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Topic: Best earphones for Death Metal (Read 6118 times) previous topic - next topic
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Best earphones for Death Metal

Hi folks,
I will keep it short.

I am in need of new, HQ Earphones, especially for the genre of (technical) Death Metal.
As always I have all my music stored in lossless and I want to make use of it.
Atm I am using Sennheiser CX300 II in-ears, but they aren't made for lossless.
Does anyone have a good tip for me, which ones to buy?


Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #1
What do you mean, headphones aren't made for lossless? Headphones are headphones, either they are good or bad sounding, they don't give a rat's ass what you feed to them.
What did you use before, if you are not satisfied with the current ones? What is the problem with the current ones?

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #2
What do you mean, headphones aren't made for lossless? Headphones are headphones, either they are good or bad sounding, they don't give a rat's ass what you feed to them.

Because some headphones have "bass boosted", "ideal for this and this genre" or whatever in their description.
Too much bass is deadly for metal at all because you only hear wrrrrrr.

What did you use before, if you are not satisfied with the current ones? What is the problem with the current ones?

They are sounding bad.
I don't hear a difference between mp3 and flac with them.
The headphones are 24.99 bucks hardware piece.
I used to have Teufel headphones they were way better.
But I want to have even better ones to unlock full capabilities of lossless audio.
Lossless music is nothing with cheap or crappy hardware like devices, headphones etc.

My actual end device for portable music listening is a Samsung Galaxy S8 in combo with the Sennheiser CX300 II.
It's a pretty cheap equipment, but I did as much as I can to get the best out of it, like magisk audio mods, kernel editing etc.
So I even need better earphones and asked for help.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #3
They are sounding bad.
I don't hear a difference between mp3 and flac with them.

You may want to rethink your understanding of audio codecs or be a little more exact in your statements.

In addition to smaller file size, a main point of mp3 is that there is a bit rate in which it is indistinguishable from lossy.

Not hearing a difference between Flac and Mp3 [at some encoded bit rate which differs across people] is expected outcome.

It is not a sign that some piece of hardware is faulty.

OTOH, if your preference is for less bass, certainly differing headphones have differing frequency responses.

OR, you could save cash and use an equalizer.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #5
But I want to have even better ones to unlock full capabilities of lossless audio.

Explain please?

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #6
> I don't hear a difference between mp3 and flac with them.

You aren't supposed to, anyway. At least if you are listening with level matching so that the mp3 version doesn't get clipped after decoding. And if the mp3 is encoded from the same source, with recent LAME version, by someone who isn't trying their best to fail at this simple task.

Either way, try something like audiotechnica ath-m50, they are (in my experience) producing neutral sound with no audible distortion (unless you go for really painful loudness levels) and only a little of bass amplification which is actually a good thing if you ask me (I still had to turn up the bass when I used them).
AFAIK everyone who tried these agreed that they sound accurate and work for everything.

> Too much bass is deadly for metal at all because you only hear wrrrrrr.
There's no such problem; if you only hear wrrrrr it's probably because of nonlinear distortion?
I listened to all kinds of metal including "extreme" and "rough" varieties like Venom, Dissection, Deicide, early Sepultura, Bethlehem, Elysian Blaze, etc. etc. with increased levels of bass and everything was 100% clear and legible.
a fan of AutoEq + Meier Crossfeed

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #7
I suggest you to try Campfire Audio Andromeda. These earphones are perfect for genres like death metal, where the instruments are often layered and complex. They also have a great isolation.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #8
When it comes to high-quality earphones for technical death metal, you must pay attention to some details. I can recommend you Shure SE846 and Klipsch X12i. I tried them both. These earphones are known for their clarity and precision. They're a great choice for technical death metal, where the fast and complex rhythms are often hard to hear. When I buy a new pair of earphones, I always test them.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #9
Jesus, the state of this topic. A lad comes in asking for headphones recommendations and the condecending nerds decend on him. My advice - find a new, friendlier forum to ask this question.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #10
The state of the topic is also that nothing happened for four years. But @RerryDan may have found it on top if some spambot had been here.

If now you argue that it isn't that important whether it happened four years ago if it would very well happen in four weeks again ... fair point. The tone of the forum can always be discussed, and it might be a bit overly aggro at times. (Says the arrogant swine.)

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #11
Truly good headphones are good for any genre.

technical death metal, where the fast and complex rhythms are often hard to hear
Actually, there are many things that are hard to hear in technical death metal not because of technical death metal itself, but because the fact that most of modern metal recordings are mixed and/or mastered poorly.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #12
When it comes to high-quality earphones for technical death metal, you must pay attention to some details. I can recommend you Shure SE846 and Klipsch X12i. I tried them both. These earphones are known for their clarity and precision. They're a great choice for technical death metal, where the fast and complex rhythms are often hard to hear. When I buy a new pair of earphones, I always test them.
Usually, I listen to because the beats make me understand if the earphones' sound is good. But remember that personal preference plays a big role in what headphones you choose. Additionally, the fit is also important. So, make sure to try different types of ear tips to find the most comfortable and secure fit for you.

MOD Edit: move reply out of quoted text

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #13
A good site with testing results on buds and headphones.
EZ CD Audio Converter

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #14 - but those are headphones, not earphones... I just thought of putting this link here, since the thread got resurrected. Maybe someone who stumbles on it will find this useful.
lame -V 0

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #15
I recomend Moondrop Lan.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #16
Whatever headphones or speakers your stuck with , I think I know what
you mean by bass boosted.  What I do is make a mild V shaped dip in the bass freqs
using graphical EQ - this usually produces a clearer less muddy sound.  Good for most genres
, very good for metal and some electronic sounds. Maybe not great for heavy bass driven sound.

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #17
One with low distortion...

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #18
My advice:

audio-technica ATH-M20x

Philips Fidelio X2HR

Re: Best earphones for Death Metal

Reply #19
If headphones or speakers are supposedly good for genre xy, just skip them. Like beats-phones for example. Expensive crap.
You want gear that is capable of reproducing the sound properly, it shouldn't massively over or underrepresent certain frequencies.
Well mixed music should sound good and bad mixes should be exposed as such.
Considering everyone having a individual hearing curve, one model will be better or worse for you. Best test them for yourself.
Use a set of testsongs you are familiar with, so it's easier to judge on the over all quality of the phones and if they suit your hearing curve well.
Other than that, price, wearing comfort, flexibility and quality of material probably are important factors.

Of course you can have a "personal taste" and for example like much low bass, but be aware that much xy frequency usually is masking other frequencies.

I'd sugest to go with brands lik Sennheiser, AudioTechnika, AKG or Beyerdynamic. Get like 3 or four of those and test them.
Keep one and send the others back. Boom, done.