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Topic: auto pause while certain process (mplayerc.exe) is running? (Read 3767 times) previous topic - next topic
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auto pause while certain process (mplayerc.exe) is running?


Is there any plugin or 3rd party program that can pause fb2k automatically when some certain processes start, eg mplayerc.exe/vlc.exe, and resume once the processes terminate?

So ppl don't need to press the pause hot key manually before and after playing a video clip.

And is it possible to extend the watch list to flashes inside browsers (youtube), and audio/video chat sessions inside IMs (MSN, skype)


auto pause while certain process (mplayerc.exe) is running?

Reply #1
i dont know if there is, but that sounds like overkill. pressing a hotkey is easy as pie.

auto pause while certain process (mplayerc.exe) is running?

Reply #2
less manual work is always better :)

atm I am using a batch file to play clips (requires foo_runcmd), but this does not work with browser flashes/IM

@echo off
set fb2k="D:\bin\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"
set mpc="D:\bin\mpc\mplayerc.exe"
%fb2k% /runcmd="Playback/Pause"
%mpc% %1 /d3dfs
%fb2k% /runcmd="Playback/Play"