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Topic: do not understand the pictures (Read 1929 times) previous topic - next topic
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do not understand the pictures


I tried to get a list if what I had posted here to tey and find some information on getting a stream to work, but I do not understand emojis or symbols.  I am too old and can only read words in English and in French, or the standard symbols used on VHS players.

Is there a guide to define what these symbols mean?  See enclosed screenshot.

I thought:-

- Home
- Friends
- Empty Space
- Church bells
- Moody conversations
- Normal conversation
- Law and Justice
- Wikipedia external link
- Foobar main website link.

Mine is a serious post.

iOS device with Foobar.  Internet Radio sought: Please

Re: do not understand the pictures

Reply #1
Try clicking on your username at the top left of your post in this thread; select the recent activity tab and:;u=164931

Re: do not understand the pictures

Reply #2

Re: do not understand the pictures

Reply #3
...I do not understand emojis or symbols.  I am too old and can only read words in English and in French, or the standard symbols used on VHS players.
Unfortunately it has become essential to have some understanding, eg that a cogwheel symbol is generally a tool button for settings, and a "hamburger" symbol (three horizontal lines, or three dots) opens more options.  If the designers are helpful, hovering over a symbol should bring up a "tool tip" – a bubble providing a text description of what the symbol means – but that works best with a mouse and not a touch screen.

There are standards for "accessibility" which demand such things, a tool button with no hover text is not helpful for blind people using screen reader software.

Is there a guide to define what these symbols mean?  See enclosed screenshot.
Your screenshot shows the forum top menu on a narrow screen.  If you turn your phone sideways, the menu buttons change to text.  Always try turning your phone sideways.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.