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Topic: [Not my release] Biography view (Read 537970 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #575
I encoded ampersand, thanks Marc

oh sorry, i didn't even look at your script. i just assumed it didn't based on the problem that was reported and the fact that mine works ok. 

I think that problem is not with script:

But in some cases it won't load anything (with or without'' &'' character):"];name=Cherish

also sometimes wiki goes first and then below is

maybe it causes some strange behavior...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #576
well like i said before, no issues with ampersands in my WSH panel mod scripts.


and the wiki coming first in some examples doesn't matter as the script is set to only use - it doesn't care where it is.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #578
so after all that, mire777 still hasn't wrapped the artist in double quotes. i guess i should pay more attention. 

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #579
so after all that, mire777 still hasn't wrapped the artist in double quotes. i guess i should pay more attention. 

I don't know what you're talking about, of course I'm wrapped artist in double quotes...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #580
Romor, just to say, thank you for this script, you saved my life. great work!
Thank you very much.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #581
Sanja, welcome to the forum, and thanks for your kind words

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #582
they are there in the wikipedia segment but not the

After seeing the content in biography view processed with xmllint, it seems like they use new lines on contents to format additional information, like History, Musical style etc., while biography text new lines are stripped. These stripped new lines can be "recovered" by replacing dot followed by two spaces with dot followed by two CRLF, i.e ".  " -> ".\r\n\r\n". I'll do that later today and provide script, as there is no "sed" equivalent on Windows.

Edit: Sooner than later, here is 6 line vbscript that renders as expected full bio:

How to use it (if script is placed in foobar root folder):

hi romor
would you be so kind and explain exactly (if possible with pics) what i have to do to get your script running

thank you


[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #583
Step by step walkthrough:

1. download the script from provided link and save it in foobar's folder
2. In foobar's preferences navigate to "Biography Server" page and from "Available source list" listbox, add "Run External Script" item to the "Current source list" list box. Move it to the top with the "Up" button
3. In foobar's preferences "Run External Script" page, in Artist tab, type exactly what you see in quoted image

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #584
Step by step walkthrough:

1. download the script from provided link and save it in foobar's folder
2. In foobar's preferences navigate to "Biography Server" page and from "Available source list" listbox, add "Run External Script" item to the "Current source list" list box. Move it to the top with the "Up" button
3. In foobar's preferences "Run External Script" page, in Artist tab, type exactly what you see in quoted image

Thanks, works perfectly
is it possible to get lastfm-bio in german ?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #585
Romor, thanks for the script, it works. Have you considered to creating a new script for displaying image, if something happens with the existing ones. seems no longer safe.. Thanks and continue your good work...

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #586
Don't remove from "Current source list" and images should show fine. There is no need for workaround

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #587
I updated biography script, as I noticed that it fails if artist name has non-ASCII character.
Problem was that unlike, echonest doesn't accept anything but UTF-8 encoded or ASCII query strings.
Those that use version with text caching, should check if 0 length files are present because of this issue, and delete all.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #588
Thanks for the update, works even faster than standard foo_uie_biography now,  thanks

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #589
Is it possible to add some effects when image change?
Would anyone update this plugin include this feature?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #590
that won't happen. the component itself is closed source and all the image stuff is done internally.

the developer has not been seen in a long time.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #591
that won't happen. the component itself is closed source and all the image stuff is done internally.

the developer has not been seen in a long time.

Oh, right, this is why can't I found his original source...
In the past, I think romor fork Biography view, and Biography view is open source. XD

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #592
Now it works LAST FM, how can I set the Italian language?

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #593
you can't. this 3rd party site is English only.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #594
I changed the address but does not work ..

WScript.Echo Replace(Replace(.selectSingleNode("/response/biographies/biography/text[../site='']").text, ".  ", "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf), ".  ", "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #595
of course not. as i said before, the script is using a 3rd party site (the echonest) -

it only supports english.

if you want to know why the script refers to "", look at this example server response....

you'll see there are 2 bios provided by wikipedia and the bit in the script selects only the article.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #597
I understand, it would take a foo with a site like this

Or some other solution.

This site does not use the biography, and that's what we want to use. if you want you can use already built in wikipedia and set your language there in: preferences>tools>biography server>wikipedia
for now it's not possible to change language for with echonest, but it probably will be possible in the future..

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #598
you could scrape data from just about any site if you have the skills. romor has already proven this with his allmusic script. but whether anyone would want to tackle that particular site is another matter entirely.

[Not my release] Biography view

Reply #599
This site does not use the biography, and that's what we want to use. if you want you can use already built in wikipedia and set your language there in: preferences>tools>biography server>wikipedia
for now it's not possible to change language for with echonest, but it probably will be possible in the future..

Wikipedia has less information, I prefer last fm but no Italian.
The Italian language is used shortly, I do not think that will be added to echonest

you could scrape data from just about any site if you have the skills. romor has already proven this with his allmusic script. but whether anyone would want to tackle that particular site is another matter entirely.

In fact, I asked you, I know you have the skills, but the problem is that the Italian is not in use, it takes someone who spends time