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Topic: Columns UI appearance (Read 3376975 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI appearance

Reply #28

nice, what is the component used for the playlist : ELPlaylist?

Single Column Playlist

so you don't respect this topic recommandation, read again 1st post please :

!!! NO panelsUI USE PLEASE !!!, cause your post will be deleted by Admins ...

Huh? I'm not using panelsUI. I removed it once I upgraded to the latest version of foobar.

How does Single Column Playlist = panelsUI?

Columns UI appearance

Reply #29
I believe there was a standalone SCPL before it was integrated into Panels UI, much the same way that there were standalone track info panels.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #31

nice, what is the component used for the playlist : ELPlaylist?

Single Column Playlist

so you don't respect this topic recommandation, read again 1st post please :

!!! NO panelsUI USE PLEASE !!!, cause your post will be deleted by Admins ...

How does Single Column Playlist = panelsUI?
It doesn't!

Columns UI appearance

Reply #32

My tabbed layout with lots of use of custom buttons 

I love those buttons! Would you mind sharing them? Thanks!

Most of the buttons I got from this set. The wikipedia, google, AMG, discogs & freedb buttons I found on the web. I can upload the images if you want but it may be easier for you if I upload the fcb file and the foo_run commands needed to use the buttons. Let me know.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #34
I'd like to post a screenshot, do I have to upload my image to a host site (do you have any recommendations?) or can I upload it directly from my pc?

Sorry about this, never done it before...

Columns UI appearance

Reply #35
@danny: first upload the image to or something similar (best: png or jpg) and then use their code to post it in here

Columns UI appearance

Reply #36
Sorry, I must be an idiot or something...

I uploaded my screenshots to a host site.

When try to post, I click on "Insert Image", then I get a little pop up window asking for a URL address.  I insert the address of the uploaded image.

Then I click on Add Reply and I get this error message: "Sorry, dynamic pages in the

[/URL]" alt="" class="bbc_img" />


Columns UI appearance

Reply #37
Hi, you need to choose, thumbnail size for forums for you to be able to paste a thumbnail.
Edit, when you choose this option you can right click and paste the link here. and hit preview post to see if it shows the thumbnail view.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #38

Thanks for the help !!

This is my ColumnsUI...  I use trackinfo mod to display song info, etc

Columns UI appearance

Reply #39
Cool, glad you got it working.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #40
Well, here's my layout. It's simple but provides me with all I need

(Yes I realize the image is a bit large/wide but I wanted the layout to take advantage of my widescreen so...)

Columns UI appearance

Reply #41
Here's mine.
Basically: EL Playlist + Track Display + Library (Hidden) + Lyrics Panel (Hidden)

Showing Panels

Hidden panels

can someone tell me how to configure track display this way?

and much more important:
track info panel mod isn't beeing developed was included into panels ui and called track display after that. but now, panels ui isn't delevoped for more than a year now. is there any plugin left I can use? I cant find a link to download track info panel mod, and i cant use track display because panels ui isnt up to date with current foobar version and getting warning at each start of foobar really sux

Columns UI appearance

Reply #42
Still-developed or not (and the answer in both these cases appears to be 'not'), your best bets at this point are gonna be either foo_uie_trackinfo or foo_uie_trackinfo_mod. Old or no, they seem to work well enough with the newest versions.

An alternative would be using the drawing functionality of foo_uie_panel_splitter, but this is somewhat less intuitive, especially for simple tasks.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #43

Please can you tell me your titleformatting for playlist title in playlist switcher? - THX! 
Looks nice!

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Columns UI appearance

Reply #44

Please can you tell me your titleformatting for playlist title in playlist switcher? - THX! 
Looks nice!

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Just the switcher? Sure, here you go:
Code: [Select]
$if(%is_playing%,$char(9834),$repeat($char(8201),2)$char(8226))   %title%
%length%' '

Columns UI appearance

Reply #45
Here's my setup as of now:

don't worry about the thumbnails, they work when you click it... png not very recognized on the big image upload sites apparently...

I used a lot of parts of code from a lot of threads/users.... also if i hoover my mouse on the top of the foobar, the menu comes out [auto-hide]

Columns UI appearance

Reply #46
and much more important:
track info panel mod isn't beeing developed was included into panels ui and called track display after that. but now, panels ui isn't delevoped for more than a year now. is there any plugin left I can use? I cant find a link to download track info panel mod, and i cant use track display because panels ui isnt up to date with current foobar version and getting warning at each start of foobar really sux


Here is a link to download track info mod.

Columns UI appearance

Reply #47
I've been continuing to develop a config with Panel Splitter.  There is still work to be done on the mini mode, but it's coming together.
