AAD already replaces invalid characters in placeholders (like %artist% and %album%). If you expand the Options area, there's a box to say which character to replace them by ("-" by default).
That is on the default here too ("-"), so it must be this, I guess:
Perhaps there is an invalid character in part of the path you are specifying directly? Try leaving placeholders in the path instead of having them resolved before they are sent to AAD.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to understand how to do this ;-)
This is my code and
$puts(AR,$cut($replace(%ARTIST%,' - ',+, ,+,'_',+,'&',+,'(',+,')',+,'[',+,']',+,':',+,';',+,',',+,'.',+),70))
$puts(AL,$cut($replace(%ALBUM%,' - ',+, ,+,'_',+,'&',+,'(',+,')',+,'[',+,']',+,':',+,';',+,',',+,'.',+),70))
/ar "$replace($get(AR),++, ,+, )"
/al "$replace($get(AL),++, ,+, )"
/p "$replace(%_path%,%_filename_ext%,)%%type%%%%source%%%%size%%.%%extension%%"
I understand, I have to remove all my replacements and put %%album%% and %%artist%% to /al and /ar ?
If so, how would I replace all the [ ; : ... which some sites have problems with? (At least, they had before some years when I initially did the repleacements because the unrepleaced searches broke those search engines)
Atm, I can't see how to benefit from the replacement for illegal chars by AAD and get mine as well.
It is not possible I guess? I have to do all the replaces by myself, or let AAD do it?
Thank you, your help is very much appreciated!