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Listening Tests / Re: Plans for an ABC/HR test
Last post by Klymins -
I prepared the samples. For the test of MP3 (there will be multiple tests with this being the first), I thought these samples and orders would be good:

Erase/Rewind is by The Cardigans, and Sonic Heroes and This Machine are from Sonic Heroes. The others are from Kamedo2's and IgorC's sets. Feel free to write if you have something to recommend. (I'm planning to change the order and include many more samples too for tests involving Opus or profiles using SBR.)

And, about the encodings. I want to include Helix for [96,112,128]kbps, MP3Enc for [96,112,128]kbps, and MP3 Surround for 128kbps; but I'm not sure about should I include Helix for 160kbps, MP3Enc for 144kbps, MP3 Surround for 144kbps, and MP3 Surround for 160kbps (I'll be happy to see suggestions about that). The lower limit of 96kbps is also open to discuss.

Then, I still can't decide about the sampling rate (32000Hz or 44100Hz, for Helix and MP3Enc) so I'll be happy to see suggestions about that too (using the same sampling rate for all encoders is not required - I'd prefer one sampling rate per encoder to not have too many encodings to score, and I can consider making some pre-tests for that).

I also want to say that I'm planning to use 15500Hz as the cutoff point.

I'll be happy to see suggestions about especially the mentioned decisions. Thanks again.

Edit: I forgot to say that I'm planning to discard the first second for all samples and for all tests.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Spider Monkey Panel (foo_spider_monkey_panel)
Last post by regor -
Volume-Seekbar-Slider-SMP v.0.15

- Added Double L. Click settings
        - None
        - Min/Max volume (volume mode)
        - Restart/Next track (seekbar mode)
        - Show/hide tip on tooltip
- Added new left/right buttons.
        - Mute/Unmute (volume mode)  -> Unmute restores previous volume
        - Prev. track (seekbar mode)
- Clicking on Display button (volume mode) mutes/unmutes volume.
- Clicking on Display button (seekbar mode) opens a popup to jump to desired playback time (in secs).
- Updated tooltips
- Renamed buttons according to mode.
FLAC / Re: Optimising FLAC encode speed for many files
Last post by Porcus -
I guess a worst-case scenario for single threading (or low thread count) is that the last file is enormous.

If you want to fine-tune just for the sport, make an algorithm that
* processes the big(gest) files first?
* counts them and steps up thread count for the last files?

Of course you have then to use that routine in processing later on, not just for testing.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_milk2
Last post by TRCTheRaul -
foo_vis_milk2 is a foobar2000 component that ports Winamp's MilkDrop 2 music visualizer. In addition, I have updated rendering from the original DirectX 9 to DirectX 11. Thus, it no longer requires any additional components to run and includes a 64-bit DLL.

It is available in the components repository.

can you do goom (version 2k4) next?
source code is also available on sourceforge.
General Audio / Re: Blu-Ray audio codecs: do ffmpeg decode them as should? (Also tried fb2k.)
Last post by Bogozo -
Frankly this sounds like a bug. I replicated the problem with a random AC3 file: the file alone vs muxed in Matroska changes the decoded output. Changing the AC3 dialog normalization setting from default "off" to enabled "1" value didn't seem to have a difference. Peter has been pinged.

As for ffmpeg and AC3 -
-drc_scale 0 always must be put in command line options before input file if you want to decode AC3 properly. DRC is enabled by default. Because AC3 specification says to do so. Yes, it is as stupid as it is.

ffmpeg -drc_sacale 0 -i ...

fb2k already has this option in advanced preference.