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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 556701 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #275

i have a lot of classic music.

if i play a classic song, i want to see in the biograph panel information about the composer
and when i play a rock song i want to see infos about  the artist

i make somthing like this

$if2($if($or(%genre% IS "Klassik",%genre% IS "Oper"),$meta(composer)),$meta(artist))

but this doesnt work really good, i put in in biography server  in    remap meta
when i play a rock song it shows nothing when a composer and an artist ist tagged (because the panle does not find the composer; unknown mostly) . if it is  tagged only with the artist  its ok

can someone help me. thanks a lot, my english is not good, excsde me


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #276
$if2($if($or(%genre% IS "Klassik",%genre% IS "Oper"),$meta(composer)),$meta(artist))

I think you should use "$strcmp/$stricmp" instead of "IS".
e.g. $if2($if($or($stricmp(%genre%,Klassik),$stricmp(%genre%,Oper)),$meta(composer)),$meta(artist))

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #277
For some reason plugin doesn't fetch biography when playing radio with this plugin.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #278
$if2($if($or(%genre% IS "Klassik",%genre% IS "Oper"),$meta(composer)),$meta(artist))

I think you should use "$strcmp/$stricmp" instead of "IS".
e.g. $if2($if($or($stricmp(%genre%,Klassik),$stricmp(%genre%,Oper)),$meta(composer)),$meta(artist))

thank you very much. it seems to go, i will test it a little bit

great !!


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #279
everything works fine.

super, thank you


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #280
new version out: Wikipedia support

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #281
[1 min late] OK, it seems that whole wiki artist page is fetched but only first two paragraphs are available in biography view panel, and there seems to be no way to getting that info out of component (as TF field)

Same for Album wiki and I'm having problem with disambiguation setting (can see how it works as always same request is sent, no matter what I enter in those fields) so using:
[%album%] '('album')'
as album field, thou sometimes "(album)" appending isn't needed

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #282
Latest release seems to have a redraw problem for me. Im using my bio panel inside a set of tabs. Switching between tabs or alt tabbing foobar doesnt refresh the panel.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #283
Latest release seems to have a redraw problem for me. Im using my bio panel inside a set of tabs. Switching between tabs or alt tabbing foobar doesnt refresh the panel.

Issue now fixed for me with

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #284
I have a question... I was wondering if I could have biography view cache album art in the folder where the music is playing from. I keep my album art in the same folder as the music as "folder.jpg" I read through the whole thread and nothing really made sense. I'm thinking that it is possible but not sure and I suck at title formatting. Thanks!

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #285
could someone tell me how I can make it use allmusic instead of

I listen to a lot of music from the '60s and '70s and most of the time doesn't have any info on the albums, whilst allmusic has at least a short review available.

or it would be even better if the developer made it an option in future builds..

other that this, it's a terrific component. thank you!

i also wanted biography from allmusic and with the latest version having support to 'Run external script' maybe someone can post the script.

PS - there's a component foo_run.dll which allows searching the current song album/artist details in allmusic. However its a context menu item and displays reults in the browser.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #287
with the latest version having support to 'Run external script' maybe someone can post the script.

have any idea how it's supposed to work or does it at all?
i tried "type some.txt" file with standard output and full path to file for file output method, but it does nothing, although "run external script" is in the source list
and it's not mentioned it shipped txt file, so I would guess that it's for future use

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #288
Run External Script  maybe works. (although I have not tested enough )
"Command line" form needs executable file like "***.exe %artist%".  (e.g. "ping localhost")
"Ouput method" is the way to receive the result of Command line.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #289
feature request: sometimes return biography text with special html chars like "í" which should be translated as unicode char "í"

I second this feature request.
Example of an artist bio with such an entity (ï in this case):
List of stuff that should be replaced:

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #290
Would it be possible to implement the following choice:  "Display biography info for selected track" or "Display biography info for playing track" in the panel preferences?

I think this would be a really nice feature and it doesn't seem to be too difficult.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #291
Run External Script  maybe works. (although I have not tested enough )
"Command line" form needs executable file like "***.exe %artist%".  (e.g. "ping localhost")
"Ouput method" is the way to receive the result of Command line.

I've been trying to use this feature. I've found this nice little command-line program PageScrape which allows you to fetch part of a webpage. It accepts regular expressions. Unfortunately, I've been unable to make foo_uie_biography display the generated data. The command I use is
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\pscrape\pscrape.exe" -u"" -e"<div id=\"profile\">(.*)</div>" -i
. Output method is "via Standard Out" but I've also tried the "via File" method with
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files (x86)\pscrape\pscrape.exe" -u"" -e"<div id=\"profile\">(.*)</div>" -i > %artist%.txt

Any thoughts?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #292
usually you have to put brackets of command lines in foobar in extra quotes like this '('x86')'

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #293
usually you have to put brackets of command lines in foobar in extra quotes like this '('x86')'

I don't quite understand. The command and its parameters are enclosed in double quotes.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #294
The double quotes are for windows parser, the single quotes are for foobar's titleformatting parser where ( and ) are special characters.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #295
Thanks for your help. It works with ( and ) escaped, although I realized I would also need something to strip out the HTML tags and I even experimented with wget, grep and sed but I don't like this solution and I think I'll just wait for the author of the plugin to build the page scraping functionality into it  .

Oh, and sorry for the double post. Please remove the previous one.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #296
To avoid the illegal character, I tried to define the artist filename as $replace(%artist%,'/','_','*','_',':','_') in the context menu of the biography view--"save image path configuration", but if I close the FB2K and restart it, the setting will change the original setting.
I'm confused the difference between this configuration and the setting of artist's "image cache path", and biography server can define to $replace(%artist%,'/','_','*','_',':','_').
Would anyone mind telling me the details? Thanks.
Joel Zhao

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #297
There seems to be a bug in that biography panel colours do not always update when import a new DUI theme file. This applies where custom colour is enabled and at least where the biography panels are in the same position in a tabbed layout in the original and newly imported DUI theme – the themes differing in the colours used by the biography panel. This issue depends on the foobar2000 instance and may disappear following a restart and appear again following another restart. XP SP3.

I would in fact prefer it if there were two options. 1. Use custom font. 2. Use custom colours. This would make it easier to change the font size while retaining use of DUI colours and also enable changing colours with Quick Setup. It is not always practical to change the default DUI font size that is currently used when custom colours is not enabled ( a large size to enable viewing at a distance as this adversely effects other things).

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #298 released.

- added "Draw Border around Album Art" and "Gloss effect for Album Art".
- fixed some bugs.

Thanks for the bug fix.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #299
I didn't update this plugin in a long time and I've just discovered that when I use the "Get Artist Info from" function, the information is now stored in %BIOGRAPHY%, indead in %BIO% like it used to be. As I have already tagged a large number of my files with the %BIO% tag, could you please make the tag name user-customizable?

Also, this option does not use the source list set up in preferences, is made on purpose (for instance I would like to store the wikipedia information to the %bio% tag)?

And another thing: when I use wikipedia as the only source, there is no arist picture, even if it appears on the wiki page.