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Topic: XLD stops responding as soon as I start extracting to FLAC (Read 1101 times) previous topic - next topic
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XLD stops responding as soon as I start extracting to FLAC

Hello all!

I just got myself set up with a new DVD drive for ripping (Lite-On IHAS124-14, using my MacBook Pro.

I am able to use XLD to rip to aiff files just fine. However, having updated to my preferred output format (FLAC), now whenever I begin attempting to rip a CD, XLD gets stuck displaying a "waiting for drive" dialog that never disappears, and macOS quickly begins reporting that XLD is not responding. I can hear the drive spin up slightly, hold for a few seconds, then spin down again, repeating this cycle indefinitely.

Force-quitting XLD leaves the drive performing the same spin up, hold, spin down cycle until I power it off and on again.

Does anyone know what might be going on here? :S Thanks in advance for any insight!

Re: XLD stops responding as soon as I start extracting to FLAC

Reply #1

XLD Secure Ripper
Use C2 error pointer checked
Querying AccurateRip database
Saving log file always
Verifying suspicious sectors
Test before copy UNchecked
Don't detect pregap UNchecked
Scan ReplayGain checked

This same problem has occurred with two separate CDs.

Re: XLD stops responding as soon as I start extracting to FLAC

Reply #2
Hmm, OK, with same CD rip settings, AIFF also causes the hang, so it must not be format that causes the issue. Continuing to debug.

Re: XLD stops responding as soon as I start extracting to FLAC

Reply #3
Ah, OK, if I disable usage of C2 error pointers, the rip works OK. I thought my drive supported them, but perhaps not!