grabber Feedback & Discussion

Reply #24
Would it be easier to look for ARTIST, ALBUM and TRACKNUMBER if lyrics are not found - so many times the lookup fails because the titles from file and from are a little bit different. (f.e. missing accents and so on)

Yes, I'll consider to implement that sooner after finishing scripting support and some UI improvements.

...when it auto download from internet and output the *.lyr to my hard drive ...

Have I added support for saving lyric in a file, or may be you've mistaken some softeares called "Lyrics Grabber"...