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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4724014 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #6800
- how to make play/pause button? of course, the "pause" button works as play button, but i can't found out how to force it to change its icon to [||] while playing and [>] while paused. i guess there is no such a way using standard foobar buttons panel, isn't it?

i have a script for WSH panel mod that can do this. it's named playback buttons inside this zip download. check the readme inside for setup.

Columns UI

Reply #6801
Hey. Small request for the item properties panel; could you please change it so that it only shows tags that actually exists (and has a value)? I usually only have 5 specific tags in my files, so I end up with a bunch of useless, empty rows most of the times. However, I'd like to show other tags when and if they exist of course...


Columns UI

Reply #6802
[seemingly abandonware] Columns UI

Columns UI

Reply #6803
Hey. Small request for the item properties panel; could you please change it so that it only shows tags that actually exists (and has a value)? I usually only have 5 specific tags in my files, so I end up with a bunch of useless, empty rows most of the times. However, I'd like to show other tags when and if they exist of course...


Conditional display (i.e. use of title formatting) of tags isn't supported in the Item properties panel and seems as though it never will be. However, you could use an Item details panel for this. You could do something like:
Code: [Select]
['ALBUM ARTIST: '%album artist%$crlf()]
['ALBUM: '%album%$crlf()]
['DATE: '%date%$crlf()]

The square brackets make each tag's display conditioned upon its presence, and $crlf() is used to make each subsequent tag display on its own line. You can also customize the fonts, font colors, etc. I just gave you a basic example. Anyway, I think you get the picture.

You can also try using the WSH Panel Mod component. There's likely a script that does something similar to what you want.

Columns UI

Reply #6804
Yeah, that's what I'm actually already doing, but I feel item properties will always look more professional (something I could probably never reproduce :P). Oh, and one of the main reasons I use item properties is because it allows me to quickly copy information from it (but since I made my first post in this thread I've discovered CUI's own item properties panel doesn't even allow that, so... perhaps the post should be disregarded).

db1989: if that quote was directed at me, then may I ask why the feature request wiki ( links to this thread? I guess you might argue that it wasn't a FEATURE REQUEST, but I already had in mind a check box that would allow people to toggle between showing empty fields or not (for whatever reason...), if the developer(s) decided to change it.

Columns UI

Reply #6805
He directed it to you because the developer of Columns UI seems to have abandoned it for quite some time now. Any feature requests are rather pointless.

Columns UI

Reply #6806
Aah. Sorry, I wasn't aware. To tell you the truth, I never even bothered to look up what "abandonware" meant.

Columns UI

Reply #6807
Well even though abandoned hopefully someone knows this...

OK so with version my progress bar displays correctly in the status bar and sadly with it does NOT.

Here is the code I am using:

Code: [Select]
[|| %codec% || $if2($info(bitrate_dynamic),$info(bitrate)) kbit/s ||]


// progressbar config


// =========================================
// progressbar

,                                                                    Listening To Internet Radio

$ifgreater(%_length_seconds%,0, $get(progressbar),                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Listening To Internet Radio)

$tab(1)[' || Time Left : '%_time_remaining%' || Total Time : '$if(%_isplaying%,
$ifgreater(%length_seconds%,0,[%_LENGTH%],))' || ']

[Played %play_count% Time$if($stricmp(%play_count%,1),,s) || ]          ||
%playback_time% $if(%_isplaying%,
$ifgreater(%length_seconds%,0,' / '[%_LENGTH%],)) ||
So screenshots time..



Any thoughts? I'd rather stay with latest columns_ui if possible.
God Bless U.S.A

Columns UI

Reply #6808

Sadly - for you - your script works perfect here, using fb2k 1.1.15 with CUI ...
Showing ||||||||||||| XX%
In the Status Bar I use Segoe UI - maybe it's a font issue? Even if you are using the same font in the two screenshots.
Anyway, nice script, thank you.

Columns UI

Reply #6809
Your welcome.

But that is crazy yea.

And nope using Segoe UI does NOT fix it.
God Bless U.S.A

Columns UI

Reply #6810
Hey guys. First post I do, so I hope it's the right place.

Okay, I've played around with foobar and programmed it for quite a while and already reached most of the stuff I wanted to have.

Nevertheless this problem here keeps me stucked:
I use Columns UI, created a filter library (genre - album artist - album - tracks) and have the actually played song shown via "item properties".
What I want to have is to be able to click on the name of the artist in that "item properties"-window so that the library reacts and shows me all of the artist's stuff I have. Same for the genre, album and date.
I think that the WMP used to have that function.

I would be really happy for any help. 

Columns UI

Reply #6811
I know of no component that can do what you want from Item properties (and doubt it's even possible). The Quick Search Toolbar component, however, can do what you want from a playlist viewer or from Album list. It adds a "Quicksearch for same..." entry to the right-click context menu and is configurable to search for whatever metadata you want. These are bindable to keyboard shortcuts and/or buttons. It can load the results in a separate playlist so as to not interrupt your current/playing playlist.

Also, the Columns UI filters (can) make use of two playlists: Filter Results and Filter Results (Playback). Once you've started playback of your filtered results, Filter Results (Playback) is automatically populated with the contents of Filter Results, which allows you to continue to browse using the filters. You could add %<artist>% and %date% filters in the filter configuration if you wanted. You don't have to add them to your layout. You can simply switch to them as needed by right-clicking on a filter header and choosing them from the filter list (that you've configured).


Columns UI

Reply #6812
decided to upgrade to the next foobar version. deleted my old version, installed the new one (portable).

Can't pick columns ui. The only option is "default user interface" for some reason. 

any solution?

Columns UI

Reply #6814
edit: fixed it!  using $hsl() instead of rgb worked.

I hope this explains the situation:

Under the "album" filter, the text of the inactive selected item should be red, but instead shows as white.  Where can I change that?

edit: oh, I specified a color in my album filter... but it's strange, I specified black!


Columns UI

Reply #6815
Abandonware eh? That's a bummer.
Well, existing community, has anyone had this issue before? It just started recently when I created a narrower layout. When I start foobar2000, my statusbar becomes double-height. When I toggle the display on and off again, it reverts to normal height. Wat do?

I suppose in theory this might also be due to the fact that I'm using the UI Hacks plugin to hide my titlebar. Just thought of that...

Columns UI

Reply #6816
Is anybody in touch with "musicmusic"?
A project like that doesn't die just so.
And a Developer like him doesn't stop so abrupt without to say good bye or whatever.


Columns UI

Reply #6817
Accidentally deleted my layout foir the 4th time. Tried to google how to backup my presets so this wouldn't happen again, found no answer. Side note, foobar really needs to get rid of the RESET ALL button.

How do i save my current columbsUI setup so i can back it up? Or, if it is already auto backed up via a file... where is it. thanks

Columns UI

Reply #6818

Before that I sometimes killed foobar from the task manager, which usually restored the previous state as I remember.

Columns UI

Reply #6819
Why does foobar2000 need to get rid of the RESET ALL button for *every user* because you deleted your layout for the 4th time ??????

Is this not reasonable enough:

     foobar really needs to add an option in advanced preferences for controlling the behaviour of the RESET ALL button; two radio buttons ...choose one.
     (1) Default
     (2) Pop-up warning message ("Are you sure you want to...")

Columns UI

Reply #6820
Kneejerking more options into the world is never a good solution.

Why not just a molly-guard messagebox? It's not like people push the button all day long and would be overly inconvenienced by a confirmation.
Stay sane, exile.

Columns UI

Reply #6821
hi im trying to make this bottom right corner for controls and other widgets but i don't know how to cut it off. Look at this screen shot.


I thought logically this horizontal spiltter would make a line for the widget on the side of the playback controls instead of putting the wsh panel underneath it.

Thank you.

Columns UI

Reply #6822
The last two WSH Panel Mods need to be put under the same horizontal splitter.

Bear in mind that the vertical splitter splits the display horizontally and the horizontal splitter splits the display vertically. (I know it's confusing at first  ).

If that screenshot is going to be the final product, I suggest that you create a new preset and change the layout to look like this:

Code: [Select]
Horizontal Splitter
     >WSH Panel Mod
     >Vertical Splitter
          >Waveform Seekbar
          >WSH Panel Mod
          >Horizontal Splitter
               >WSH Panel Mod
               >WSH Panel Mod

EDIT: Spelling, grammar and completely expressed thoughts seem to be escaping me atm.

Columns UI

Reply #6823
I suggested changing the layout if the prior screenshot was going to be the final product. You added more to it since then.

If you'll post a mockup of what you want and label each space with the component's/panel's name, I'll give you a layout that will work.

Columns UI

Reply #6824
I suggested changing the layout if the prior screenshot was going to be the final product. You added more to it since then.

If you'll post a mockup of what you want and label each space with the component's/panel's name, I'll give you a layout that will work.

i would love you...