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Topic: Wanted v0.9 plugin ports (Read 757202 times) previous topic - next topic
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Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Note : Developers please consider adding your components to this topic, and anyone who have too much time on his hands might be glad to spend some of it keeping the wiki updated.

POST OUT OF DATE, here is a more up to date version or there is still the wiki.

In an attempt to make things clearer to everyone (developers & users), I would like -with your help- to regroup all the plugins that needs a 0.9 port and those that have been ported already.

I'll keep the list updated as often as I can

Please do not post a request if it's already in the list.
Updated plugins are listed at the bottom of this post.

## Wanted ports list :

foo_bluetooth_ctrl page / topic
foo_dirwatch port in progress topic - try foo_playlist_bind meanwhile
foo_dsp_reverb pm the sources to Farin if you have them
foo_dsp_wider no update planned, ask for sources if interested topic
foo_dynamics try foo_vlevel instead
foo_explorer try foo_uie_explorer
foo_filedate sources
foo_g15 use foo_winamp_spam as long as you don't minimize foobar it should work
foo_input_std (update requested to read LAME encoder infos)
foo_minibar 0.7source if anyone want to update it
foo_music_title_bar page (with sources)
foo_musicmagic (now known as musicip) source
foo_pl_hopper topic / topic2
foo_playlist_remote (Part of the bbfooplaylist) sources if anyone want to update it
foo_qconfig topic
foo_remote package
foo_seek_remote (Part of the bbseekbar) sources if anyone want to update it
foo_speex sources
foo_text / foo_text_ftp
foo_tts topic
Shoutcast DSP
Support for USF and GSF
WMA Tags support

## Updated plugins list :

foo_2hyperim 04.08.06 topic
foo_ac3 (see foo_packet_decoder_ac3 for MKA with AC3) page
foo_adpcm page
foo_advancedcontrols 21.04.06 page / download
foo_alarm NEW 12.09.06 v1.55 topic / download
foo_amipwrapper 04.08.06 page / topic
foo_asap 14.05.06 page / topic / download
foo_audioscrobbler 08.05.06 topic / download
foo_autoplaylist 24.04.06 v1.0 page / download
foo_benchmark 24.04.06 v1.0 page / download
foo_binpack 18.05.06 topic / download
foo_bitcompare 24.04.06 v1.1 page / download
foo_bookmark see foo_uie_bookmark
foo_browser 09.05.06 page / topic / download
foo_burninate 24.04.06 v2.0.1 page / download Nero required
foo_channel_mixer topic / page
foo_codepage_action see foo_masstag_addons
foo_comserver page
foo_controlserver topic
foo_convolve 08.05.06 page / topic / download
foo_cuesheet_creator 24.04.06 page / download
foo_custominfo NEW 12.09.06 v0.1.2 page / topic
foo_cwb_hooks 25.04.06 page / topic / download
foo_dbsearch page
foo_dop 02.06.06 topic / download
foo_dsp_atsurround 04.08.06 v0.1.5 page / topic / download
foo_dsp_bs2p page / topic
foo_dsp_centercut 04.08.06 topic / download
foo_dsp_continuator topic / page / download
foo_dsp_crossfeed page / download
foo_dsp_delta download
foo_dsp_dolbyhp 02.05.06 topic / download
foo_dsp_headphones9 4front headphones 23.06.06 page
foo_dsp_oss3ddsp 20.04.06 page (beware, this is a shareware component)
foo_dsp_pause see foo_dsp_silence
foo_dsp_silence page / topic / download
foo_dsp_skip_silence 23.06.06 topic
foo_dsp_soundtouch 29.06.06 topic / download
foo_dsp_ssrc NEW 12.09.06 v0.56 page / download
foo_dsp_tube 06.06.06 page / download
foo_dsp_vlevel topic / page / download
foo_dsp_winamp NEW 12.09.06 v1.4.1 page / downloa
foo_dsp_xover 09.05.06 page / topic / download
foo_dts 27.05.06 topic / not available for download anymore, copyright breach.
foo_dumb 02.06.06 page / download
foo_freedb2 page
foo_fullscreen component banned, see #15 here
foo_game 21.04.06 page / topic / download
foo_gep page
foo_history topic / download already functional but basic
foo_info_samurize see foo_samurize_info
foo_infobox 07.07.06 page / topic / download
foo_input_alac 24.04.06 v1.0 page / download stability issues
foo_input_dts 15.07.06 download
foo_input_matroska 01.05.06 topic / page / download
foo_input_monkey 05.06.06 v2.1.1 page / download
foo_input_mdx/mdc NEW 12.09.06 page download
foo_input_nsf NEW 12.09.06 page dowload
foo_input_ofr 04.08.06 v1.21b page / download
foo_input_s98 NEW 12.09.06 page download
foo_input_shorten page
foo_input_tta 24.04.06 page / download
foo_lirc 11.05.06 page / topic
foo_lnk page
foo_lock page
foo_lunar2 page
foo_lyricsdb 04.08.06 page / topic / download
foo_m1 11.05.06 page
foo_massdelete implemented in 0.9 / sources
foo_masstag_addons NEW 12.09.06 v0.2.3 topic / download
foo_matroska see foo_input_matroska
foo_meowdb page
foo_menu_addons NEW 12.09.06 v0.2.2 topic / download
foo_midi page
foo_mim_notify 04.08.06 download
foo_msnalt (foo_msn mod) page / topic / download
foo_navigator 23.06.06 page / topic
foo_notaskbar page / topic / download
foo_ofr see foo_input_ofr
foo_oggpreview implemented into 0.9 (Right click>convert>generate previews)
foo_openwith see foo_run
foo_osd / foo_osd_gdiplus page
foo_out_asio NEW 12.09.06 v1.2.4 page / download
foo_out_dsound_ex2 implemented into 0.9.2 (preferences>advanced)
foo_out_ks 24.04.06 v1.2.2 page / download
foo_packet_decoder_ac3 01.05.06 needed for AC3 in MKA page / download
foo_playcount (official) NEW 12.09.06 v1.3.1 page / download
foo_playcount (unofficial) page / topic / download
foo_playlistclear 22.05.06 page
foo_playlistfind see foo_uie_quicksearch
foo_playlist_bind 04.08.06 page / download
foo_playlist_name_enhanced 20.04.06 topic / download
foo_playlist_manager page
foo_playlist_output see foo_utils
foo_playlist_output_custom see foo_utils
foo_playlist_tree 03.05.06 page / topic / download
foo_playlistgen_ex see foo_autoplaylist if it's not enough, here are the sources
foo_pod see foo_dop
foo_prettypop 29.06.06 page / topic / download
foo_preview 04.08.06 page / download
foo_psf page
foo_pqview (with foo_common) page
foo_quicktag_sql see foo_custominfo
foo_random page
foo_run 16.06.06 topic / download
foo_samurize_info 27.05.06 page
foo_scheduler see foo_alarm not yet as powerful as of 12sept.06 but it's progressing quite well.
foo_sendtodevice 27.04.06 topic
foo_shn see foo_input_shorten
foo_sic 17.07.06 page download
foo_sid page
foo_skip 04.08.06 topic / download
foo_title 04.08.06 page / topic
foo_trackfinder 07.06.06 page / topic / download
foo_tradersfriend page
foo_ui_columns 29.04.06 page / download
foo_ui_minilyrics page / download / download(chinese version)
foo_uie_albumart 27.05.06 page / topicdownload
foo_uie_albumart_mka (albumart mod to read matroska covers) topic / page / download
foo_uie_albumlist 28.04.06 page / download
foo_uie_bookmark NEW 12.09.06 v0.0.4.9 topic / download
foo_uie_console 28.04.06  page / download
foo_uie_explorer 02.05.06 topic / download
foo_uie_lyrics 06.06.06 download
foo_uie_lyrics_panel 09.06.06 page / download
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown 17.05.06 topic / download
foo_uie_quicksearch 20.06.06 topic / download
foo_uie_search see foo_uie_quicksearch
foo_uie_tabs 09.07.06 download
foo_uie_trackinfo 03.05.06 topic / page / download
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod NEW 12.09.06 v0.5 topic / download
foo_uie_vis_projectm 10.06.06 topic
foo_uie_volume implemented into 0.9 (right click on menu>Toolbars>Volume or left click on volume display in the status bar)
foo_unpack implemented into 0.9 (must be selected in the setup)
foo_unpack_lha 29.05.06 page / download
foo_utils page
foo_verifier NEW 12.09.06 v1.0.1 page / download
foo_vis_projectM page / topic / download
foo_vis_samurize2 27.05.06 page
foo_wavpack supported by foo_input_std (therefore native in 0.9)
foo_winamp_spam topic / download
foo_wma implemented into 0.9.1
foo_write_http page / download
foo_xm 20.04.06 page / topic / download

NEW = New version
NEW = New item in the ported list
Dates are DD.MM.YY
Versions numbers will be added to any new component / new version, the ones without version number are older than september 2006 as far as I know.

If a download link is corrupted the plugin must have been updated without my knowledge, hit the page or topic link and search for an updated link (that you can post here).

Many descriptions of what these plugins do are available either on the wiki or in this topic

Thanks for your support, and feel free to correct anything wrong.

POST OUT OF DATE, here is a more up to date version or there is still the wiki.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #1

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #2

that's all I want to have

oh yes, toaster would be nice too
My English sucks, sorry!

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #3
I'm currently waiting for:

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #4

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #5

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #6
Besides some of already stated in the first post i would also like to have the following plugins:

Inter Deum et Diabolum semper Musica est", Tanzwut

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #7
Some of these plugins are indeed plugins suited for specific needs, but the ones like foo_infobox should long been in the default foobar installation. It makes life so much easier and whatever it is replacing is far more inefficient.

I don't see why everytime fb2k is updated we need to find the developers of such essential plugins and get them to update their stuff again. What if no one can find them?
The object of mankind lies in its highest individuals.
One must have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #8

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #9
(couldn't find those, sorry if I repeated something)

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #10
foo_ui_columns is already updated!


Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #11
Note that some of the plugins mentioned in here have already been ported to 0.9

If you really want to make a thread like this, I'd like to see the first post contain some kind of status info for each plugin, a link to the updated version once the plugins are ported, and maybe a link to the relevant discussion thread.

[...]the ones like foo_infobox should long been in the default foobar installation. It makes life so much easier and whatever it is replacing is far more inefficient.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=373517"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Doesn't it just enable people to keep old usage habits from the Winamp days instead of learning how to make proper use of foobar's more efficient native interfaces?
foo_ui_columns is already updated!

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=373525"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Indeed, and so are foo_audioscrobbler and foo_dsp_delta.
A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #12
Note that some of the plugins mentioned in here have already been ported to 0.9

If you really want to make a thread like this, I'd like to see the first post contain some kind of status info for each plugin, a link to the updated version once the plugins are ported, and maybe a link to the relevant discussion thread.

I totally agree with you but I don't have the time to do is on my own so thanks for pointing out that some plugins are already ported, I'll move them to a new list then, and please if you have a link feel free to post it here, it should make his way into the list too.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #13
foo_massdelete (or foo_Delete)

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #15
foo_massdelete Author is willing to port it (
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=373551"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Why not use the buil-in feature -> File operations -> Delete files? Maybe I don't understand completely what foo_massdelete does in the end, but seems like the built in feature should be good enough. (It deletes files and if the folder is left empty it asks if you want to delete the folder as well...)
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #16

Very usefull

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #18
Perhaps the ability of assigning a shortcut is missing.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #19

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #20
foo_speex (enables playback of the Speex file format)

UPDATE: Now natively supported by 0.9.3 beta 1

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #21
foo_dsp_crossfeed appears to have already been ported, but no download location exists for it.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #22
foo_dsp_crossfeed appears to have already been ported, but no download location exists for it.

Seems to be available from this site.

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #23
Perhaps the ability of assigning a shortcut is missing.

[a href="][/url]

Like this?
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

Wanted v0.9 plugin ports

Reply #24
foo_dsp_continuator is very useful for me.  Allows for intelligent, seamless crossfading between tracks.
Antd of course, WigBam's
foo_cue_ex for extended cuesheet support.

I also very much liked the old database search utility, but I can't remember what it was called.  Perhaps the new media library plugins can be far better.

Also, the old freedb tools were useful... can't wait for those.