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Topic: About the search function... (Read 4605 times) previous topic - next topic
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About the search function...

I've seen that it's a recurring topic and that there have been changes and since many years now the integrated search function is provided by Google.

I just wanted to report that (unless it's me doing something wrong, in which case please tell me what) there seems to be some bug or something in this search function.
When I click on the foobar2000 forums and then I type "dolby" in the search box, there is no result.
But if I type Dolby Headphone Wrapper it does find the thread.

I suspect that there are several other instances of searches returning in no result which cause people asking questions which frustrate the oldies who then wonder why the newbies don't use the search function.

If this issue can be solved it would decrease the frustration of both groups I guess.

Other than that I really think that an advanced search where one can specify which forum and subforum and things like that, would be great.
And even better if there would also be the "search this thread" box, as requested many times in the last 20 years for what I see.
The better the search function, the more probable it is that people will actually use it.


Re: About the search function...

Reply #1
When I click on the foobar2000 forums and then I type "dolby" in the search box, there is no result.
But if I type Dolby Headphone Wrapper it does find the thread.

I'm not clear how you are performing the search.
The foobar2000 portal cannot be searched. No results will be found.
This issue still exists. Also posts that were created prior to 06/22 and moved to a new board (e.g. foobar2000 for mac) are still linked to the original board in a search. So searching the foobar2000 for mac board may not yield results but searching all foobar2000 boards will.
This topic describes various ways to search the foobar2000 boards. The topic was created prior to 06/22.

Re: About the search function...

Reply #2
The foobar2000 portal cannot be searched. No results will be found.

Oh, my bad, somehow I was sure that I had searched always in the foobar2000 portal, but apparently I must have searched "dolby" in the foobar2000 portal, and found no results, and then I have searched "Dolby Headphone Wrapper" in the main portal and found results, and so I thought that it was weird because I was sure that I was still in the foobar2000 portal.
I guess I wasted your time, sorry.

And I never noticed the drop menu because I only use this website for the foobar forums so I always directly go there.
Also the fact that Community is colored in blue made me think that it was already "selected", so it never occurred to me that there could be a hidden drop menu there.
Anyway. All good now.

I guess that the only thing left would be to implement the search within the current thread.
For instance, imagine that you are a newbie and you land on a 30 pages thread where you supposedly might find what you look for.
Right now you only have two options: read the whole 30 pages, or go to the advanced search and perform a search in the subforum of that thread (you'll find other results from other threads though).

I don't know which template does this community use for its forums, but I don't remember having seen any other place where the "search this thread" function wasn't present, so I am wondering if there's a particular reason why it's not present here?
I wish I could contribute more myself but I'm not a programmer, sorry.

Re: About the search function...

Reply #3
Also random posts that disappear forever, without any trace in off-topic section or recycle-bin section....