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Topic: foo_uie_tabs (Read 246369 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #250
If nothing is available within a couple of weeks, I may take a look at it. Considering that I am almost graduating with a CS degree, I better be able to do it  But in the mean time, my time is resevered for sleeping, eating, goofing off, and failing school.

I also downloaded the source code, but probably won't even be looking at it, since it's been a year since I did any C or Cplusplus.

On a side note, Phi must be done his exams by now... Odd that he shows no sign of life. Maybe he forgot.


Reply #251
Give him some breathing space guys.. He said he'll do it, Lets trust his words and wait ;]

We have enough skilled coders around that would do it in case he decides he cant spare the time for it.


Reply #252
We have enough skilled coders around that would do it in case he decides he cant spare the time for it.

That's exactly the point. Can any of these skilled coders just go ahead and port it? I'm sure it won't take too long. It would make so many people happy. Jeez, Phi said on March 24th he'll be porting it over the next week or so, so everyone is just patiently waiting. It's been more than a month now. However, there's no update about the progress if there's any, absolutely nothing. People don't have a clue about what's going on. Everyone is only bitching about "useless" bumping, although people are just trying to draw someone's attention. If Phi is too busy that's fine, just let people know. It could've been ported hundred times already by someone else. Ain't I right?


Reply #253
That's exactly the point. Can any of these skilled coders just go ahead and port it? I'm sure it won't take too long. It would make so many people happy. Jeez, Phi said on March 24th he'll be porting it over the next week or so, so everyone is just patiently waiting. It's been more than a month now. However, there's no update about the progress if there's any, absolutely nothing. People don't have a clue about what's going on. Everyone is only bitching about "useless" bumping, although people are just trying to draw someone's attention. If Phi is too busy that's fine, just let people know. It could've been ported hundred times already by someone else. Ain't I right?

Do you really think it is a due for the FREETIME developers to advise you when they dont have time to go on port plugins to v0.9? If that is the case your really are a foul. Sometimes i really wonder how old can be people who think such thing!

It could have been ported hundred times? Yeah, by people just like you who says again and again 'someone does it or i will do it!"
Leave those great guy who use there free time to participate to the great community of foobar. And if you re still not happy, use WMP!!!


Reply #254
Sadly, elishnevsky, Your kind of responses and thinking is exactly what takes the motivation out of developers like Phi.

Hell, I could probably try and port it myself, And G-Lite already ported several panels himself, So he can do it aswell.
The point is, This is Phi's work, And if he says he will take care of it, I dont think anyone else should.
It's HIS work. I have enough respect for him to wait until he makes further annoucements, one way or another.

So should you.


Reply #255
If your life is that diminished by the lack of tabs, maybe you should go back to v0.8.3...
voted 'Most likely to veer your thread' three straight years!


Reply #256
I cry each night in my bed cause I don't have my tabs.


Reply #258
I cry because I pitty you people crying about tabs, foobar 0.9.1 works awesome well even without tabs, musicmusic has done wonders with columns ui and almost every other component is updated.

remember foobar plays music, foobar currently plays music,

anything extra is just a bonus, what would be worth considering though is perhaps an intergration in columns ui as logically that would make the most sense... seeing as musicmusic already has tabs but for playlists, surely it wouldn't be that much more difficult tom implement.?


Reply #259
If i was in Phi's place, i would let you cry and never released an updated version

If i was an admin, i would have closed this thread weeks ago...


Reply #260
If that is the case your really are a foul.

In my post I didn't offend anyone. And you have absolutely NO right to openly call me a foul. I'm expecting an apology.

Hell, I could probably try and port it myself, And G-Lite already ported several panels himself, So he can do it aswell.
The point is, This is Phi's work, And if he says he will take care of it, I dont think anyone else should.
It's HIS work. I have enough respect for him to wait until he makes further annoucements, one way or another.

Your argument is very logical and makes complete sence. I was not aware of the fact that this is Phi's plugin. Thank you for pointing out. And I also apologize if my previous post seemed too emotional


Reply #261
With the new awesome power of foo_ui_columns, I have no need for foo_uie_tabs anymore, and probably wouldn't use it if it was ported over.


Reply #262
In my post I didn't offend anyone. And you have absolutely NO right to openly call me a foul. I'm expecting an apology.

I wont apology to people like who think that everything is due to them. Before posting, think just a little about what you write. As am i currently thinking about what i am writing i am gonna apology for one thing. I apology for the fact that you are the one taking the blame from me. Let me explain
I am a quite long time foobar user, and i never really participated to the community by developping some.
But now that i work (i am a full time developer) i really would like to help a little. Even more because there are things that i specificly want and which i dont want to bother developers with.
My point is that i am tired of seeing people like you who keep complaining about GOOD people work. If i decide to start develop plugins i wont be able to do it very often(especially because at work i am under linux:p) and i dont want those kind of posts like 'Where is he?' "what is he doing?" "I could at least give a sign!" and even worse.
Sorry but i think your post was one of the really bad ones.
If you want i apologise but please stop saying things like the one you posted and show a little more respect for those GREAT people


Reply #263
Alright, this whole issue is seriously getting boring and childish now. I'll close this thread until any further development takes place with this thing.


Thank you for all the work you have put into this plugin so far. In case you happen to port foo_ui_tabs over to 0.9 please simply just start a new thread about it. In case you really want this thread reopened please contact one of the mods in a PM.

Hope to see you around here when you find the time again to do so. Seems you have created quite apopular component here. 

Regards,  picmixer