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Topic: Library Tree Discussion (Read 148520 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #50
I use the View by Folder Structure
How can I see only the folders adding for such? :

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #51
Hi WilB,

I agree with eddy_stylez, this is probably the most beautiful library tree, thank you for all your work.
I just have a slight request for you, do you think you could easily add another option in the context menu? I think an "Insert to playlist" or "Insert into current playlist" option would make the script even better.
Personally, I have huge EsPlaylists I do organize them by genre or by taste and I lost a lot of time because JScript Panel doesn’t allow drag & drop. I'm probably not the only who has this little issue.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #52
New Version: Library Tree 1.0


Added "Playlist: Custom Sort" option to panel properties. If left blank tracks are sent to playlists in the tree order (as before). If an entry is present (use titleformatting), tracks are sent to playlists according to the specified sort order. Example sort: %album artist%|%date%|%album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%. Some playlist viewers such as EsPlaylist have options to force-sort playlists which will override the send order

Added "Insert in Current Playlist" to context menu. If a playlist item has focus tracks are inserted before the item

Like DUI album list, common folders are not displayed. The library tree folder view should display the same as DUI album list

Library Tree 1.0

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #53

Thank you for delivering to us the best jscript panel ever imho, still updated thru 1.0, keep the good work  ;)

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #54
WiLB, this component is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #55
^ Thanks for the compliments...

New Version: Library Tree 1.1


Fixed a draw issue in folder view

Library Tree 1.1

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #56
When there is a text in the search bar, select the text and then paste new text. The result is that there are more than one text in the search bar. Can you fix it? Replace old text with new text.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #57
Add please zoom (or resizing) for Node. Convenient for the touch - panels. Thank you! :

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #58
Hey @WilB! Thanks for the great script, have been using it from the first release =)

One suggestion though, could you add autofill toggle? I.e. with autofill enabled(current behaviour) when you click on the element it automatically fills the playlist, when autofill is disabled playlist will be filled only on left double-click.
I've made a dirty fix for myself, but I think this feature be useful to other user as well.

The code responsible for autofill is here -
Code: [Select]
     if (v.k(2)) 
          this.load(item.item, true, true, false, false, alt_lbtn_pl, false);
          if (v.k(1)) this.load(item.item, true, true, false, true, lbtn_pl, false);
          if (v.k(0)) this.load(this.sel_items, true, false, false, true, lbtn_pl, false);
          this.load(item.item, true, false, false, true, lbtn_pl, false);
To remove autofill and add double-click fill you have to put this code to populate.lbtn_dblclk after check_ix if block.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #59
1 .If turn on All Music and collapse the tree -
list disappears.
2 Add to Current Playlist  - add always just in  "Library view"

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #60
And a couple wishes..
Please make a handy library for touch devices:
This - finger scrolling.
"Node" - zoomable

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #61
I have dealt with most issues raised here and in the associated uploads thread. However, there are a couple of outstanding points before I wish to release a new version:

@seriosstas: Add to Current Playlist  - add always just in  "Library view". I can't reproduce this. The menu item "Add to Current Playlist" added to the current playlist as expected. MiddleBtn click & alt + left button click also worked as expected. Panel properties has "Playlist Use..." where you can set whether the button actions use the current or library view playlist. If this doesn't solve your issue then please post precise instructions on how to reproduce. Please also ensure you're using the latest release

@TheQwertiest: The left button single click seems to work the same way as DUI album list; i.e. with both library tree & album list the playlist is populated on single click. I don't see the advantage of having to use an extra click (double click) to accomplish this, but maybe I am missing something... It would also mean that single click would do nothing upon clicking on a name unless set otherwise. Bear in mind that if single click was set to do something else, that action would also run on double click, which may lead to unwanted events. Anyway, for me to consider it further, please provide convincing arguments as to why you want the double click option, why single click isn't suitable, what benefit double click offers and if added whether you want any other actions also triggered, such as starting playback

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #62
HI !
I want to apologize in advance for my English.
But I will try to explain the problem. I hope that you will understand what I mean.

The problem appears when you select the folders by pressing Ctrl and left mouse click and deselect unnecessary folders that I have already been selected, and then ADD(insert) the selected folders to the playlist.
I made a little video on the test foobar in order that you could see and reproduce the problem.
In the video I show you how it works in your two scripts, the latest version 1.1 and 0.8 modified for my needs.
(Select folders, deselect not needed folders then add to playlist.)
All of the selected folders remain in the array, and when deselected, not removed from the array, and in playlist added all that was previously selected.
Is it possible to remove a previously selected folders from the array when adding to playlist ?

For me, this is the only problem that prevents normal use of the script.
Everything else works perfectly.
Thank you so much for your work  ;) .

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #63
Library v 1.1 & JS Smooth Playlist
For example, I create a new - with the name "My new playlist," and make it active.
  If  send folder through the menu Add to Current Playlist, instead of adding to the Current ( "My new playlist"),
  the addition will always be in the "Library view"

Insert in Current Playlist - work correctly .

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #64
^ I still can't reproduce & so the issue is unconfirmed. I tried by creating a new playlist in both sim_playlist manager and JS Smooth Playlist, activated the playlist and used the library tree menu "Add to Current Playlist". Items were always correctly added to the new playlist. I've repeated it many times without issue, on two different foobar2000 set-ups. I assume you don't inadvertently left click first, which may activate library view resulting in "Add to Current Playlist" then using that playlist...

@du22y I can reproduce that issue & believe I have fixed it in my version. The fix should be in the next release

Thanks for the feedback

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #65
Awesome !
Thank you for your hard work  ;) .

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #66
I still can not reproduce & so the issue is unconfirmed
:-[  I all the same used in the old version ...
  @version "1.1" all is well

The fix should be in the next release
and this please:
1 .If turn on "All Music" and collapse the tree -
list disappears.

Hope for the "Node" is a decision on the size of the change  +  and  - icon :

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #67

Thank you for your excellent script! It is very usefull!
Only one question : Can we use it for other playlists except from music library?  Lets say I want your script to list my "Chopin playlist" with all the items I have in this particular list. Is this possible?

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #68
@seriousstas: I had already fixed/implemented those (and point raised by always.beta) in my version

@sstavross: It's a library viewer and so doesn't read data from playlists

However, you can type, e.g. "Chopin" without the quotes in the search box, to have a tree view of the tracks

Or you can create a filter for the library that's permanently available, e.g. use query "Chopin" without quotes. Such a filter would work like an autoplaylist for "Chopin" since its updated when the library content changes + offering the advantage of a tree view of the contents

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #69
New Version: Library Tree 1.2


Added configurable "Node: Size" & "Scroll: Smooth Scroll Level..." that may help touch device users (panel properties)
Improved interaction with playlist, especially when using Ctrl key
Fixed Allmusic node collapse regression
Fixed search paste issue with long search text

Library Tree 1.2

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #70
Thank you so much !
"Node: Size" - I would hope to change the icon size, and not just distance.
  that may help touch device users.
  For work on a touch device - moving playlist should be a mouse with holding down the left button.
"_PROPERTY: Touch control" in "JS Smooth Playlist"  Then it emulates the movement of a finger.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #71
Hi, really enjoying the library tree script so far myself.

There is one small thing I noticed while playing around it a bit more, and it is that the mouse scrolling behaves in a bit weird way when more elements are collapsed. So instead it scrolling the default amount (usually 3 lines at a time) down, it scrolls by some really big amount at a time. And it only happens when the nodes in the tree are collapsed outwards, while on the root level the mouse scroll is completely fine.

edit: actually it doesn't seem to be fine even on root level, but more to do with how much of the tree is on the view and how much is not. So when the visible area gets small enough the scroll seems to broke and scroll way more than it should on single scroll up/down.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #72
I couldn't reproduce any scrolling issues & no one else has reported any. By default the script uses "Page Scroll" and so will scroll by a large amount, depending on the info to be displayed etc. You can set "Scroll - Mouse Wheel: Page Scroll" to false in panel properties for standard 3 line scrolling. I hope that helps.

Re: Library Tree Discussion

Reply #74
I couldn't reproduce any scrolling issues & no one else has reported any. By default the script uses "Page Scroll" and so will scroll by a large amount, depending on the info to be displayed etc. You can set "Scroll - Mouse Wheel: Page Scroll" to false in panel properties for standard 3 line scrolling. I hope that helps.
Oh I never noticed that page scroll option there, would have probably checked that if I had any idea there was option for it. So anyways thanks for the info, that did indeed solve the scroll issue I was having.