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Topic: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer (Read 138571 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #850
I followed @Air KEN's lead (Thx) and installed foo_input_sacd. With the demo files from @Jackal29a I don't see anything wrong on the first play-through.

When the track restarts, however, I get @Sue Dunham's slow-mo behavior.

I have an idea where the problem starts. Stay tuned.
I fixed it in an internal build: a chicken and the egg problem. The renderer needs the sample rate of the audio before the first audio chunk gets presented. But to get the audio chunk I need the sample rate...

 The old work-around never gave a problem until now.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #851
Recently, I've updated one of my own spectrum analyzer projects to add a linegraph display like this below:
Which is a linearly-interpolated linegraph/area graph, as opposed to spline curves, so do you prefer linear interpolation for area graph visualization? If so, it shouldn't replace the current spline interpolation for linegraph visualizations and FFT bin interpolation for standard FFT visualization is still sinc/Lanczos (for parity with foobar2000's built-in Spectrum visualization obviously)

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #852
I always have the problem of updating the image if the panel is called in second instance and is not active:

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #853
Something needs to be fixed.

Artwork image:

It does not update correctly if the panel is not visible.

If there are multiple panels using the artwork, it is only visible on the active panel.


Once the menu has been called up and selected and the preset loaded, at the next request you must set the directory again to have the drop-down menu.


Once you have given the configuration OK to be visible you need to go to the next track to see if the changes have been made.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #854
Artwork image:

It does not update correctly if the panel is not visible.
If there are multiple panels using the artwork, it is only visible on the active panel.
Artwork has been a pain from the start. First, because I did not understand the fb2k API well enough, Then because of threading issues... I need more time to design a more stable solution.

Once the menu has been called up and selected and the preset loaded, at the next request you must set the directory again to have the drop-down menu.
Unable to reproduce. Remember that since v0.7.5.0 the preset path is no longer saved in a preset file for privacy reasons.

Once you have given the configuration OK to be visible you need to go to the next track to see if the changes have been made.
What do you mean by: "given the configuration OK to be visible"? What has been made visible?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #855
v0.8.0.0-beta2, 2024-08-18

* New: Radial Bar visualization.
* Improved: Smoothing factor can be specified with 2 decimals. (Forum request)
* Improved: The spectrum bars can be horizontally aligned in the graph area. (Forum request)
* Fixed: Rounding errors when calculating the gauge metrics with non-default DPI settings.
* Fixed: Gauge scale lines were too short (Regression).
* Fixed: Slow spectrum rendering with DSD streams.
* Builds with foobar2000 SDK 2024-08-07.

You can only download it from GitHub until the final release.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #856
At this point, I take my leave.

Since my reports are not taken into consideration it is useless for me to continue.


Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #857
At this point, I take my leave.

Since my reports are not taken into consideration it is useless for me to continue.

Your choice. If you don't answer when I ask for additional information I can't help you. And anything from the last 4 months I still need to look at.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #858
DSD works perfect in latest beta, many thanks pqyt!!

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #859
Thank you for the new release, it's almost perfect for me now !

The last cosmetic thing is I'm using the "near" horizontal alignment there is no this 1 px gap between the Left & Right bands.
Is it normal ?


Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #860
Thank you for the new release, it's almost perfect for me now !

The last cosmetic thing is I'm using the "near" horizontal alignment there is no this 1 px gap between the Left & Right bands.
Is it normal ?

[attach type=image]32063[/attach]
As build, yes. As expected, maybe not. The rendering starts at coordinate 0 in both cases. The graphs don't know about each other. I'll see what the effort is to add inter-graph gaps to the layout engine.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #861
This is an absolutely sick addon, and the very first one where I am able to not only recreate the output of my favorite foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum panel, which I use for lossless checks, but actually improve the detection quality.

Unfortunately, with just default settings the panel causes foobar2000 process to eat 25%+ of my Intel laptop GPU. I've tried to switch the process manually to the laptop's other 4090 Nvidia GPU, and it eats 15%+ of it instead. This also makes the OS feel just a tiny bit more stuttery.
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum, while old, abandoned and compiled 15 years ago somehow gets flat 0% usage of both CPU and GPU and feels very light on the system, so I'm going to continue using it for now.

I imagine all the DirectX stuff and transparency everywhere are ultimately not free.
I would love a checkbox that'd disable DirectX and the fanciness and just get the panel to output the spectrum.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #862
Something other than the spectrum must be eating your CPU, what other plugins are active?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #864
Something other than the spectrum must be eating your CPU, what other plugins are active?
nothing is eating my CPU, I'm talking about GPU
I've had a report where the latest GPU drivers caused excessive GPU usage (in that case they were from Intel). Check your GPU drivers.

I run 3 different instances at the same time all the time and never go above 1% GPU usage.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #865
I've had a report where the latest GPU drivers caused excessive GPU usage (in that case they were from Intel). Check your GPU drivers.

I run 3 different instances at the same time all the time and never go above 1% GPU usage.
Yes, my drivers for both GPUs are latest laptop OEM ones released this year. As mentioned earlier, the usage is 15%+ on either when Foobar2000 window with the visualization is in the foreground. I do get 0% GPU usage when app is minimized.
If you're really getting <1% GPU usage with the visualization up on your box and don't see this at all, it's still a good news since hopefully the drivers will get fixed at some point. Maybe it's even my personal laptop's model issue.
I don't want to search the thread, but since the GPU usage of 20% is mild and fairly unnoticeable until you look at GPU load, do you happen to have a clearer idea/data of how many systems have been confirmed to get the 0% usage and how widespread my 20%+ problem is?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #866
I've had a report where the latest GPU drivers caused excessive GPU usage (in that case they were from Intel). Check your GPU drivers.

I run 3 different instances at the same time all the time and never go above 1% GPU usage.
Yes, my drivers for both GPUs are latest laptop OEM ones released this year. As mentioned earlier, the usage is 15%+ on either when Foobar2000 window with the visualization is in the foreground. I do get 0% GPU usage when app is minimized.
If you're really getting <1% GPU usage with the visualization up on your box and don't see this at all, it's still a good news since hopefully the drivers will get fixed at some point. Maybe it's even my personal laptop's model issue.
I don't want to search the thread, but since the GPU usage of 20% is mild and fairly unnoticeable until you look at GPU load, do you happen to have a clearer idea/data of how many systems have been confirmed to get the 0% usage and how widespread my 20%+ problem is?
The issue went away when the user went back to a previous version of the drivers.

Intel is going the way of the dodo...

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #867
The issue went away when the user went back to a previous version of the drivers.

Intel is going the way of the dodo...
My second GPU the laptop is Nvidia RTX 4090 with OEM drivers and the issue reproduces on it as well if I force OS to use it for foobar process.
Do you think Intel drivers are are so bad they affect other GPU or nvidia is also affected?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #868
The issue went away when the user went back to a previous version of the drivers.

Intel is going the way of the dodo...
My second GPU the laptop is Nvidia RTX 4090 with OEM drivers and the issue reproduces on it as well if I force OS to use it for foobar process.
Do you think Intel drivers are are so bad they affect other GPU or nvidia is also affected?
No issues have been reported with nVidia (yet). If you sent me your preset file I'll have a look. Maybe one of the parameters is off.