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Topic: foo_winamp_ipc (Read 82858 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
not working with Trillian?


Reply #26
foo_winamp_ipc not working on versions above 


Reply #27
How specifically doesn't it work for you?
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #28
Not sends information to a IM-pager info "now plays"


Reply #29
How specifically doesn't it work for you?

The remote controls all seem to function, however the text string is not showing up. %title% etc is blank.


Reply #30
Yeah, that sucks :/ I too want to use it with Trillian.


Reply #31
Yeah doesn't work for me in pidgin, trillian astra, or digsby.


Reply #32
doesn't work for me in GTalk(now playing)


Reply #33
Yeah doesn't work for me in pidgin, trillian astra, or digsby.

Doesn't work with Digsby here too.

Working: foo_vis_shpeck.dll (229 KiB)


Reply #34
Yeah doesn't work for me in pidgin, trillian astra, or digsby.

Doesn't work with Digsby here too.

Working: foo_vis_shpeck.dll (229 KiB)

Doesn't work for me with Digsby either. I'm thinking of taking up C++ just so I can code one for it lol.. I don't like pidgin or any of the other IM progz, but foobar has become my fave music player as well.


Reply #35
Is there a mirror to this?

The dl link in the FP seems to time out...


Reply #36
Finally upgraded to Foobar but cannot get it to work nice with Digsby ...


Reply #37
Try using Shpeck instead. It's not just a visualization wrapper, it emulates a lot of Winamp functionality.


Reply #38
Try using Shpeck instead. It's not just a visualization wrapper, it emulates a lot of Winamp functionality.

Thanks! Works immediately out of box. Great!!


Reply #39
Great plugin  I'm a little behind with the plugins for foobar2000 as I've been living under a rock these last few years  so now that I wanted to install all that good stuff and I found out about foo_winamp_spam or whatever it was called, had been banned I decided to find the alternative especially so I could get GTSDLL working somewhat again. I can't get the foobar2000 part of GTSDLL to work anymore obviously, but with this plugin I'm able to fool GTSDLL to think I'm using WinAmp  So happy happy joy joy, I'm able to spam my mates on IRC heh - Already had AMIP installed, but it wouldn't hurt with an alternative solution.

Only problem I have with this plugin is the handling of streams. When I play a song on my computer it tells IRC exactly what it needs to know, metadata and all that. But that isn't the case when I listen to an internet radio like digitally imported. Then it only passes along playtime data, and not the updated metadata. So while I can see what song I'm currently listening to in foobar2000 and even display it with AMIP on IRC, I can't get it shown using this plugin.
I hope you understand the problem properly as I did my best to explain despite English not being my native tongue, and I hope you will find a solution for it in your next release of the plugin should we be graced with such a thing  Thanks for your hard work!
"foolish humans, no matter how you try to cover the sky with your hands - is the sky truly smaller than your grasp?" - Gran Kain


Reply #40
Confirming the above post that the plugin does not work with Google Talk. I'm not quite sure how Google Talk retrieves the now playing information from Winamp, but it doesn't seem to be via the window title, as both foo_winamp_spam and this plugin emulate the window title and Google Talk only picks up on the window title.

The reason I'm trying to find an alternative solution is because of the fact that foo_winamp_spam does not transfer unicode information to Google Talk, although I don't know if unicode titles in Winamp appear correctly.