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Topic: Attachments (Read 8227 times) previous topic - next topic
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I have installed this add-on, which allows inlining attachments in posts, using the following tags:

Code: [Select]
[attachimg=n] (full size image)
Code: [Select]
[attach=n] (thumbnail image)
Code: [Select]
[attachurl=n] (link with view/download count)
Code: [Select]
[attachmini=n] (simple link)

Where n is the attachment number within your post, starting with 1.

Note, there is a slight issue with the tag, in that it cannot be previewed. You'll have to trust that it works when you post.

Inlining an attachment with one of these tags will also remove it from the usual list of attachments appended to the post, so if you inline tag all of your attachments, no attachment block will be displayed after your post.

Re: Attachments

Reply #1
The above tags have changed.

Code: [Select]
[attach type=image]n[/attach] (full size image)

You can choose how to align the inline image:
align=left : The image is aligned to the left and the text will flow around it
align=right : The image is aligned to the right and the text will flow around it
align=center : The image is centered and the text will be below it

example : [attach type=image align=right]n[/attach]
Be sure to leave only one space between options

Code: [Select]
[attach type=thumb]n[/attach] (thumbnail image)
[attach]n[/attach] (alternate thumbnail image)

You can choose how wide to show the image:
width=123 : The image is displayed 123 pixels wide
If the width specified is larger than the image or larger than the forum allows the largest allowable width will be used
Can be used to shrink a thumbnail as well [attach width=50]n[/attach] will display a 50px wide thumbnail

You can choose how tall to show the image:
height=123 : The image is displayed 123 pixels tall
If the height specified is bigger than the image or bigger than the forum allows the biggest allowable width will be used
Can be used to shrink a thumbnail as well [attach height=50]n[/attach] will display a 50px tall thumbnail

You can choose how to align the inline image:
align=left : The image is aligned to the left and the text will flow around it
align=right : The image is aligned to the right and the text will flow around it
align=center : The image is centered and the text will be below it

Code: [Select]
[attachurl]n[/attachurl] (simple link with size details)

Where n is the attachment number. To find the attachment number, add the files to and post the message. Open the message and view the URL of each attachment (this can usually be achieved by hovering mouse pointer). Look for attach=nnnn in the URL (nnnn is the attachment number). Edit your message to add the attachment number(s) to the tag(s) and save the changes.

type= seems incompatible with the resize options width= and height=.

Using one of these tags to Inline an attachment will also remove it from the usual list of attachments appended to the post, so if you inline tag all of your attachments, no attachment block will be displayed after your post.

Code: [Select]
[attach type=image]17014[/attach]

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
[attach type=thumb]17014[/attach]

Code: [Select]
[attach width=100]17014[/attach]

Code: [Select]
 Hydrogenaudio.jpg  (7.92 KB 272x196)

sample text

Re: Attachments

Reply #2
You can now inline attachments when adding images (.jpg, .gif, .png). Make sure your text cursor is positioned before adding the image (.jpg, .gif, .png). Click the symbol indicated in the image below. Select Size/Alignment. Click 'insert'.
