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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2187669 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #375
  • Search results grouping (by source, or by local / online results). There is a new Group By option, next to the Sort By option, which allows grouping of the results either by source, or by whether they are local results or not.

That's very nice. It'd be even cooler if all of the Amazon scripts would group together.

Anyway, excellent release, AlexVallat. Keep up the good work.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #376
Brilliant Alex, thanks!

If you're still hungry for ideas for even more improvement, here's one:

Suppose I use the file browser to find art for an album in a certain folder. If I don't get good hits using the artist and album names from the MP3 tags, I edit these fields in AAD and hit search again. I then find some images and click the save icon. However, these images are no longer placed in the original folder, but in My Pictures somewhere, so I have to find them and move them manually. No big problem, but it would be nice if AAD had an option to search again using the same folder settings. Also, perhaps it could perform this second search immediately instead of placing it at the end of the queue.

I need to edit the search fields in about 33% of my albums, so this feature would be useful.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #377
I edit these fields in AAD and hit search again.
I can't think of any reliable way of automatically determining whether someone has edited the fields to refine their search, or is starting a new search for a different album and artist.

What you can do, though, is uncheck the "Open search results in new window" checkbox (under Options). That way, your edited search will be performed immediately, replacing the existing results, and without changing the default path to save to - which should address the concerns you've raised, I think.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #378
I edit these fields in AAD and hit search again.
I can't think of any reliable way of automatically determining whether someone has edited the fields to refine their search, or is starting a new search for a different album and artist.

What you can do, though, is uncheck the "Open search results in new window" checkbox (under Options). That way, your edited search will be performed immediately, replacing the existing results, and without changing the default path to save to - which should address the concerns you've raised, I think.


That checkbox was exactly what I wanted - I have no idea how I managed to miss it. I'm really running out of suggestions for you now. Hmmm ... how about an option to automatically add a number suffix when saving an image to a name that already exists (instead of asking to overwrite and/or prompting for a new name)?

Or is that functionality already in the current version too?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #379
AlbumArt Downloader XUI v0.19 Released

This release includes several minor new features that were requested:
  • Search results grouping (by source, or by local / online results). There is a new Group By option, next to the Sort By option, which allows grouping of the results either by source, or by whether they are local results or not.
  • Added the ability to the File Browser path pattern matching function to specify the path should match folders rather than files. This can be used to speed up scanning by avoiding needlessly scanning files when all the relevant information is in the folder names. To specify that a pattern should match folders, end it with \.

    For example, if your music is stored as c:\music\%artist%\%album%\*.mp3, then using the pattern \music\%artist%\%album%\. will avoid having to scan every .mp3 file in the folder, and will also match folders which have no files in them.

  • Delete key now removes items from history lists.

Thanks a bunch! This is awesome. Can't think of anything more I would like

Edit: I think I found a bug eheh I'm getting a consistent crash when using the "Group By Source" option. I have all images script selected and after searching for a single album through the file browser, and after all images have been downloaded, when I select "Group By Source" AAD crashes with the messages "Album Art has stopped working / Option: Close program" (yes I'm using Vista x32). Happens every time (tried with different albums and all).

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #380
One question/request.....
With the 9.5.2 it was possible to check if a cover exists and if not to start AAD automatically.
It would be cool to have such a feature in the newer versions. Is there a way to do this in the newer versions?
I like when AAD automatically opens if a cover is missing.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #381
how about an option to automatically add a number suffix when saving an image to a name that already exists (instead of asking to overwrite and/or prompting for a new name)?
This might become part of the Presets system, if I ever get round to actually writing it. The idea would be that as well as being able to select a fixed suffix (like front, back, inlay, etc.) you could define a sequential numeric suffix too.

when I select "Group By Source" AAD crashes
Is an errorlog.txt file created? It's going to be hard for me to narrow down without one. Perhaps you could check to see if it is any particular source that is causing it? (Try turning half of them off, and if no longer occurs, turn that half back on, and the other half off. If it does still occur, halve the remaining sources again until the minimum set of sources that cause the bug has been isolated)

With the 9.5.2 it was possible to check if a cover exists and if not to start AAD automatically.
I don't know anything about this, but that functionality was never part of AAD, and has certainly never been removed. There has never been a version 9.5.2 of AAD.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #382
when I select "Group By Source" AAD crashes
Is an errorlog.txt file created? It's going to be hard for me to narrow down without one. Perhaps you could check to see if it is any particular source that is causing it? (Try turning half of them off, and if no longer occurs, turn that half back on, and the other half off. If it does still occur, halve the remaining sources again until the minimum set of sources that cause the bug has been isolated)


No errorlog.txt created, I tried doing what you said (disabling all scripts then activating them one by one) too see if the crash was related to any of them.. lo and behold the crash is gone lol... must have been some quirk of updating to version 0.19 from 0.17 (deactivating and re-activating the scripts seemed to have worked).

Thanks for everything Alex, you rock!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #383
With the 9.5.2 it was possible to check if a cover exists and if not to start AAD automatically.
I don't know anything about this, but that functionality was never part of AAD, and has certainly never been removed. There has never been a version 9.5.2 of AAD.


Since this is a Foobar discussion board I thought i was clear that I was talking about Foobar in relation with AAD (using foo_func and foo_comserver). Foo_func is deprecated. So this won't work anymore in I wanted to tell that it would be cool to have something implemeted that checks if the albumart of the current exists and if not start a AAD search.

I can understand if that isn't possible.

I like AAD very much good work.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #384
Can Anybody help with this command line ,i can get it to work its not opening the art downloader this is what im using :  "C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe" -ae -ar "%artist%" -al "%album%" -p "$replace(%_path%,%_filename_ext%,)folder.jpg" i can make it work please Thank you . by the way im using windows xp professional 64 edition . i also updated xui to the 64 bit and installed the 3.5 runtime, i just dont know what else to do . THANK YOU...
My Music its in individual folders each one by the name of the band or artist with cover inside and i keep it on another drive .      H:\Music    just in case anybody needs the info. THANKS...

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #385
Foo_func is deprecated. So this won't work anymore in
Ah, OK, sorry for the misunderstanding. You might have better luck asking in the foo_func thread, though, as it is this that you need a replacement for.

Can Anybody help with this command line...
Are you sure that's where you've installed AAD to? The default would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe" (not under the foobar2000 folder), but if you changed that during installation, then the command line you wrote might be OK.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #386
Foo_func is deprecated. So this won't work anymore in
Ah, OK, sorry for the misunderstanding. You might have better luck asking in the foo_func thread, though, as it is this that you need a replacement for.

Can Anybody help with this command line...
Are you sure that's where you've installed AAD to? The default would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe" (not under the foobar2000 folder), but if you changed that during installation, then the command line you wrote might be OK.


you are right this is the default "C:\Program Files (x86)\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe" but  i change it to the foo directory cos that is where i have it  and its opening C:\program files instead of xui ,dont know why .

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #387
its opening C:\program files instead of xui
Ah, I think I know this one. For foo_run you need to escape the ( and ) characters, so you should use:  "C:\Program Files '('x86')'\foobar2000\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe"


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #388
its opening C:\program files instead of xui
Ah, I think I know this one. For foo_run you need to escape the ( and ) characters, so you should use:  "C:\Program Files '('x86')'\foobar2000\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe"


Beautiful Alex it Work ,i was going out of my mind i try just about everything in the book nothing work. i would never figure that one out. THANK YOU... another happy customer .

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #389
Hola again, AAD became an even more awesome tool since I've updated it...

---I have a feature idea: with AAD it was always a bit tricky to manage albums that had more than one Artist (VA albums) Path pattern is one way to overcome this, but here is another idea: in the browser, there could be a new sorting column: Path - this would show the file path of the element. Elements from the same folder would have no thin white margin on top/bottom as they have by default (= or other non highly visible marking)

I know you don't like methods that assume a certain path structure, but this would have little to no impact on the general feel, and is a great help to everyone who stores files in album folders (95% of users )

---And I don't know if it's only me, but the size of the Search window is not saved on simple exit from a window instance - so, if there are 10 items queued, I resize a search window, and the next item in the queue pops up in the old size Search. It only saves in the case of a single Search/last queue item's Search... this is a bit annoying.

---There could be an option for AAD to - if there is one - also check the size/resolution of a folder image. So the user could set that eg. anything under 100x100px would count as missing (of course this could be marked differently in the file browser results - eg. a slightly brighter background color). Since the new image will propably overwrite the old small one, there should be a warning message before turning this on. This might make the search to last a bit longer, but AAD would gain a nice new feature, to replace low resolution folder images.

---There should be an option in the search window to search for only specific file types (eg. only jpg results). This would propably not work for all search engines (or...?), but at least for google, it would. In the distant future, it would be mega-awesome to have some sort of auto-converting ability.

---(And please, even if multi-windowed gui is hardcoded, couldn't you make one parent window to hold all the others? 3-4 open windows of the same app is not a good sight even on high resolution)

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #390
---(And please, even if multi-windowed gui is hardcoded, couldn't you make one parent window to hold all the others? 3-4 open windows of the same app is not a good sight even on high resolution)

I second this request, a unified, tab-based interface would be very nice indeed.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #391
Thanks for all the suggestions, poisonboroz:

Path column in file browser:
This is a possibility - I'd need to make columns optional/hideable, then this could be a column that could be turned on and sorted by. Visible marking of items from the same path is less likely to happen, though.

Resized search window does not apply to queued searches:
That's a bug, I'll fix that.

Read pixel size of folder image in file browser:
I don't want to open and read every image during a scan, so a pixel size can't be shown. A file size is already shown, though, which should give some indication of the pixel size of the image. They don't count as missing, but the file size column can be sorted by, so you can just select all the albums with images under a certain (file)size and search for replacements if you want.

Search for specific file types:
None of the sources, with the possible exception of google images, would support this, so it isn't worth adding any sort of dedicated UI for it.

One possible future feature for AAD would be to add an image processing pipeline (crop, resize, add watermark/border, change format). So far I've been of the opinion that this is better left to a dedicated image manipulation tool rather than trying to bring it into scope for an image downloading tool, but I'm not totally against the idea, so it might eventually happen.

Tabbed UI:
Not going to happen. Not by me, anyway. I don't think a tabbed interface is right for this utility, and won't be writing one. If someone else wants to write one, I'd accept it, but only if optional and not the default.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #392
Some sort of management for file formats is a must (even if not conversion for now), because right now AAD saves the files with the pre-set file names (eg. png files are saved with .jpg extension).

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #393
You can save to the right extension using %extension% variable in the save path in AAD.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #394
Another bug to report: in the search window, image dimensions are often reported incorrectly. If I single click on one thumbnail, the image appears to be upscaled to the reported false dimensions, only after the image downloads, is the preview image/size indicator "corrected". Can this be fixed?

Also, it would be nice in the File browser if there would be an option to open the directory of the results (perhaps trough a context menu, or this could be the default action for double right-click) - this way AAD would provide a quick way to check the presence of album art manually.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #395
is anyone else getting this?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #396
is anyone else getting this?

yeah it looks like they change something with referer on thumbnails. but when i click these, full size images are downloaded correctly.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #398
Another bug to report: in the search window, image dimensions are often reported incorrectly.
Which script? If the image dimensions reported by a script are always wrong, then I'll remove them, but if they are at least usually right, or almost right, it's worth leaving them in as a rough guide.

Also, it would be nice in the File browser if there would be an option to open the directory of the results
Once Path becomes a column, the value will be a hyperlink like the folder image is now (when present), which will open that path in explorer.

is anyone else getting this?
I'll have a go at a workaround for this in the cover paradies script. At worst, I'll have it just always download the full sized image, as that still seems to work.
